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#292241 by MikeTalbot
Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:09 pm
I directed my post only to those claiming to be believers because bringing the faith into silly arguments is a very bad thing.

Please note I hold no ill will against people who don't share my faith but I'd sure be happy if you did!

Our BM mob would make a fine band in the heavenly realms, and I never have believed that harp stuff - I'm convinced the Lord loves bass players and maybe even drummers! :D

#292243 by DainNobody
Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:00 pm
Mike..hope you get to nice if 1 BandMix afficiando could make it..I would say are the only one here that as far as I see is following the gospel to a tee in faith and deeds..hope you hold no ill will towards me..
I think Christians are supposed to try and get the heathen to become a Christian but not necessarily mingle with the heathen..I don't know..just my foggy memory and I am probably wrong..Tod is right I am a dumb sh*t and incapable of correct understanding..God Bless Ted. :)
#292284 by MikeTalbot
Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:56 am

I hold no ill will against anyone. There is enough of that in world without me diving into it!


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