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#174931 by Faulty Wiring
Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:58 am
I have a very unique album concept that came to me and I already have three song concepts for it. I am looking for an experienced band (preferably alternative or rock) to develop this album concept. This album will hit home for many. I have never heard an album of this nature, especially not in alternative music. I have several other album concepts, but none of them are like this and I am very interested in getting it developed. The general sound that I feel would work best is something like <b>3 Doors Down</b> with their <b>Away From the Sun'</b> song.

I am only interested in talking to bands that will take this and put all their talent into it. I can provide lyrical assistance for the songs, but I need the chords or at least the basic structure to be able to do so. Millions of people can connect with this album (because millions of people have something in common with the theme of the album). But that does not guarantee that millions will be reached by the album, if you cannot create great songs that the radio will push out there for you. Also, I have no intention of trying to control your artistic process since as a creative visual artist, I cannot stand when I get commissioned for a work and the client tries to micromanage me. If you do not request of me to be involved in development of the album, I will not interfere.

I am in the Houston area and you would have to travel here if you are not local. I cannot travel to you due to my job. Links to demos and/or full songs your band has already made would be appreciated. FYI, I will not be disclosing the album concept without meeting in person. For the protection of my idea and to get a good feel of your band.

-Chris Scott of Montgomery, TX

P.S. If someone here links me to the right band, I will give that person a 5% (possibly negotiable up to 10%) finder's fee from the upfront payment I receive. (not applicable if it is your band, of course.)

P.P.S. I have edited this post to exclude the asking price, per guidance from a member of Bandmix. The price I listed before is rescinded and it is now going to be based on the best offer combined with the best band for the job. Naturally, the best band for the job is going to hold sway.
Last edited by Faulty Wiring on Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:28 am, edited 11 times in total.

#174951 by KLUGMO
Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:36 pm
I Love simple, powerful and reasonable with no micromanaging.
$20,000 is cheap.

Give me a f**k break bone head. :P [/b]

#174955 by jw123
Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Ive got four or five comcept albums in my mind, I would be willing to hand these concepts over for the sum of $5,000 each! LOL!

We could get a bidding war going for concepts!

To the OP good luck with selling your idea, seriously.

#174957 by KLUGMO
Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:22 pm
His brain must have faulty wiring.[/b]

#174962 by fisherman bob
Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:12 pm
I've got a better concept. I'm going to record a killer CD hopefully within the next six months. None of you has to send me a penny. When it's available just send me $10 and I'll send you a copy. Deal?

#174970 by Prevost82
Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:04 pm
fisherman bob wrote:I've got a better concept. I'm going to record a killer CD hopefully within the next six months. None of you has to send me a penny. When it's available just send me $10 and I'll send you a copy. Deal?

Deal Bob ...

John I'll raise your $5000 and do it for a hand fart .... :lol:

John Lee did this at a show that I played with him ... the crowd went wild. :lol:

#174976 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:37 am
jw123 wrote:Ive got four or five comcept albums in my mind, I would be willing to hand these concepts over for the sum of $5,000 each! LOL!

We could get a bidding war going for concepts!

To the OP good luck with selling your idea, seriously.

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm working multiple routes to try to see what can become of this. I cannot accomplish this album. I do not have a musical background. To clarify, I am not asking for money upfront. But I will meet and once the necessary documentation is signed, protecting both parties, then I will disclose the album concept and the band will make the decision from there on whether they can successfully make the album.

#174977 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:40 am
fisherman bob wrote:I've got a better concept. I'm going to record a killer CD hopefully within the next six months. None of you has to send me a penny. When it's available just send me $10 and I'll send you a copy. Deal?

Once its done, I'll definitely take a look. If you can provide 30 second previews of a couple songs for everyone to check out, then that would be awesome.

Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:40 am
Faulty, you are a poet. Why do you want to insert yourself into the music business.
Go write a book, you might have a better shot at that.
I'm not trying to be mean but you are not even a player, and you are asking,,,,
People to send you money to back your project.
A band is not that easy to build or keep together.

I sorta think you should rethink this career choice, cause it really can't happen the way your thinking.

#174984 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:02 am
GLENNY J wrote:Faulty, you are a poet. Why do you want to insert yourself into the music business.
Go write a book, you might have a better shot at that.
I'm not trying to be mean but you are not even a player, and you are asking,,,,
People to send you money to back your project.
A band is not that easy to build or keep together.

I sorta think you should rethink this career choice, cause it really can't happen the way your thinking.

This isn't a career choice. Its a side job. And as I stated in a post a few above this, I didn't ask for anyone to send me money. And as I stated in the original post, I am looking for experienced bands who have an interest. If no experienced bands have an interest in a unique album concept on here, that's fine with me. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I'm sure that y'all will go on doing what you do, and I'll go on doing what I do.

#174986 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:28 am
I'm curious if anyone has ever had a song or an idea come to them in a dream or out of the blue? My idea is compelling me to reach out and see if there's a band out there that can take the idea and make it into reality. Creative thinking is my identity. Things come from nowhere and I either create them myself if I can, or I try to find someone who can. Some of my ideas are visual art...

Some of them are inventions, video games and apps that I do not have the know-how to invent. I've spent the last several months in my spare time learning to design in 3D and I'm working on a project now.

