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#290399 by Jahva
Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:45 pm
Planetguy wrote:You guys who keep screaming "censorship" don't get it.

I'm not saying Alex Jones doesn't have the right to express his views, I just wouldn't allow him to do it from my porch... MY porch where I might allow someone else whose views I didn't find wack, or offensive to speak from.

That's not censorship. Nor would it be censorship had I allowed an "Elect Clinton" sign in my yard, but didn't allow Trump campaigners to put an "Elect Trump" sign in my yard.

It's MY property so I get to decide what gets communicated from it.
If I don't agree w your mssg or if I find it offensive.... You have every right to speak it but you're going to have to share it somewhere else.

Slice it however you like, that's not censorship. That's me EXERCISING MY RIGHT to have the final word over what gets said from MY PROPERTY.

I get the point you and some others hold regarding "censorship" under the law typically seen as the Govt. censoring or creating laws that would infringe on our rights.

My disagreement with it is based on the changing world we live in and how/where we get our information...
These companies are some of the largest world-wide outlets for that. I think it's a dangerous line to walk where a few have so much control over content. But as we are already seeing people will push back and I believe these companies will face their own consequences for these decisions... it's already starting. Maybe it will be a good thing in the end.
You tube has 38.1M Total Accounts and 23.7M YouTube Creators...
If you ever get these kinds of numbers banging on your door hopefully it's for your music! :D
#290400 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:47 pm
Overwhelmingly, the people who demanded the expurgation of Alex Jones probably never would have come across his 'content' in their own feeds. They were indignant that *others* had the opportunity to come across him

One of the most paradoxical things about this is how many people so quickly clamor for censorship in a media landscape where what you consume is now completely in your power, and in fact, has been engineered to please you.

This is the equivalent of the school yard bully taking away your lunch money because he thinks he has a right to it.
#290401 by Planetguy
Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:55 pm
yod wrote:More examples of hypocrisy.

That is exactly the same defense that the Christian bakers in Oregon had for not making a cake for a gay wedding that promoted homosexuality. Do you remember your position on that? I do and it wasn't consistent with what you just said.

Which is it?

It's blatant and obvious that Democrats have a problem with consistent integrity. The law and any rules of decency only apply to everyone else


LOL. That's you throwing YOUR 'blatant hypocrisy' around

So, how does two gay men getting married "promote homosexuality"???? Does a heterosexual cpl getting married promote 'heterosexuality'????

But YOUR hypocrisy has no problem w businesses choosing who gets a cake made for them. going w that logic and your rationale.....if the owner doesn't care to make a cake for Muslims, Blacks, or Jews....because he disagree with their religion, race, or ethnicity you're ok with that?

No, I know you're not ok w that...because you have no problems w THOSE groups. Buta group you DO have a problem gays.....ah, different story and that's where your hypocrisy and bias kicks in.
#290403 by Planetguy
Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:05 pm
yod wrote:Overwhelmingly, the people who demanded the expurgation of Alex Jones probably never would have come across his 'content' in their own feeds. They were indignant that *others* had the opportunity to come across him

Ted, you are sooooo cute when you toss off these opinions of your's as declarative statements, as FACTS when they are nothing more than your narrow minded opinions. They simply conveniently fit the scenario you subscribe to, but there are no stats or figures to support such a silly claim.

I do think it's sad that there are so many people who believe that Sandy Hook was "staged", but I'm not "indignant that others are exposed" to that putz. I do find it equally sad, and incredibly ironic that the boobs who subscribe to his BS were the first suckers who took the bait and swallowed Trump's brilliant ploy of discrediting the press... They're usually first to bitch about "fake news". No irony here folks...let's all move along! :roll:
#290405 by Jahva
Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:30 pm
Planetguy wrote:
yod wrote:Overwhelmingly, the people who demanded the expurgation of Alex Jones probably never would have come across his 'content' in their own feeds. They were indignant that *others* had the opportunity to come across him

Ted, you are sooooo cute when you toss off these opinions of your's as declarative statements, as FACTS

I do find it equally sad, and incredibly ironic that the boobs who subscribe to his BS were the first suckers who took the bait and swallowed Trump's brilliant ploy of discrediting the press...

Well isn't it ironic... :lol:
#290406 by J-HALEY
Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:43 pm
"I do find it equally sad, and incredibly ironic that the boobs who subscribe to his BS were the first suckers who took the bait and swallowed Trump's brilliant ploy of discrediting the press.."

