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#30658 by Rockstarnurse
Sun May 04, 2008 2:35 am
My husband bought me an acoustic Ibanez and I have yet to learn how to play it! He has tried to teach me but goes off on a tangeant playing while I'm trying to remember what fingers go where! I feel that I can not learn from him and have given up almost entirely. He plays MY guitar all the time since he took apart his and basically ruined it! What should I do? If I take lessons I think that I will offend him.

#30660 by Andragon
Sun May 04, 2008 3:37 am
I'm starting out too.. but you're lucky; you got a good guitar (I don't think Ibanez put out crappy guitars ever). Mine is a bit on the crappy side.
I recommend an instructor if you're serious about learning. If you really wanna avoid that, try some online sites and instructional videos on the net. Youtube have some good videos, but not all of them are useful.
Try this site.. it's not too bad:


#30738 by gbheil
Mon May 05, 2008 3:10 pm
Take the lessons, he'll get over it and you will be glad you did.
Would you consider working as a nurse without instruction first?

#30871 by Wee-Lamm Tunes
Wed May 07, 2008 3:20 am
I guess we can call you an "RSN"?

Treat your musical education in the same way as getting your license to drive. Parents and spouses are typically too close to be of any use in learning. Thier expectations are too high in that they assume you understand them in the same way as normal life.

I suggest taking private lessons, at least until you are comfortable, meaning both your fingers and determination are sufficiently caloused.

Explain to your hubby (or let him read my response) that neither of you could benefit musically should he manage to madel your playing after his. You need to develope your own set of skills and attitudes so that the two of you can feed off of each other.

Good luck on your journey,

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