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#288510 by MikeTalbot
Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:40 pm

The military was gutted? How are we able to fight wars on every continent but Australia and Antarctica? Our defense budget is equal to the rest of the world combined, literally. Who threatens us? We are now supporting Al Queda (renamed Al Nusra) and created ISIS (thanks McCain, Hillary and Obama).

Why are we killing people for Israel and Saudi? I don't get it? The Saudis did the towers (those pricks) and Israel can take her of herself. The Russians would be happy to do in ISIS so let them. They want to be pals but the neocons won't let them, they need an imaginary enemy and they are themselves, nothing but a bunch of Trotskyites masquerading as conservatives.

22 of our guys are committing suicide every daggone day. Let's bring them home where they belong. Put them on the border. Follow the historic Austrian strategy and make them 'Grenzers.' Part time soldiers, part time tradesmen/farmers etc. So many stupid wars and our soldiers always come home alone...I know I did. My suggestion could fix that.

I did a lot of research into ptsd after my pal Dawson shot himself. It's an ugly picture and some of it has to do with fighting meaningless wars. An Afghan vet told me that after he shot his first Abdul, he asked himself, "Whose country is this? What am I doing?"

Our military isn't gutted, it's slowly being driven insane.

Sorry for the commentary but I'm pretty unhappy about this crap.

#288519 by MikeTalbot
Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:33 am
A liberal bent? Well, when I was writing for I was call a Nazi and a communist in the same vitriolic email.

I've killed men. It should only be done when it matters at a lot and it hurts a lot of soldiers to do it even when it matters and a lot more when it doesn't mean a damn thing. Yeah, I'm against all these chickenshit wars. And that's hardly liberal - Hilary and her pals Obama and McCain are all for it.

#288521 by schmedidiah
Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:16 pm
Better toe the line Mike. Don't get called out as having a "liberal bent" by Glennny. That's where it all started going downhill for me. I still haven't recovered and the worst part? I find that 3 out of 4 righties on the board agree that my music sucks. Well, gotta go practice and try some lernin to see what little musical abilities I had and can recover. :mrgreen:
Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:57 pm
Hell Mike , this crap has been going on for to long.
I always thought our constitution provided that it was such a grave issue that it MUST be decided by a collective thought of more than one man. CONGRESS!
Furthermore I would personally call for support of any troops called into a hostile environment. If we put one of our troops into a hostile situation. They MUST be backed by the full force and might and money to kill, destroy and devastate any enemy engaged!
#288536 by JCP61
Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:44 am
MikeTalbot wrote:Glenn

Our military isn't gutted, it's slowly being driven insane.

#288547 by Vampier
Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:51 pm
Talbot, Glen and JCP ... Ta for the great Posts. Very thought provoking and extremely relevant. At least I feel that way about them. Debate need not be reduced to a Kindergarten Level on BM always. You guys get your points across without excessive whining and insulting ... because you all at least have some education, intellect and consideration with RESPCT for one another. Admirable. I thank you.
#288551 by schmedidiah
Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:05 pm
Vampier wrote: RESPCT

Is Gleen contagious? :mrgreen:
#288559 by schmedidiah
Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:14 pm
ANGELSSHOTGUN wrote:Yes! have you had your smallpox vaccination ?


Gleen, we established months ago that the word is spelled asshole and the website doesn't even censor it. :mrgreen:
#288562 by JCP61
Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:05 am
“The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.”

G K Chesterton
#288567 by schmedidiah
Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:13 am
Gleen is indeed my frenemie. :lol:
#288595 by Mordgeld
Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:12 pm
ANGELSSHOTGUN wrote:Did I ever talk about the time I went fishing?
I caught a minnow down at the bait store.
Small fish, not worth the time.

I went fly fishing one time and caught a fly. It landed on the reel and a loop of line went over it. And here I was thinking, at least I'm gonna catch a buzz today.

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