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#294121 by Vampier
Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:41 am ... Land of the Free ??????? NOT ANY LONGER ... What will you do WHEN the "Internet" goes down ???? Die ? ... NWO ... Pakistan and China ... and Russia ? The Fall of usa INC.
#294126 by DainNobody
Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:46 pm
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle
Sun Tzu
#294127 by DainNobody
Mon Feb 18, 2019 6:16 pm
US Fema Concentration Camps in Case of Martial Law - Full List ... ist-309297
#294150 by Vampier
Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:03 am ... the usa INC. is cutting off it's tongue to spite it's face. ... Hypocrisy and Political Evil Filth continues in the usa INC. ... the usa INC. continues it's Lies, Deranged Activities and "Great Work". ... Japan , a country exclusive and devoid of the Political and Domestic FILTH of the usa INC. ... The Twilight of the usa INC. is a reality now
#294169 by Vampier
Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:41 am .... the russian collusion was a LIE but the hypocritical usa INC. meddling all over the world is not and never has been a LIE. ... oh it just is not the same when another country puts the usa INC. in it's place. The only countries invited into Syria are Russia and Iran (possibly turkey and Iraq). The usa INC. was never invited and is in VIOLATION of INTERNATIONAL LAW. This sounds like a form of Poetic Justice to me. Bolton the Dolt and a gaggle of other Political filth are Evil and in violation of The Constitution and International Laws and The Ten Commandments. They are TRAITORS to Humanity itself. Is it not "fair" that the idiots who "voted" them in and "voted" for those who appoint them suffer the embarrassment, penalty and humiliation for them ? After all these disgusting creatures are "The Elites" and those responsible for keeping the stupid or ignorant or both "masses" debating in argument, voting, campaigning and very busy with ridiculous distraction ... the usa INC. has become the most HYPOCRITICAL COUNTRY in the World now thanks to it's Ruling State D.C. (District of Criminals) ...and pedophiles
#294172 by DainNobody
Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:46 pm
Adrenochrome..drug of choice..note the elites live to ripe old ages?...
#294173 by Planetguy
Fri Feb 22, 2019 4:26 pm
Vampier wrote: .... the russian collusion was a LIE but the hypocritical usa INC. meddling all over the world is not and never has been a LIE. ... oh it just is not the same when another country puts the usa INC. in it's place. The only countries invited into Syria are Russia and Iran (possibly turkey and Iraq). The usa INC. was never invited and is in VIOLATION of INTERNATIONAL LAW. This sounds like a form of Poetic Justice to me. Bolton the Dolt and a gaggle of other Political filth are Evil and in violation of The Constitution and International Laws and The Ten Commandments. They are TRAITORS to Humanity itself. Is it not "fair" that the idiots who "voted" them in and "voted" for those who appoint them suffer the embarrassment, penalty and humiliation for them ? After all these disgusting creatures are "The Elites" and those responsible for keeping the stupid or ignorant or both "masses" debating in argument, voting, campaigning and very busy with ridiculous distraction ... the usa INC. has become the most HYPOCRITICAL COUNTRY in the World now thanks to it's Ruling State D.C. (District of Criminals) ...and pedophiles

Well, it seems I owe someone an apology.

I have NO idea where I might have EVER gotten the silly notion that you're an operative for the rooskies spreading malignant fodder to incur hatred of the US!

Please, accept my apologies. What WAS I thinking??!?!??!

i guessed I missed all the OTHER musical and/or artistic things you're always sharing! And how you (not so) regularly choose to interact with other musicians here. you don't engage in anything musical related and rarely actively interact w anyone outside this thread.

You at least used to do a better job of occasionally popping in for a drive by in someone's music thread, or you might even toss off a comment about someone's performance on a tune or video. no more. so, what is it....a too busy posting schedule elsewhere posting on forums w readers you've deemed more reachable (read: susceptible) that's had you decide... THAT part of the charade isn't worth the paltry dividends it's likely to yield playing to the half dozen or so "musos" here?

