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#7331 by Lady Rocker
Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:41 pm
Hey all ......

Have any of you ever checked out

I was just wondering, cuz I was checkin it out today, and thought it might be another useful tool of locating musicians.....

Anyway, started to fill out the info for a new account, and when I got to the bottom of the page and going through their terms & agreement deal, I noticed they have a rule on there that states, and I quote:

You must be single or seperated from your spouse...

Have any of you ever heard of such a thing?? :evil:

What is your opinion on this???

Is it just me, or is that like the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard :?:

#7332 by mistermikev
Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:11 pm
band chemistry, admittedly I though you were going somewhere else with a title like that... LOL.
that whole single thing is funny. guess married ppul are not good enough for music any more. Personally, I would tell the hubby and just lie about it... what's the worste they are going to do? Then again, maybe you don't wanna go where your 'not wanted'. Probably hosted overseas.(hehe).

#7335 by mistermikev
Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:48 pm
wow gopher. I'm guessing you are an older guy, cause that was a good one, and it speakes to much experience... lOL (seperated when my wife is gone -hilarious).

#7336 by Jacquee Rae
Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:12 pm
Your Interactions with Other Members. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Members. You understand that does not in any way screen its Members, nor does inquire into the backgrounds of its Members or attempt to verify the statements of its Members. makes no representations or warranties as to the conduct of Members or their compatibility with any current or future Members. In no event shall be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to the conduct of you or anyone else in connection with the use of the Service, including without limitation, bodily injury, emotional distress, and/or any other damages resulting from communications or meetings with other registered users of this Service or persons you meet through this Service. You agree to take reasonable precautions in all interactions with other Members of the Service, particularly if you decide to meet offline or in person.

Maybe Gopher is on to something. Wow!

#7337 by gexclamationpoint
Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:52 pm
lol, crazy. just another site trying to cover all possible ground so they cant get screwed.

even though thats still a form of discrimination, i suppose.

#7351 by Lady Rocker
Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:42 pm
:D - I figured ppl might think this thread was about something else :D

and we can go there if ya's want to!!

I just couldn't believe I read that in there, I've not seen it in any other terms of agreement.... but whatever!! I see where ya'll are coming from with it, and I guess that does make sense!!

SOOOOO....... What about "Band Chemistry"......

Do you think it's an important component to have in a band??

I do!!

MMV - Didn't know if you noticed or not..... but I gave you credit for inviting me over to check out musicians collaboration :D !! They never did send me another email about excepting me or anything, I just tried logging in one day, and it worked!! :D My bro is supposed to help me collab with some ppl on there.....he's got all the fancy computer software for music!! Are you having any luck over there??

g! - My daughter was actually speechless for once at your response on the other thread :lol: !! She was disappointed that you had a girlfriend, but I do believe she was seriously considering putting g! w/ hearts all over her notebook!! :lol: :lol:

#7356 by mistermikev
Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:41 pm
[quote="Lady Rocker"]:D - I figured ppl might think this thread was about something else :D

-Reminding me of a song: Joes Garage by Frank Zappa... a truly brilliant song that addresses the importance of chemistry in a band... particularly (spelling) the malt beverage variety.

and we can go there if ya's want to!! --hilary us.
SOOOOO....... What about "Band Chemistry"...... 2 funny

MMV - Didn't know if you noticed or not..... but I gave you credit for inviting me over to check out musicians collaboration :D !! -thank you!

My bro is supposed to help me collab with some ppl on there.....your bros gonna light that place up! He truly is gifted. Look for the canadian guy named "sharpola". I hear his music and I have no idea what would make it better. I'ts really professional. He is a fabulous singer, and always looking for ppul to add guitar to his stuff.


#7360 by Lady Rocker
Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:26 am
Hey lookey --- We get to see what MMV looks like :D !!

Glad yur havin fun over there..... hopefully I'll be having more fun once I get some stuff up on there!!

I'll have to look for sharpola....
There's another guy over there that BLEW ME AWAY..... he's looking for some vocals....his tunes have vocals...he's doin em, and he's right, he could use some better vocals, but the guy is AWESOME.... when you get a chance, check out MG71....... He's got a Garage Band page with tons of great songs!! At least I think he's great!!

So u agree...... definitely need chemistry in a band!?

Anybody else out there have any thoughts on the subject??

#7368 by mistermikev
Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:35 pm
I'm really not that preocupied with my pic, but someone asked me to post one so there ya have it folks.

sharpola has a sort of 'dpesh mode' style, but I listened to two of his songs and now I can't stop singing them. His voice is enchanting... but raw. He must be a keyboard player for his use of key change and understanding of modal foreshadowing... or perhaps I'm reading too much into it. All I know is - I would seriously buy his album... or download it from limewire!!!!!hehe

MG71, I'll have to look for that. I haven't gone there in a few days cause the crew I'm working with is expecting a remix of some stuff... and I'm lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not to mention feeling guilty!

down in joes garage, we didn't have no dope or lsd
just a couple of quarts of beer
would fix it so the intonnation would not offend your ear
wow I'm up too early... I'll never make it in rock and roll like this!

#7886 by Tessa
Tue May 01, 2007 3:31 pm
Gotta have chemistry in a band! I have always had chemistry in the bands I've been in and to me, it's like a marriage. You will have your differences and your mutual desires but if you aren't committed, you will eventually fall apart. I'm not trying to be funny or drag this to another, place but the chemistry is kind of like sex in your marriage, either there's an attraction or there isn't. And, speaking of chemistry, when I first saw the name Band, I immediately thought it was a site for musicians to meet and date! I haven't checked it out yet but I will. I'm very happily married , BTW! If you don't have chemistry in your band, how the hell do you stay together ? Oil and water?

#7897 by J-Okra
Tue May 01, 2007 8:17 pm
I doubt that I will use it much because it's so damn slow... plus the search feature is weird.

#7945 by RhythmMan
Wed May 02, 2007 1:40 pm
I thought the search feature was broken, when I used it.
I asked it to search for CT (my home state) and nothing happened.
I thought that there wasn't anyone from CT, and that maybe they only had a handful of people there.
Guess I'll try it again, and give it some time.
You might also try Uniting Bands, which site is finally starting to accumulate a larger membership.
You can just stay here at Bandmix . . . or, - if you're more into playing music than you are into playing guessing games, then try MySpace search.
The Myspace search feature is good for finding people who actually want to play.
You pick the largest city near you, click 'openings and positions,' and you get half a dozen new listings near you - every day.
Your chances of finding someone there (to play with) are 100 times greater . . .

#7974 by MattZito
Wed May 02, 2007 7:46 pm
MrMikeV wrote:
Lady Rocker wrote::D - I figured ppl might think this thread was about something else :D

-Reminding me of a song: Joes Garage by Frank Zappa... a truly brilliant song that addresses the importance of chemistry in a band... particularly (spelling) the malt beverage variety.

That was a great tune Mike.

Vinny Colliuta on drums

I wonder if Mary is still back stage?

#7975 by mistermikev
Wed May 02, 2007 7:50 pm
that song just slays me... especially the outro...
"this was joes first confrontation with the law...
try to stick to church oriented functions"
Central Scrotinizer... hehehehehe

gotta love the zap man.

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