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#293778 by Ancient Vegan
Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:15 pm
I didn't forget to mention your Farmers Market gig.

Have you thought about getting Geritol to sponsor your band?

Might be a couple of extra bucks.

No one could ever think your hateful Pg.
Unless they read any of your threads. :mrgreen:
#293780 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:41 pm
Ancient Vegan wrote:I didn't forget to mention your Farmers Market gig.

Have you thought about getting Geritol to sponsor your band?

Might be a couple of extra bucks.

No one could ever think your hateful Pg.
Unless they read any of your threads. :mrgreen:

Try reading your own threads, Lynrd. Tell us about all the paying gigs you are doing right now. If you are not doing any, then you should shut the f up.

Mark, if you ignore him he'll get bored and start picking on Dane again!
#293783 by Planetguy
Fri Jan 18, 2019 4:00 pm
Mike, I feel bad for the old illiterate hillbilly. If he didn't have coming for my scalp every time he's logs on here....what reason would the bitter and decrepit old coot have to get out bed for?

not only hasn't he played a gig in forever, let's not forget he's never once shared any of his music here.

why? by his own acct.... he explained a while back that he didn't know how to record/share music on the web. this is 2019 and there's a "musician" here who's too dim to figure that one out! :roll:

enough said! 8)

hey AV, maybe Dane can explain it to you!
#293785 by DainNobody
Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:52 pm
Guys..Imma still trying to figure out the acronym assigned to me?..PD?..perfect dayne?..proud dayne?..phallic dayne?..LOL :lol:
#293786 by schmedidiah
Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:01 pm
Daynyrd Dylann wrote:Guys..Imma still trying to figure out the acronym assigned to me?..PD?..perfect dayne?..proud dayne?..phallic dayne?..LOL :lol:

I'm Shed and I approve of this message. :lol:
#293820 by Ancient Vegan
Tue Jan 22, 2019 4:55 pm
Hey Mike I'm not playing any paying gigs right now, are u? Making any money on your CD?

You can question my musicianship all you want, I've nothing to prove on this forum.
And what I did have to prove, I proved it when this forum was about players, not you
pizza parlor, farmers market players. Should have been here it was great.

I think you can directly time the death of this forum to Pg's arrival.

Pg the one whose got to go on and on about his musical adventures, and run down anyone
who critiques him, and then says he doesn't. He's got this image of himself of somebody who
doesn't call names, yet that's all he does.

And I don't mind pointing it out, cause he'll come back with a truckload of bs and name calling, but
sware he doesn't.

PD anything you want from me you should be man enough to come tell me face to face.
I'm easy to find, and I'll tell you face to face what PD stands for, since you've forgot.
Anytime MOFO

I do enjoy it. :mrgreen:
#293823 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:12 am
Ancient Vegan wrote:You can question my musicianship all you want, I've nothing to prove on this forum.
And what I did have to prove, I proved it when this forum was about players, not you
pizza parlor, farmers market players. Should have been here it was great.

You've got EVERYTHING to prove, none of us have seen any evidence of your playing ability (or lack thereof). All we see is your constant deriding of players here who ARE making money playing music. Jealousy is not pretty, and neither are you.

And yes, I am currently making money regularly from music, thanks for asking.
#293827 by Ancient Vegan
Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:40 pm
I got nothing to prove.

Jealous of you? :lol:

r u really making any money?

Pgs fulltime and doesn't make in a week at the truckstops, wineries, and fm markets, what I make in a hour.
Hardly full time. If your working at music and making that kind of money, your just cutting the good bands
out of work.

Mike you probably shouldn't be so free with your stuff, until you find a singer, cause you can't.
You sound like prime material to throw tomatoes and beer bottles at. :mrgreen:
#293829 by Planetguy
Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:00 pm
Ancient Vegan wrote:Pgs fulltime and doesn't make in a week at the truckstops, wineries, and fm markets, what I make in a hour.
Hardly full time.

Apples and oranges, Clem.

I work in the saloon part of the truckstop playing music FOR truckers. You work in the Men's room playing WITH truckers. :lol:

Ancient Vegan wrote:.... he'll come back with a truckload of bs and name calling, but
sware he doesn't.

I'll "sware'"?????? :lol:

You know what? I have to apologize for calling you an "an illiterate hillbilly with a third grade education".
That was both cruel and unfair......

... to illiterate hillbillies everywhere! :lol:
#293833 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:18 pm
Ancient Vegan wrote:I got nothing to prove.
You really need to learn the English language, you meant to say 'I have nothing to prove with'.
[quote0r u really making any money? [/quote] Damn straight I do.
Mike you probably shouldn't be so free with your stuff, until you find a singer, cause you can't.
You sound like prime material to throw tomatoes and beer bottles at.
Hah, showing that jealousy again - until you show ANYONE what you can do, you've no basis on judging anyone else's music here. No idea what you mean by 'free with your stuff'. I get invited to play shows regularly, while you're doing what exactly? :roll:
#293904 by Ancient Vegan
Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:45 pm
I'm not the first one whose told you, you can't sing, nor the last.

Me trying to prove anything on the internet, you got be phukking crazy.

We use to invite guys up who couldn't sing, just to give the crowd a laugh.

Think about it next time your "onstage", just how crappy you singing voice is.

That's why they don't call you Singer Mike.

And Planet Gal, I shore don't want to hear about your escapades in the men's restroom at the truckstop.
I thought you didn't kiss and tell? Just another lie, from a big time ego. :mrgreen:
#293907 by Planetguy
Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:05 pm
Ancient Vegan wrote:We use to invite guys up who couldn't sing, just to give the crowd a laugh.

and whatta DOUCHEBAG move THAT is, shared by you, DOUCHEBAG NUMERO UNO!

Wow, you ACTUALLY think that's a FUNNY thing TO DO...Inviting people up so you could laugh at them!!!!

No big surprise, considering you ARE the douche who suggested Haley molested his daughter. :oops:

And Planet Gal, I shore don't want to hear about your escapades in the men's restroom at the truckstop.
I thought you didn't kiss and tell? Just another lie, from a big time ego. :mrgreen:

:lol: "shore"??? :lol:

you '"shore"??? don't want to hear about....' :lol:

and what "shore" would that be? is it the "shore" you're from???? the one where they never learnt yoo how to tawk rite and rite rite? :lol:

i'd appreciate it, and i bet we all would.... if you'd stop going on and on about all this gay stuff that you come back to in every post of your's.

you really seem obsessed with it, and if that's how you swing....that's your business. but, crikey... you just don't have to keep bringing it up ...keep it to yourself.
#293917 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:53 am
Where you been since last week, Lynyrd? They must have let you out of jail after they rounded up all the vagrants in Springfield the other night. :lol: Too bad they didn't have the chance to give you the mandatory delousing and shave and haircut.
#293918 by DainNobody
Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:15 pm
He is pissed at Charlie cause Charlie who sells at swap meet gave Lynyrd much grief about the hair thing..I beg you Guitar Mike to never mention anything associated with Lynyrd-Hair cause from the rumors I heard about Lynyrd from fellow is a sore spot and will inflame Lynyrd immensely..dont do it Guitar Mike..just dont do it..LMAO :lol:
#293923 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:08 pm
Daynyrd Dylann wrote:He is pissed at Charlie cause Charlie who sells at swap meet gave Lynyrd much grief about the hair thing..I beg you Guitar Mike to never mention anything associated with Lynyrd-Hair cause from the rumors I heard about Lynyrd from fellow is a sore spot and will inflame Lynyrd immensely..dont do it Guitar Mike..just dont do it..LMAO :lol:

I bet there's a reason for that baseball cap.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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