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#293132 by Planetguy
Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:42 pm
i'm perfectly relaxed.

just trying to get you in tune w how the working musicians i know, those who are accustomed to being paid for their efforts, feel about scabs who are willing to show up and work for tips.

but fear not, i think no less of you than previously for entertaining the thought.
#293136 by MikeTalbot
Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:31 am

One of my first gigs the pay was two pitchers of beer, one in advance and one after. But in my defense, i was broke and needed a beer!

It got better.

happy Thanks Giving
#293140 by Planetguy
Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:34 pm
's ok, ted. i can cut you some slack this being a youngin' at the time, and all .

now, let me get back to you after i figure out how many "Holy Mary's" and "Our Fathers" will be required for full absolution. 8)
#293141 by schmedidiah
Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:41 pm
Planetguy wrote:'s ok, ted.

#293142 by Planetguy
Fri Nov 23, 2018 4:44 pm do know "planetguy" isn't my given name, right? and likewise "schmed' isn't your's, yes?
#293146 by schmedidiah
Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:21 pm
Planetguy do know "planetguy" isn't my given name, right? and likewise "schmed' isn't your's, yes?

thought you were upset at Dayne on this thread. Yod ain't back. I'm Ted, but i'm not sure what I did. :oops:

#293148 by DainNobody
Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:40 pm
Liten you guys..I just said the playing for food thing..cause we would razz people in the distant past here about playing for pizza..I know now I was wrong and you guys are making a killing doing live music at music partner texted me early day before Thanksgiving asking if I was up fer a jam?..I was busy so didnt go into Bolivar..he texted me all day telling me where at what locations he was told not to stand in bed of his pickup playing guitar and where he had pulled in a 5 dollar tip..seems like the city park near the restroom gets best foot traffic although Aldis parking lot is good too.
#293149 by Planetguy
Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:21 pm
schmedidiah wrote:
Planetguy do know "planetguy" isn't my given name, right? and likewise "schmed' isn't your's, yes?

thought you were upset at Dayne on this thread. Yod ain't back. I'm Ted, but i'm not sure what I did. :oops:


nah, not upset w anyone. it takes a lot to surprise me these days when it comes to folks' behavior. i was just weighing in on my strong opinion of anyone who'd play for tips at a venue that would then NEVER hire a musician for a fair wage.

re. "Ted", i am fully aware that's YOUR name and that Yod hasn't returned.... I was referring to Michael Peirce aka "Mike Talbot", and whiffed on his first name.

Talbot...we both know you 've been called far BETTER!
#293150 by Planetguy
Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:31 pm
Daynyrd Dylann wrote:Liten you guys..I just said the playing for food thing..cause we would razz people in the distant past here about playing for pizza..I know now I was wrong and you guys are making a killing doing live music at venues..

"....we would razz people"???

i'm not sure who the "we" is that you refer to dane, but since that almost sounds like an apology, i accept. for what it's worth i don't consider getting the same money i made at gigs 40 yrs ago "making a killing", but I never got into this racket for the money. i stay busy playing music i enjoy w good musicians who are also good, funny, and smart people and we get a fair wage. and sometimes.....we get fed too! :D

it beats the holy snot out of flipping burgers so, that's plenty good enough for me. 8)
#293152 by MikeTalbot
Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:23 pm
Why Mark...everybody loves me. Well, almost everybody. Well darn it at least my cat does! 8)

#293154 by DainNobody
Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:39 pm
If anybody wants to head out to Roberts Sale Barn east of Bolivar,Mo. On Hwy 32..Faron and I will be performing Saturday Nov.24..sort of an impromptu amalgamation of improvised blues based riffing. Rent a spot for 5 dollars and go from there..come on out!..let's jam.. :o
Supposed to be 68 to 70 deg. Out.
Maybe last warm day..
#293155 by DainNobody
Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:51 pm
Big lot..Faron and I will be setup lower left portion of photo..

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