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Topics specific to the localities in America.

Moderators: bandmixmod1, jimmy990, spikedace

#53149 by greatbig47
Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:06 am

Fun stuff....Great song writing!

* Maybe not pan the guitars so far to the left and right. I have a great set of headphones, and it would be nice to have the two guitars "get together" a little more.

* Fear not the breaks...This is a personal one, but I think too many talented song writers carry the listener through Verse - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Solo - Verse - Chorus (or something f the likes). If you "break it up" just a little in...say...the third verse, the listener has a chance to think "oh...something slightly different!"...and it compliments the song. Not a radical change, but an almost subliminal change.

* Sounds like you could use a bass player and a drummer. If the right heartbeat found it's way to your music, you'd be dangerously fun as hell to hear. Your worth finding some guys that want to have some fun and jam with.

Your songs beg for some simple harmonies! :)

Thanks for sharing, man! Great blessing to hear ya!

#53156 by ElevateTheSky
Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:47 am
Country is usually not my thing but I do enjoy a country tune here and there. This song is entertaining for sure and sure to get the country fans a dancin.
I like the vocals and the guitar playing and I too agree it has a bluesy feel to it. It is your song and totally stick to what makes you
happy but maybe if you took it into a bluesier sound and called it beer sippin and whiskey drinkin. Only a thought..but it works the way it is.
As far as the mix...I think it is preference. Overall the mix is pretty good.
Only thing I could hear was maybe reverb on the lead guitar or seems like it is missing something.
Keep writing those catchy tunes!

#53160 by ElevateTheSky
Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:56 am
I was reading through some of the comments and I agree with
what someone said...perhaps speeding it up may give it an awesome feel.
Anyways hehe do what you love.

#53483 by Mike.P
Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:03 pm
A good country two step tempo and melody. I see alot of dancers line dancing(ARRRRGGGHHHH) to this tempo. Gotta love what we can do at home with our computer versus 20 years ago when you had to spend a couple of hundred bucks to demo a song like this! Like your lyrics on several songs. Keep plugging!

#53557 by BobbyAlan
Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:22 am
Hey Mike, thanks for the kind words. I listened to your music and liked it very much......I love Texas style music......

#53634 by Mike.P
Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:14 pm
Thanks Bobby.

#57611 by john davis
Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:22 am
Thats a good song Bobby wish you lived over here we would have us a band!!
Be glad to add some steel to it if you wanna do a final final mix???

#57717 by BobbyAlan
Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:15 pm
Hey John, sounds good. I'm working on a new song called: 'She's a Devil'. It'll be country rock if your interested.

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