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#294321 by Planetguy
Tue Mar 12, 2019 2:28 pm
Here's a tune from a fun SARAH & MARK gig we played at the library a cpl of Sundays ago. What a pleasure going full on acoustic, showing up with no PA...just a violin, mandolin and guitar! We decided to go all instrumental, mostly playing our original Jazzgrass tunes.

This is an old tune of mine played on an old (1975 GUILD D50) that's not quite (not nearly) as old as me. I suppose I was looking ahead when I wrote it at 20 yrs old and gave it the title "Am I Growing Old". :lol:
#294337 by Planetguy
Wed Mar 13, 2019 9:39 pm
Thanks for checking it out and the kind words, George. I hope you and your's are well.
#294338 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:21 pm
FB is f*cked today, will try to look at the video later.
#294340 by DainNobody
Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:46 pm
Can you post on youtube?..I am punishing facebook by not logging in...they will pay..ha ha :lol:
#294345 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:51 am
Nice! The library where we have our monthly songwriting meeting has concerts (and speakers/book signings) in a large area near our meeting room. Was this a regular thing, or a one-off?
#294354 by Planetguy
Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:06 pm
GuitarMikeB wrote: Was this a regular thing, or a one-off?

i think they do this once a month. (or cpl of mos?) not sure....Sarah booked it.

Thanks to all for checking it out!

Dane, sorry to hear about your breakup with FB. I only use FB strictly for bookings, to see where other performers are playing, and to promote upcoming gigs. No photos of my dinner, video of my cat playing fetch, or me cutting the grass.

Here's the link to the video on youtube should you want to check it there.
#294355 by gbheil
Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:20 pm
One comment on context.
I wished it were recorded in such a fashion where some mix could be accomplished.
My poor ears had some difficulty discerning the intricacies of the guitar over the violin.

And thank you for the well wishes . . .
My family and myself are doing OK.
In Virginia at present visiting with my one of our sons and his family.
Headed home on the morrow.
#294357 by Planetguy
Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:41 pm
re. mix....yeah, chalk it up to the limitations of recording on a cell phone. i too wish there was a little more "EQ mixing" that could have been done, but then again....those "intricacies" of my gtr playing (cough, cough) are maybe just as front and center as they need be!

i'm still figuring out how to play guitar w this small and limited instrumentation. i'm enjoying the challenge, but man, when it comes to gtr playing, i'm used to soloing over a full band/rhythm section w the sustain of an elec gtr! i like to leave some space and "breath" when soloing, but that's not usually the way to go here. Going from playing rhythm to soloing on an acoustic w just a violin "chopping", or playing simple fills, or nothing at all....that's definitely a work in progress! my hat is off to the folks who pull that off well. 8)

glad all is well w you and your's!
#294364 by DainNobody
Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:39 pm
very tight..almost like a Irish folk tune crossed with elaborate classical music motifs..?l? musicology knowledge is limited so it is just an opinion..a good opinion about some good music..
#294373 by schmedidiah
Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:20 pm
great stuff Mark!

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