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#34233 by philbymon
Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:13 pm
I was trying to be a bit funny on the dressing part. Thought it was obvious. Guess I failed miserably once again. *sniff* (I really DON'T wear my frillies on stage - I save them for those special moments with my special friends & extended family.)

As long as you aren't looking sloppy, or like a pig farmer's wife or sumpin on stage (my apologies to the all the pig farmers' wives out there), I have no problem with however you like to dress. Just remember that you ARE on stage. You should be honoring your audience, imho, by your dress, your demeanor, & your songs.

That doesn't necessarilly mean that you have to dress like a chauvinist pig's wife, either.

Looking sloppy shows a lack of respect for the audience, as far as I'm concerned. They come for the whole package. Look professional & ppl will treat you like you are a professional. A clean, neat appearance works, but dressing it all up a bit is much better, but that's only my personal preference. It's like any other job, I suppose.

Perhaps I should just say dress appropriately for your style of music & the venue in which you play?

#34237 by jw123
Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:53 pm

I always liked the women players to be like Chrissie Hynde or Joan Jett. Bluejeans, t-shirt and a leather jacket. Even Lita Ford looked better in jeans and t-shirt than all that spandex stuff everyone wore back then. We dont need no wimpy frilly dressed girl bands around here we want raw rawkers. You tell that drummer to get in line you hear.

And Koolmom, naked aint cool, it leaves very little to the imagination.

I think theres really a lot bigger issues playing in a band than what you wear. Make sure you sound good and feel good playing whatever it is you play. Im oldschool and the music is the most important thing.

Now smell thats a whole other issue.

#34239 by koolmom78
Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:15 pm
Aww philby, I knew you were joking! I thought it was funny! Maybe I should've said "self-proclaimed chauvinist pigs"? :P My point was that if a chick asks a guy what to wear while playing rock 'n roll, I think the answer will be obvious :lol:

jw123 there would be certain parts covered...she plays guitar! lol

Some good advice there from you both.

#34244 by jw123
Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:45 pm
koolmom78 wrote:Aww philby, I knew you were joking! I thought it was funny! Maybe I should've said "self-proclaimed chauvinist pigs"? :P My point was that if a chick asks a guy what to wear while playing rock 'n roll, I think the answer will be obvious :lol:

jw123 there would be certain parts covered...she plays guitar! lol

Some good advice there from you both.

Koolmom it depends on how high or low she wears that guitar, Im not a prude or anything but I prefer the women musicians for the most part covered up, now pro dancers, thats another story!

#34245 by Kramerguy
Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:45 pm
men have been pitting their sexuality on stage since the dawn of rock.

Women aren't excused from it just because they are women.

That being said...
Get rid of the fatty singer, and doll yourself up a bit.

Do you think david lee roth would have had half the success if he just came out in baggy jeans and a sweatshirt for every show? Prob not.

#34258 by koolmom78
Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:20 am
Kramerguy wrote:men have been pitting their sexuality on stage since the dawn of rock.

Women aren't excused from it just because they are women.

That being said...
Get rid of the fatty singer, and doll yourself up a bit.

Do you think david lee roth would have had half the success if he just came out in baggy jeans and a sweatshirt for every show? Prob not.

Of course...I don't think that's the point that's being argued here. No one is wearing baggy jeans & a sweatshirt...the fact is things are different for women in business...not nessecarily easier or harder, but different. This is an 18 y/o girl not wanting to conform to the "slutty" airhead image of her drummer. This is a character choice and I say "YOU GO GIRL!!" :lol: She's got a lot to learn about the music industry and will no doubt, make mistakes along the way as we all do, but the fact that she is looking for affirmation on her desire to project a "blue jeans n' leather jacket" type of image IMO is very cool! 8) I do think that as you said, "doll yourself up a bit" is most likely what she is already doing, but not copying the dress choice of the other girl. There is a line between dressing sexy and dressing slutty.

#34261 by philbymon
Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:20 am
Eh...try the ol' business suit. Or the Elvis jump suit. Or parachute pants & a bikini top under a vest.

Whatever you do - make it your own style. If you're good, the ppl will come. I can certainly understand you wanting to make it all about the music - that's all I ever wanted to do for my entire life, & I'm a bit frustrated at the way things are going for me right now, but eh--it'll either get better or not. I'm doing all I can.

To quite koolmom - you go girl! I'm sure you can make it work for you & your audience.

#34322 by Starfish Scott
Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:33 pm
Yeah bikinis on women - gooood

bikinis or male skin - baaaaad.


#36645 by JamminJeffShire
Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:07 pm
It is extremely rare for all the band members to get along all the time, if ever and in any band. It takes some thick skin to deal with the music bizz which of course includes us musicians. The more creative you are, the more you are open to all the crap that happens in this world, that's why we can write songs. It's not always a good trait when dealing with band politics though. Some musician's naturally roll over when things get hot and others tell it like it is. Most unknown bands have a revolving door.

