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#166435 by MikeTalbot
Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:28 pm
The last time I answered an ad for musicians, dancers and actors I ended up selling office supplies on the phone!


#166438 by fisherman bob
Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:31 pm
Fascinating. A man in so many movies, TV series, lived in so many different places, always shrouded in costume, couldn't see his face, yet for decades he decides to only give away the fruits of his magnificent labor...gosh it sounds like a possible subject for my new website

#166439 by Tennessee Jedi
Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:35 pm
Oh man I love Star Wars !

#166623 by KLUGMO
Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:24 pm
You know, as ODD as this guy was. He brought an enjoyable break
in the norm around here. I'm gonna miss his "Lord Of The Rings" mentality.[/b]

#166640 by Slacker G
Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:07 pm
I'm watching Star Wars right this moment just so I can see him.

I see him!! ... there he goes.... I think that's him.

No . Wait a minute. There he is. I see him now.

Bummers, that's not him. I think he's the other storm trooper.

Nope. Guess that wasn't him either.

Sh!t, Here he comes!! Nope. That's not him.

Wait a minute, I think this is the scene where he gets shot!

Oh well. I thought for sure that was him. It was him !! At least it coulda been him ..... :cry:
#166817 by Vampier
Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:55 pm
I am still here. Your statement regarding the Lord of the Rings is more apt than you probably realize. The films were quite good but the books were much better. Did you read them ? If you did then perhaps with a bit of thought you can see the chilling resemblance between the story and what is the reality that is going on all around you at this precise moment in time. Have you read Brave New World...1984....Animal Farm...Lord of the Flies ? Check them out if you have not ... before they are banned. It seems to be that the general musician is not really very aware of the life around him and this to me must impede the creative process and the relevance of whatever is created. Your thoughts are most welcome on this and I thank you for your kind words.

#166819 by Shapeshifter
Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:06 pm
Personally, I'm glad you came back. If find you very interesting. I figured that the hooligans had chased you away (wait...I'm one of the hooligans!)
I'm sure it matters very little to you, but I just wanted to point this out. Your only real mistake is that you seem to be performing to the people backstage. Everyone here is, to some extent a musician and/or artist. Many of us have performed in front of large audiences. Your posts come off a bit like you are performing Shakespeare as we sit in the audience. Whether it is consciously recognized by the reader or not, this is a bit disrespectful. You'll gain more contacts (maybe even online friends) by being direct-and recognizing that many of us are on an even keel with yourself. You should resist making vague and cryptic statements-for it leads to the assumption that we wouldn't undertand what you are saying.

Hope it helps and looking foreward to your participation here.

#166826 by Starfish Scott
Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:54 pm
I am amused in an albeit dumb fashion.

Still waiting for some music, even it's a jingle..

#166828 by PaperDog
Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:48 pm
Vampier wrote:I am still here. Your statement regarding the Lord of the Rings is more apt than you probably realize. The films were quite good but the books were much better. Did you read them ? If you did then perhaps with a bit of thought you can see the chilling resemblance between the story and what is the reality that is going on all around you at this precise moment in time. Have you read Brave New World...1984....Animal Farm...Lord of the Flies ? Check them out if you have not ... before they are banned. It seems to be that the general musician is not really very aware of the life around him and this to me must impede the creative process and the relevance of whatever is created. Your thoughts are most welcome on this and I thank you for your kind words.

Nope, The chilling resemblance between whats going on here and The Trilogy......has already been none other than J.R. Tolkien, himself. He's already explained the parallell between his stories and WW1 , WWII. Sorry mate, you dont own any of that glory...Best if you just try to create some original stuff of your own...

Its easy ...if you try... (Wait that line was not original) ... :shock:
#166830 by Vampier
Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:00 pm
I think that all musicians are hooligans in someway ... that is almost a basic requirement. No matter what you play or like there is always a multitude who will rampage at you ... some even are musicians. So yes we are all hooligans. In the late 70's whilst in England and literally being somewhat of a Punk and Hooligan, I still have the Rolls Royce hood ornament I kicked off while my "band" and I were "trashing a suit". It now decorates the top of my cookie jar...a sign I fear that I have become somewhat domesticated ? I do not consider myself any less of a hooligan than any really. A lot of sordid things go on backstage , that is certain. The week ends are rather sacred to myself and my wife so we become hermits and resent any intrusions. Joseph I profess my guilt regarding what you have stated. I am afraid that it is a bit of a terminal condition that I suffer, having contracted it in my early life. All I can say is it is most definately not baseless and is applicable to many. Good Doctors always display such sensitivity and humanism. " I am a Monster, something dead, come to life" Ab Initio Stephan Buchanan . My favourite Shakespeare Play by miles is Titus Andronicus. The movie "Titus" is based upon it and is one of my top three favourite movies. If you have not seen it please do so as it is brilliant. It is always a pleasure to hear what you have to say Joseph. Thank You. Scotty...I am hoping to get something for you to listen to and critique...the jingle remark was excellent by the way... perhaps this week after I have a chat with the bass player. I am a Ludite. Well now the police can stop you anywhere and suck the brains out of your cell phone without a warrant and the "New Security Forces" can demand your wife or girlfriend to "demonstrate" that her breast pump works as well as drink her own breast milk ...all in the name of "protection" Life is becoming more insane each hour now..
#166834 by Vampier
Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:06 pm
Paper Dog I was not attempting to take any "credit" for Lord of the Rings and it's obvious relevance. I should have thought that was somewhat obvious. Your statement of fact is well done and I agree entirely. What is now happenning has been spoken of down through the ages by many. Thank You

#166835 by Shapeshifter
Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:08 pm
Vampier wrote:
It seems to be that the general musician is not really very aware of the life around him and this to me must impede the creative process and the relevance of whatever is created.

I disagree. While knowledge of events is indeed important to relevance, it has no bearing on the creative process. In musical terms, your statement is the equivalent of saying that a musician has to have knowledge of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber (i.e., what is "relevant" today-sadly), in order to create something nonsense.
In reality, shutting off access to outside influences is actually a much more effective way of creating something original-in a sense, by eliminating the influence of pre-existing works (and eliminating the conscious or otherwise subconscious desire to mimic aspects of those works).

#166838 by Shapeshifter
Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:15 pm
...And yes, I, too, am a bit of a Ludite. And while the cookie jar may hint at domestication, the Rolls Royce trophy certainly screams, well, hooligan. I imagine through the years we can manage to be a bit of both. :lol:

#166840 by KLUGMO
Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:38 pm
Not that he is on or even near the same level but in an odd way he reminds of
the kind of artist that is very mental, on a level even other artists cant
understand. Like a Salvador Dali or Van Gogh or Pollard type of mind that cant
relate to common man on most levels. These minds are rare and fascinating
to those who observe them.
Many times they are found to be nut bags who really cant function in
social situations and isolate themselves kinda like this guy has.
This guy talks as if he exists in another era. I think its cool and look forward to his and
our remarks. So far he has produced nothing but words.[/b]

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