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#293106 by gbheil
Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:39 pm
Long time no visit.
How is every little thing ?
#293109 by schmedidiah
Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:50 pm
hi. don't be stranger. :mrgreen:
#293110 by gbheil
Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:10 pm
AH . . . they don't come much stranger bro.
#293123 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:38 am
George! How's the Texas band stuff been going?
#293127 by gbheil
Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:48 pm
Been working our butts off Mike.
We've had a very good season, including picking up two of the largest local Fairs.
Kinda in a standstill at present with holidays n such. Though we've both a video and a new CD in the process.
A few hiccups along the way . . . but that's show business ( or just life )
Thanks for asking.
#293137 by MikeTalbot
Fri Nov 23, 2018 3:34 am
Glad you're sticking with it. I'd been playing in a cover band and a church band but got sidelined by ill heath. Rather than do nothing I'm working on my fifth and sixth books and have contributed stories to seven anthologies.

I know exactly what you mean about starving artists! It's the same old story, same old song and dance, my friend! 8)

Happy Thanksgiving pal.
#293147 by gbheil
Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:25 pm
Sorry to hear about your health issues MT.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
I didn't recall you're being a writer.
Thats cool ...
Love the Aerosmith reference. :D
#293165 by MikeTalbot
Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:53 pm

The last time I got a 'Whatsup' email was about five years ago. It was indeed from Bandmix, some guys were looking for a lead player in a copy band and I was desperate to play something, anything...I told them I mostly played bass and mostly played originals but they said "Come on out."

It was a wonderful jam. I took my Tele and they had a Marshal for me to play thru. They asked me if I needed overdrive? Well, hell yeah! We had a grand time. The drummer was hot and the bass player was good enough (he wasn't me but still... 8) ).

After about an hour a guy (GA State Trooper) came in - I thought we had a noise complaint. Nah, it was Georgia. He pulled out a harp. He didn't say a darn thing, just walked up to the mic and started playing...It was a stone blast.

We all knew i was not they guy they needed. (I didn't know many copy tunes on guitar) But we also knew we had done something special. When I got home, I tried to explain it, what a magic moment it was, to my wife who said I was living in a fantasy world. Yeah...i suppose so...

She used to get very angry when I'd see a musician phone number on my cell and answer, "Talbot."

"That's not your name damn it!"

But it's my music name. She's my ex now and while it's not her fault, i reckon it's not all my fault either...

Just so you know. I'm on Facebook under "Michael Peirce" or "MikePeirceAuthor," and I've always got time to chat with a brother. Send me a message and I'll forward my phone #.

#293181 by Planetguy
Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:23 pm
you know, mike. i think most of us can relate to the joy, wonder, and feeling of connection you mention that happens when things "click" in a good jam.

likewise, i suspect many of us also have faced that same deal of trying to explain and share what that's like w non musicians. i've never been able to do that. unless you've actually experienced what that's like....for get about it!

you bring up an interesting topic that i believe is worthy of it's own thread....spousal/significant other support (or lack thereof) of our musical endeavors.

when i have more time (getting ready for an early afternoon SARAH & MARK gig now) perhaps I'll start that up...or, should someone else care to, and have the time ...please go for it!
#293198 by Cajundaddy
Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:24 pm
Good day Sans, nice to see you here. I check in with your FB posts from time to time and it sounds like the band continues to move forward. Good stuff.

Personally The Road Dogs had significant lineup changes this year and the band is good but very different. We gig 1-2 times a month and that is plenty to fill my cup. After 12 years I have taken a break from regular Sunday Worship music as a new director gets settled-in at our church. I still lead worship with a small group and occasional outreach to keep my hand in.
#293205 by gbheil
Tue Nov 27, 2018 3:21 pm
Thank you all for the updates, and warm welcomes.
I can relate to the unknown cover routine.
My role in Jericho March, though fun and fulfilling has kept me in a box of sorts.
Very frightening to consider moving out of my comfort zone.
Taking lessons as we can afford, and growing ( slowly )
Significant life changes here of late.
I'm a full time starving artist / house husband ( no longer functioning as an RN ) as my wife continues to function her Medical Coding corporation.
I've had to let some stuff slide in the interim austerity governance of our household.
My phone being one of them . . . :shock:
But I tell true as I live, soon as that is remedied Mike "Talbot" . . . I will be in contact.

Love y'all . . . :D

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