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#5881 by johnnya
Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:50 pm
I have 4 kids and married, everone enjoys music, i get let out to practice and gigs, i figured, cant go everywhere id want to but i have to now manage my time and not waste it so much. I still pursue my music and dreams, its guys or gals in the same boat that think a dream can end and for many it does, perhaps if i and i have accepted that sections of life include a time to make it big and a time to do with what you have around you, in little that i do and with commitment, perhaps in a bigger scale the commitment will be understood :wink: 8)

#6801 by johnnya
Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:52 pm
wow :!: i guess no one has kids, well, youth has its place in music, and its ok to have a family and rock-n-roll :)

#6805 by Vocals & Bass
Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:53 pm
Kids, Have a 11yr & 6yr. old at home. 11yr. old is getting good on drums. I have permission to play gigs too. Got to have a hobby!

#6807 by Jacquee Rae
Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:25 pm
JohnnyA ~
Sorry. I didn't quite feel qualified to answer this post simply because I am not rockin at the moment. I sing and I want to work with a band, but I have not connected with one yet.
I have a 10 year old son and an 8 year old daughter. They are incredibly supportive and my worst critics, which I love. I practice singing at home. That is my only jam sessions, well unless you count in my van singing to the radio. :)
I do not intend to let anything interfere with me rockin out when my time comes.
My advice with anything involving kids, get them involved in any way you can, whether it is music or going to the grocery store. Make sure that they are aware that there are things that they can not participate in now, but maybe in the future. For example, we have a karaoke machine (I know this is a bad word on here) that I practice to since I do not have a band and do not play an instrument at this time. I let my kids sing their favorite songs when I am not trying to record and we all have a good time, but they know that they can not use mommy's microphone or touch my recording stuff. It helps them to become a part of my dream and makes them want it for me too!
They both have asked me recently, at different times, while watching CMT or GAC if I would have a video on there one day. :) I told them maybe some day, but for right now, mommy just wants to find a band to sing with and gain experience and play locally, maybe at fairs or something that they could come see me perform at as well.
Like I said, not sure if I have enough experience to really qualify in answering this, but I hope my input helps.
Oh yeah, the real kicker... while I have been singing for as long as I can remember, I have never been in a band... I start actively pursuing my dream about a year ago when I turned 30. So I am definitely a late bloomer, so no experience without children. :)

#6809 by Lady Rocker
Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:58 pm
I have 2 Kids also!! 16 yr old daughter & 15 yr old son.

Well, it's been tough.... I've had a couple of opportunities in my lifetime and one was hindered because my parents thought I was too young...

and once I was hindered when my kids were young, and I didn't have anyone to take care of them for long periods of time....

They say you're only offered so many opportunities in a lifetime, and if you don't take advantage of them when they're offered you..... you miss out!! I really hope it isn't true, cuz I still have the dream!! Although I'm getting older, my kids are at an age now where I would be able to get away for longer periods of time!!

From the time my kid's were 3 & 4 years old they went with me to all my practices....They loved it!!
In fact my son, is an EXCELLENT drummer for his age.... he started when he was 10!! He showed an interest when he was like 6, and he got behind the set while we took a break at practice, and HE ACTUALLY HAD A CLUE :shock: !! If his little legs would of been able to touch the bass pedal.... he'd a had a Kewl beat goin!! :D I just couldn't afford to buy him a set till he was around 10!!

I bought a guitar for my daughter, cuz she really wanted one and showed some interest, but she doesn't play very much!! I'm hoping to help her with that here shortly!!

Anyway ..... I guess you could say goals & things in your life change when ya have kids........ But there are ppl in the music industry that do it! So.........where there's a will - there's a way!!

#6824 by Jacquee Rae
Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:18 pm
I definitely agree ladyrocker! Where there's a will, there's a way!!

#6860 by johnnya
Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:32 pm
glad to see some folks are realistic, has its up and downs, shoot, the kids will one day take after us and jam also, give them our advise and share our expierence so they will make a wise decision, what gets us all is trying to make it big time, if you put that aside and play day by day, you will get there, thanks people for your sharing and God bless you and your children :lol:

#8451 by Sbrown67
Sun May 13, 2007 2:21 am
Hey there Johnny A,
Man, I feel for you. I'm probably in a little different boat, but I've been playing/singing in churches for about 8 years. That's a little different because I'm able to take my wife and four kids with me almost everywhere I go. Not quite like a bar or night club. However, I've been a pro rodeo bullfighter/clown for the entire 14 years of my married life (I'm retired as of last fall). That kept me on the road for weeks and months at a time and was extremely hard on me and my family.
On the upside, I'm 39 years old and currently working out the details for my first recording contract. Unlike most music genres, maturity trumps youth in the world of Christian music. Ok, youth is still big.
Well, hopefully this encourages you to follow your dreams, but mak your family part of them.
God bless,

#8491 by johnnya
Tue May 15, 2007 1:06 am
your right, i should hit up more public things to get them involved, the heck with clubs, just playem to make some cash and get on with the important things :D

#8501 by Bobaloo in Mountain House
Tue May 15, 2007 5:27 am
Gopher.....that was a great post, I tip my hat to you.

I too have played in bands since my early twenties. Working my day job and rehearsing in the evenings and doing gigs on the weekends. Most of my best friends are old and current bandmates and I even met my wife from being in the same band together.

Once the kids came it was a whole new ballgame. There was no way of raising babies, working a day job, and staying out until 3:00 in the morning on weekends so I gave up the music. It was tough at first and I missed it along with the whole social thing but being there and watching my kids grow was worth it.

After reading your post I know I did the right thing. Thanks Gopher.


#8505 by Runcers
Tue May 15, 2007 11:32 am
I'm 45, was married for 20 yrs,got divorced and am about to get hitched again in October.

I have 4 kids of my own aged between 13 and 25 and a grandson aged 4. I now have three more children aged 8, 14 and 17 two of which are disabled with Autism and Cerebal Palsy.

I have been gigging regularly since I was 14 and still play a couple of times a month with a cover band. My rock n rocll dreams are long gone now but I enjoyed them while they lasted. I have done loads of things over the years from being with signed bands to writing material for other people, producing albums for bands and doing loads and loads of session work.

I hear a lot of people say that music belongs to the young, but I would disagree and say new music might belong to the young but music in general belongs to enyone who enjoys listening to or playing it.

I will probably rock until I can lift my legs anymore and I salute anyone who has a go because thats what its all about. :)

#8517 by Bobaloo in Mountain House
Tue May 15, 2007 6:42 pm
Goph....too bad you're on the other side of the country. It would have been great to have played some tunes with ya.

Take care.

#9257 by johnnya
Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:27 pm
yikes, we have another one on the way, darn , i should have bought some cable, well, this will make #5, i could start a band with them, i know, someone will say do you have that much time? No, for me, i am living the rock n roll life, music, family, playing, enjoying what i have and people, hang on to what you have. :D

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