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#34 by rhart1817
Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:59 am
Wow, I've been on here since this forum was in beta, as I have really wanted to be one of the first people to get involved in this forum. So many other forums and their mods seem to think they are a part of an "exclusive club," so it is cool to be in on this.

Thanks a lot for kicking this off Belle. I play an acoustic guitar with a few of my friends from college. I went to UT here in Knoxville, and though I had to move towards my professional career, I still love music. We play at a few small clubs here in town for fun.

I am a complete armature compared to others around here, and especially compared to the dedicated people posting on the internet. I don’t have much experience outside of Knoxville.

I've been to Longview and Dallas, but I don't know Austin very well. I hear it is pretty wild from a few f my friends. Belle, it sounds like you are pretty dedicated, so tell me more abut being a musician in Austin. How is bandmix working for you for that city?
#36 by rhart1817
Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:52 am
By UT, I mean the University of Tennessee. I'm ALL VOL for sure, but Texas was an experience for me, as there are a lot of similarities between the two. They are just different enough to make both a unique experience.

I barely know Ft. Worth, but I can say my trip to Longview wasn't all that different. I would say that sushi is bait, and so would the people in Longview.

I was in Dallas to see Alan Jackson, George Strait, and Jimmy Buffett at a place that is near and dear to my heart. There is no better back than number 22, and I watched him run a lot of yards at Texas Stadium. It was a pleasure to be there besides the concert.

Don't hold it against me, but Jimmy was my favorite. I found the islands to be a true love at an early age, and I actually had a chance to meet Jimmy and listen to him play to a few folks while in Bimini. He may not be the most talented musician, but I love to listen to what he has to say.

I majored in public relations, and that is what I do now. I have to say that I am one of the few blessed people that enjoy pretty much everything I do.

There I a lot of talent here, some of which I have the pleasure to know. I am not one of them, but I would love to hear more about what you have accomplished as a musician and in your other ventures.
#38 by domainmarket
Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:06 am
The vols are lucky, and we will prove that this year, as the gators will be good enough to win by more than a field goal. :twisted:

I have played in Knoxville once though, and it was a petty crazy place during football season. It opens up a lot of venues that most haven't heard of.

I have not played in Texas at all, but we are trying to get on the road more. Any good gigs in Texas that I should know of Belle?


#40 by madison77
Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:59 pm
Hey guys,

Nice to meet everyone on here. Lookin forward to some good music discussions. Everyone calls me Madi. I'm a Southern Cal local who loves to play my guitar and loves to surf. Cliched I know. If I didn't have to pay bills, that's probably all i'd do! Nah, my job is great, I work for a bank up in Delmar, easy hours lets me surf the internet often. no complaints here. And, if we're talking alma mater, I graduated USC. Go Trojans baby!! Right now, I'm just getting ready for all the great fall concerts they're going to have in southern cal. Anyways, glad this forum is starting to pick up, I'm excited to see who all is out there!

#44 by domainmarket
Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:37 am
Has anyone seen the ipod this site is giving away? From the newsletter it looks like the top of the crazy tour stories will win. I'm not sure if I will have the winning story, but I plan to put something up here in a few.

Anyone else in?
#46 by domainmarket
Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:49 pm
Thanks for the reply Belle. It was pretty wild, but something we did not see coming at all. I have a couple of more stories, but that one has to be the top.

I hope someone actually beats that. I'd like to read more.
#47 by dashriprock57
Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:05 pm
Hi everyone, Im Paul, born in the late 50's, am i an old geezer? Well, I dont claim to be! I started playing guitar in the late 60's, yes, like everyone else my age, when I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan, well you know the rest. I played constantly as a teenager, and had some pretty good garage bands. At age 22, with no money, no band, and no girlfriend (she ledt me for a guy with a job) I joined the army, I had a small jam band in 81, but then went overseas and kind of stayed there. Korea, Germany, etc. I always wanted to play again, but never had time or money. Now I have money, and am making the time. Im not as fast, or as good as I used to be, but I think I have a better understanding of how it all fits together, and it doesn't have to be always turned up to 10, or 11 for you spinal tap fans. Anyway, I got back into it about a year ago, built a studio, bought some gear, and rushed to complete a cd. Its not what the next one will be, this time Im taking my time. I learned a lot about how sound fits together and clashes, and how to play, mix, master, etc. Looking forward to some good discussions on here.
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