My take on most drummers (not all) is that they are not melody based musicians and do not hear melody like a guitarist would. Drummers respond to feel, vibe, beats, etc. and sometimes you need to throw them a bone to chew on. I am both a guitarist and drummer (guitar first) so I share a dual perspective but I can also hear melody when I play the kit, including new material. Other than Neil Pert and few others, most drummers cannot write good lyrics or melody based arrangements and they just need to enjoy being a drummer in a band and stop with the ego crap.

Or turn it around on your drummer. Tell her you want their contribution but first have them lay down some beats for you to work on in your off time. Your still in control of the songwriting but the drummer has provided some inspiration. People want to feel like they are contributing, even when they are not. Sometime good things happen so keep an open mind.

In the end, a band needs a drummer who "gets it" whatever that may be.

If they are really a pro (and are being paid) they need to support you, the song and the band. If they are not being paid, it will end badly.

#57188 by greatproductions850
Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:22 pm
my advice to band members is similar to the advice one may receive in marriage counseling: you're going to fight, and you're not always going to like it.

Ok, so first off... bass players are the easiest.
Secondly, I think you all are missing the big picture... I listened to your music, and personally, i think its damn good (if the opinion of a label exec matters at all).

You girls are young... Are you trying to make a successful career out of this, or have fun playing with people who's company you enjoy?

If you just want to have fun, then make sure you're working with people that you get along with.

If you want to make it, then get over the drama... just think about a day job... how many people do you have to work with that you can't stand? you're boss doesn't want to hear that sh*t.

If you're in it for the success (without selling out or jeopardizing the music) then i have a few pointers:

1. what the hell is the drummer doing messing with the song lyrics- stick to your job description
2. slutty can be a plus... especially punk/post-punk/ and yes... riot girl + slutty outfit= hot.
3. don't ditch the singer, she has a great voice, and her image coincides with what i think your band is going for... plus, singers are a tough notch, they will all give you drama, or at least be so egotistical that you want to throw them over a cliff. If for the most part you get along, and If she really is committed to this band, however, she needs to up the rehearsals from 2 days to 3 days per week (if mornings aren't good, you're staying up late), and start that diet and exercise routine (5 days solid, 1 light, 1 day off- per week) Pronto! No excuses on either of these... it's unfortunate that women (men too) in this industry have to be judged on their looks... but this game isn't easy, and it's easy to be overweight.
4. Thank you're bassist... they are the backbone to every band.
5. Make sure that you and you're band have an overall vision of what you'd like your final product to be. If that product is a band with 4 different yet similarly punk/girly members, than so be it. But make sure everyone focuses on completing their role in the band. And establish that everyone is both entitled to give and open to receive criticism. that's part of the job description. If you don't like it, leave now, but just remember, that just like in any day job you may have instead of the music thing... you don't have to like your job to be good at it...

so the next time you all have some inter- turbulence, just remember this to get you through it..

and for the record... the most successful band i was in couldn't stand each other... but we had three top 40 songs on soundclick (one top 10 for 8 weeks). We also had some offers, but they went down the drain when we got to "personal." Business before pleasure. this music is a job.

If you need a labels help hit us up-

#57200 by gbheil
Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:26 am
Does this Les Paul make my butt look big? :roll:

#57272 by Starfish Scott
Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:03 pm
only if the les paul is trying to cover your female ass or gut.

P90X to all you fat chicks out there!
Last edited by Starfish Scott on Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

#57280 by repressthecadence
Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:54 pm
To me, it sounds like you have some fundamental issues with your drummer, but the singer problems could probably be worked out. Just sit down and have an honest discussion. Whenever I've had a problem with a bandmate, that's what it took.

If your drummer has a one-track mind and isn't open to your ideas, frankly, you need to find yourself a new drummer, or tell her to learn how to write the music she wants to play. It's that simple.

With your singer, tell her that dedication is part of being in a serious band. Offer another option, like having practices at 10pm or before she has work. I can totally understand not wanting to wake up before 9am or whatever, but there could be a compromise. Ask her if her shifts are flexible. Maybe she could work from 10am-5pm instead of 2pm-9pm.
#59874 by darrylks
Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:57 pm
my comments are based on a mans prosective. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give my outlook on this but, what the hell
1. The drummer is an asshole . Sounds like there is some envy. She cant write music for the other instruments and don't know the drifference between a quarter note and a 16th. i bet if you gave her some drum notations she'd be lost. and have the nerve to minulize your work. It would not take long before i would get a new drummer with a better attitude or pull out the old drum machine. no coment on what she wears.

2. the singer replace her too. if you cant make the rehearsals you cant play in the band.

3. I like Queen Latifa. i think she's sexyBIGbone. I dont see the problem. i bet she turns on someone in the audience. Maybe get her to shake that thang a bit more .

If you the leader take charge, the drummer probally knows she's pressing your buttons. Dont let her get under your skin. I zone out most of the BS i hear from my band. they try me so i always try to have a replacement in the wings. Occasionaly i have the replacement sit in on a rehearsal. I also try to create new bands and play in other bands. so if i need a singer or drummer i'll use them. this work well to keep everyone in line. KEEP CONTROL but be Fair

#60085 by Starfish Scott
Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:51 am
sexy big bone?

Is that like saying ROSEANN is hot if she wasn't a fat pig? lol

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