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#293924 by ghost 62
Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:37 am
will its that time of year when I visit Bandmix, nothing to do but play my guitar and watch the frozen squirrels fall out of the trees onto my awning . hope all is well with everyone and that you all are still playing and achieving your musical goals . god I love youtube , it makes learning songs so much easier , how many songs are only 4 chords, I think I just learned 6 songs with the same chords { am c g d } now if I put my capo on I can play 6 more , just moving it down the neck . hey if I tune my geetar to open E , I will only have to use one finger . just a few more drinks of crown . wow I should change my strings, they look bad . matter of fact I need to clean it too, just a couple more shots of tequilla . I recently learned to play 3 songs on the keys, semisonics closing time , black keys ,gotta get away and uhhh ,1 more shot of vodka should do it , well I hope its warm where your at ,feel free to rant on this post.I think I need some rolaids
#293926 by schmedidiah
Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:30 pm
great rant. so are you stuck there? can't go to the the store for more...….guitar strings? :wink:
#293932 by ghost 62
Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:49 pm
even worse , I actually have strings in my bar ,I mean case, todays so much better only 25 below with wind chill , will at least I can get a lot of guitar practice in ,once my fingers thaw, not much else to do .thx for the response
#293965 by ghost 62
Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:32 am
I decided to write this song in a e blues riff ,I will call it the Michigan winter blues ,feel free to add whatever frozen state you live in. woke up this morning ,to find my blankets gone,my lovely lady took them and left the fan on chorus {-yeah im freezing baby , I got the Michigan winter blues , just 5 degrees colder and Id be living in a igloo . } went to the car ,full of ice and snow , the damn thing wouldn't start ,so I had to get a tow { chorus } yeah im freezing baby , I got the Michigan winter blues ,just five degrees colder ,id be living in a igloo. they stopped the mail ,they closed the schools , now the bars aren't even open ,what the hell am I suppose to do . { chorus } { lead } I was watching tv ,I heard on the news ,the police chief said ,crime was canceled ,they would have to find something else to do { chorus } yeah im freezin baby ,I got the Michigan winter blues, just 5 degrees colder id be living in a igloo da end
#293980 by schmedidiah
Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:57 pm
good song. but i'm hearing it in Bb. :mrgreen:
#293986 by ghost 62
Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:32 pm
that will work too , or maybe we can get the chick from ginger to sing it , and turn it into a thrash metal tune
#293989 by Mordgeld
Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:54 pm
ghost 62 wrote:that will work too , or maybe we can get the chick from ginger to sing it , and turn it into a thrash metal tune

You mean Jinger? I saw them at a small club here with Hellheart, Raven Black, and Devil Driver. We hung out a bit with Raven Black after the show but Tatiana seemed not too happy to be in a club that size. (I'm hearing that a bigger club pushed the show off of their date) Jinger bolted as soon as they were done. You can see a nice pic of the singers from HellHeart and Raven Black together on my local talent thread.
#293991 by ghost 62
Sat Feb 02, 2019 11:22 pm
oops ,you are so right ,thx

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