Lyrically speaking, I can only come up with lyrics when I have a background track. I've got a number of interesting ideas for songs, but I'm not going to try to find a band to make them. They can find me on here if they need to. That's why I set up this profile a couple years ago. So far, no hits, and I'm not really surprised by that. There are plenty of musicians who are excellent with lyrics and need no help. But in the case that there is a band who has a weakness in that area and they find my profile, well, then cool.
Last edited by Faulty Wiring on Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:40 am, edited 4 times in total.

#174987 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:34 am
double post
Last edited by Faulty Wiring on Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

#174988 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:35 am
And while I'm at it, might as well post some random thing I wrote a few years back, see what y'all think... not music, though it has some potential...

This is the thing that breathes
Suffocating deep inside of me
Running flesh along the jagged edge of reality
Pain stirs the cry that I let free
I swallow down the unheard fears
I paint myself in warrior's tears
Every single one seems so real
The despair I show I cannot feel
It rubs me raw like a rope burn
Lessons I teach I have yet to learn
The day that never ends has faded
The time is at hand for which I've waited
Indecision's moment has just begun
What I thought was simple cannot be done
Even after I've looked from every angle
The fisherman's knot has become a tangle
It's just another time it's proven true
The perfect plan I cannot do
Midnight was and now is gone
The never-ending day still carries on

#174989 by PaperDog
Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:53 am
Faulty Wiring wrote:I'm curious if anyone has ever had a song or an idea come to them in a dream or out of the blue? My idea is compelling me to reach out and see if there's a band out there that can take the idea and make it into reality. Creative thinking is my identity. Things come from nowhere and I either create them myself if I can, or I try to find someone who can. Some of my ideas are visual art...Image

Some of them are inventions, video games and apps that I do not have the know-how to invent. I've spent the last several months in my spare time learning to design in 3D and I'm working on a project now.

Lyrically speaking, I can only come up with lyrics when I have a background track. I've got a number of interesting ideas for songs, but I'm not going to try to find a band to make them. They can find me on here if they need to. That's why I set up this profile a couple years ago. So far, no hits, and I'm not really surprised by that. There are plenty of musicians who are excellent with lyrics and need no help. But in the case that there is a band who has a weakness in that area and they find my profile, well, then cool.

last year, I had the entire NFL plotted out in my head from my armchair (with beer holder). None of those bastards did anything the way I would have had it done... I am pretty sure that I could have sold them a play-book for a great price... There was just one tiny obstacle... which I am positive would have a bearing against any success on my part... That obstacle: I don't know jack about football... or NFL...

Okay, all sarcasm aside, We live in a world that requires all great ideas to pass what is called a null hypothesis test. There is no bank in the world that will loan you money without 'Proof-of-Concept" (A real science/Business term) . No artisan, small business or vendor will front their time of day, (let alone 20k) (hey, that ryhmes ) to any prospect that arrives without credentials. (Aka track record of delivery) .

Not knocking your great ideas, but you got no portfolio to back your claim. Soliciting everybody else to do the labor and work for you, under such pretext is actually an insult... and will only get you laughed at. You prolly did not intend it to be that way, but that's how it comes off...

I have a feeling that maybe your ideas will work for you if you just make an effort to master the tools that help you manifest the dream into a reality. I write songs...I got there buy "doing" musical things that helped me arrive there... Doing Musical things includes learning how to play at least one instrument and maybe sing...
Good luck to ya... I'm sure you'll figure out your bliss ...

#174991 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:05 am
PaperDog wrote:
last year, I had the entire NFL plotted out in my head from my armchair (with beer holder). None of those bastards did anything the way I would have had it done... I am pretty sure that I could have sold them a play-book for a great price... There was just one tiny obstacle... which I am positive would have a bearing against any success on my part... That obstacle: I don't know jack about football... or NFL...

Okay, all sarcasm aside, We live in a world that requires all great ideas to pass what is called a null hypothesis test. There is no bank in the world that will loan you money without 'Proof-of-Concept" (A real science/Business term) . No artisan, small business or vendor will front their time of day, (let alone 20k) (hey, that ryhmes ) to any prospect that arrives without credentials. (Aka track record of delivery) .

Not knocking your great ideas, but you got no portfolio to back your claim. Soliciting everybody else to do the labor and work for you, under such pretext is actually an insult... and will only get you laughed at. You prolly did not intend it to be that way, but that's how it comes off...

I have a feeling that maybe your ideas will work for you if you just make an effort to master the tools that help you manifest the dream into a reality. I write songs...I got there buy "doing" musical things that helped me arrive there... Doing Musical things includes learning how to play at least one instrument and maybe sing...
Good luck to ya... I'm sure you'll figure out your bliss ...

I have no intention of becoming a musician. My passion is art. If you feel I am trying to get someone else to do all the hard work, well, I can see your perspective. However, there are instances where people have great ideas, they can't do anything with them by themselves, and they just let the idea rot. Only to regret it later. I don't want to be that guy. This is a shot in the dark. I don't have any expectations that I'll find a talented band who has interest in an album concept on here. But at least I'll know I tried. I'm running an ad in the paper as well. I have contacted 5 bands in my area and one is interested. I will continue to contact bands. If it is all in vain, I can accept that. But I cannot accept doing nothing and letting this idea go to waste.

Oh, and what did you think of the stanza?

P.S. I responded to your post in the U.S. Chat, so you'll have a better understanding of my perspective.

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