Surely you might see how someone might have the takeaway that your only reason to come to a music site is the continual force feeding you deliver of you slamming the US! 8)

hey, i know, lets play a little game if you're up for it.....

it'll go like this. I'll admit that the US had made some egregious and horrible mistakes and continues to do so. atrocious things.

now it's your turn....let's hear you talk some $hit on Putin and Russia. that won't be a problem for someone who's NOT an operative.....but damn, ME? if I was batting for that team, i sure as $hit wouldn't want there to be any record of me bad mouthing the mgr or my teamates to be found on my hard drive!

hah. just some $hits and grins for a friday AM. :D

everybody keep fighting the fight.
#294176 by Vampier
Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:49 pm
Best Guitarist ... yes absolutely ... quite literally vampiric. Ta for your Post.

Planet Guy I thank you for your Post. Your criticisms are for the most part not unfounded excepting the ridiculous "Russian Operative" which I take as light insult used to season your Post. I do at times engage in such as well. Let me say that engaging in MUSIC is something I do constantly ... just not here very much as you correctly noted. In the beginning I did have a go but soon the realities struck home. Many on here are musos of one sort or another but it is only a "hobby" for most and their artistic merit is quite low brow. Year after year of being nothing more than a living Juke box is not to anyone artistic and creative very fulfilling. But there are many who write and Post their music. I admire them and you amongst them.

Now because of our deep and meaningful relationship, I mean because I do respect you in many ways, I will attempt to explain my "views" on such. Creation ... Real Artistic Creation comes from INSPIRATION of some sort. It can be a hot girl you "did" or even a Spiritual experience you may have had. The source always dictates the magnitude of significance in my opinion. More often than not for me it comes from directly within ... thoughts, feelings, meditations, realizations, disappointments ... etc. I fully accept that everyone is different. This is as it should be. But regarding BM... other "creative individuals" are so dumbed down or conditioned, or ego centric or politically blinded that they can not even think or understand their realities, never mind those of others. so being expedient I simply do not care to engage in such useless and nonproductive prattle.

Now you and others quite often mistake my feelings and statements as utterly ego-maniacal and I understand how such can be misconstrued. I UNDERSTAND but quite frankly I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN. I have no time for such, especially now and in light of things as they are. My Art has long been my "Soul" in many ways. Regardless of what may happen to me or what others might do to me ... my Art, my Creative Abilities and my THOUGHTS remain. I have attempted on a great many occasions to have serious dialogue with some on here but .... I have shown a great deal of patience but to no avail. I have long ago become used to criticism and not being understood nor cared about. Mocking can be included as well. One can not swim without getting wet.

I had thought I might actually find a few musos of like mind and abilities and even interests but I was most definately wrong in this. I take it as a sign of the Times ... a sign of The End. It only confirms my suspicions. And yes I have connected with a very few but for me that is most excellent and rewarding ... enough to justify my Thread. To myself. I had assumed in the beginning that I may find some "young blood" so to speak but no. I have reached that possibly with an exception of a miniscule few... the balance are lost. But I only need a few ... a SELECT FEW.

Your ridiculous assumption that I do not do anything musically is like me saying how many times I think you make Love to your Wife. I do not know and regarding my musical activities neither do you. But I understand why you might assume such. In Truth over a decade ago when I first came to this Desert by the Sea ... it quickly became apparent to me that there are no musos here which are of the caliber I seek. Hence BM and hence also my disappointment in Humanity and how far it has fallen. So instead I spent that time, up until a few months ago writing and composing Seven Distinct and Seperate Productions ... My "Rings". I intend to perform them Live , one show every night for a week in a Circus Tent touring much like the classic circus. They each stand on their own and also fit together quite nicely. Now I seek at the moment only one muso ... a keyboardist to aid me in working out the basic parts. In the meantime i am putting together the backing and logistics of such which is also as you would know challenging.

I have never done anything creatively and personally just for money. I hate money ... it is filthy, dirty, disgusting, diseaseridden and despicable .... I do not care for it and very rarely carry it on my person. This is spiritually based. The requirements for musos in my project is high, total and forever. The rewards are not monetary. I do not expect very many to understand this. Evil grows all around us but we need not open the door and invite it in. ... very soon the "government" in the usa INC. will be doing Home Inspections of New Borns to make certain they are poisoned by vaccines and to raise funds for "Violations" within the home and in some cases where child is fancied ... to remove the Child and "use it up". Land of the phucking Free ? You have to be kidding. Building a Wall is an Emergency but not culling the Future.

THE REST OF THE WORLD IS AWAKENING AND THE USA INC IS NOT THE CENTRE OF THE WORLD AND HAS NEVER EVER EVEN BEEN. Russia is just as phucked up but is moving in a much more wholesome and less Evil direction now. The USA INC. is not the Centre of the World despite what it's poisoned useless eaters have been led to believe. Hypocrites ... it's leaders and it's masses. It has been made into a cesspit. ... INVASION is "Aid" yeah and WAR IS PEACE
#294177 by Planetguy
Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:08 pm
a busy schedule today (and likely the next few days) robs me of the time i wish i had for a more detailed reply. For now, suffice it to say that i thank you for taking the time for your's, and thanks for not donning armor to do battle . Not at all what i sought. 8)

i will get back w more when time allows.
#294178 by Vampier
Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:25 pm
Planet Guy ... Ta for the reply. I look forward to hearing from you and I fully understand the "Time" thing. It is nice to know that at least we are past where we both once were. Ta. ... Does the usa INC. really do "False Flags" ????? Ummm what about YEMEN ? ... LIES, LIES ... a way of life and death not only in usa INC. because they will bring it to you !!!!!!! "Democracy" is fast becoming identified as DEATH. ... Evil frolics all around. Awaken to it. THERE IS NO "RAPTURE". And for most there will be NO FORGIVENESS because they are gone, lost, denying FOOLS. "Historie" is being made all around you now, it always has been but now it is the final throes of this world. Time is growing dim and very soon you will only be reacting to events not creating them.

UPDATE ... ... now at the instigation of the usa INC. and their Obama Puppet some have died and this is only the beginning. The usa INC. is instigating violence in Haiti where The Hag has already murdered and assured hatred. Bolton the Dolt and Abrams the Evil Liar are working hard to foment violence in a couple other places as well. Foreign Policy ? Call it EVIL by it's true name. Many of the Sheeple are clapping and braying like seals and Jackasses as they "support the troops". Trump is trying to instigate civil war and treason because he desires and needs the oil and gold. Hope that things would be better after The black Messiah are being dashed. It seems perhaps that little has changed. Lies, False Flags, Instigations, Murders ... where are the Zionists ???? Soon ... very Soon. ... Ironic ... the usa INC. condemns it's own activities. ... The Truth ... Troops STAY in Syria ... the usa tries to stage a Coup and revolution in Venezuela. ... Will Revolution be coming to the usa INC. soon ??? ... if you live in a big City in the usa INC. then leave asap.
#294179 by schmedidiah
Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:36 am
Vampier wrote: if you live in a big City in the usa INC. then leave asap.

is that the title of the new single from your Armie Of Seven? :lol:
#294182 by schmedidiah
Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:41 am
Vampier wrote: ... 5G and EMP ... are coming and you are "going".

oh hurray!!! according Vampy i'm gonna die. :lol:
#294183 by Vampier
Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:11 am ... UPDATE ... the usa INC. needs to get it's butt out of Syria. Trump Lies, Bolton of course Lies, the "Government" of the USA Lies. Ron Paul was of course right. ... If you do not have a struggle then you are not truly living. ... Bolton the Dolt needs to be "removed" asap. He is a LIAR, MURDERER and MINION OF EVIL. He is a small part of what plagues the usa INC. ... the victims of the usa INC. will conitnue ... What about YEMEN ? ... A REAL MUSICIANS OPINION OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN usa INC.'s latest INVASION ... Hmmmmm ? What does anyone think about this ?

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