What kind of dream state do you exist in Mark? I would say you live in an alternate reality with alternate facts. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
#290407 by Planetguy
Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:38 pm
well, of course you'd say that, that makes perfect sense from the dream state and alternate reality YOU live in!

That was Trump's and Bannon's intent, to get the public to believe that everything the mainstream media reports... every time they blow the whistle, or drop a flag on his misdeeds... it's BS. And this way whenever the press reports on wrongdoings, (your) half of the country believes it's all lies! Wow, how easily you guys were played. :oops:
#290409 by J-HALEY
Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:03 pm
Mark, if you cannot see the brilliant ploy that 99% of the press are using to discredit the President you certainly do live in a dream state one that certainly doesn't exist in ANY reality! That or Teds post definitely applies to you. I'll post that for you again just in case you read through it with those rose colored liberal glass's.

Here Ya go Mark

"If there was some consistent logic to your position it would be visible. But it isn't.....

You support violent groups dedicated to the overthrow of a free republic, while railing against the elected representatives of others for not capitulating to the violent leftists.

You repeat propaganda without critical analysis for veracity. We all eventually get caught in that trap in this era of fake news, so thats completely forgivable but when it's proven wrong and even that doesn't change your position then, yea, you come across as not really interested in what is true but what is most politically expedient for the Lefties trying to destroy America.

....and as long as there are enough people like you to tip an election, you're going to get the equal and opposite reaction from the Alex Jones crowd. That's how Democracy works, like it or not.

But please keep blaming the Russians to keep yourself from arriving at a solution that would help the Left win"
#290411 by Planetguy
Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:25 pm
J-HALEY wrote:Mark, if you cannot see the brilliant ploy that 99% of the press are using to discredit the President you certainly do live in a dream state one that certainly doesn't exist in ANY reality!

another one who likes to throw around your opinions as if they are "facts"! :lol:

so, it's "99%" is it? are you sure it's not 98%??? or 97.2%? :lol:

as for any "ploy"....if you are referring to the "ploy" the press uses of accurately reporting on trump's misdeeds and those of his cronies and his other words DOING THEIR JOB of being checks and balances to gov' doesn't seem all that effective when there are still so many who've been brainwashed to believe that the press is the enemy....not when there are those like yourself who choose to bury your heads in the sand and live in blissful denial.

but i suppose that's to be expected since you're in the group of kool-aide guzzlers who actually believe there's such a thing as "alternative facts".

#290412 by Jahva
Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:03 pm
There are credibility issues with Trump and some of his statements...
But not regarding the MSM as Fake News generally speaking of course... there's been plenty to support that. Even before he became POTUS.
You guys have probably called out either Fox or CNN long before he did... why is this even a debate anymore.
So Fox was always right and CNN was always wrong or the reverse... you guys are all wearing tinfoil hats... except Talbot :mrgreen:

Just today I saw a story about a guy named Jeremy Montanez.
He was part of a CNN group of people that supposedly voted for Trump and CNN wanted to know what they thought about him after his first months in office or some time frame don't remember that part...
Turns out Jeremy appears to either have been a plant by CNN to oppose Trump but act like he voted for him or CNN didn't vet the guy.
Either way it's come out the dude is a Democratic Socialists that wants to ban guns... :lol: :lol: Dudes an actor as well... had those CNN folks believing... lol
I'm sure the original video is somewhere on YT... doesn't fall under the Alex Jones kind of crazy chit but still... Fake.
He still has his linked in account if you want to look him up.. he took down most everything else.
Last edited by Jahva on Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#290413 by Planetguy
Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:12 pm
and there's incontrovertible proof to support that.....or is it more FAKE NEWS?

see, that's where Trump has brought this country to. :cry:
#290416 by Jahva
Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:21 pm
You can check the guys page for yourself or not if you have a LinkedIn. doesn't sound like a guy who would even vote Republican let alone Trump...
An Actor Democratic Socialist... voting for Trump?

Are you saying you've never doubted the MSM or just your favorite cup of the MSM?
#290417 by Jahva
Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:21 pm
Are you familiar with Brandon Straka? Me neither... so I looked into his story... started a movement unintentionally called #Walk away... He's a life long Lib. New Yorker Gay Hair dresser I believe... Basically posted a video on why he was leaving the Democratic party... and it caught wildfire.
CNN try to combat it as fake news then they called it Russian bots... So all the participants started telling their story as a video and why they have chosen to walk away from the party. The videos are still up on YT... not sure of the numbers I'm not on Face Book but you could probably look him up and see his followings.
Not Fake... it's there to be seen and heard... CNN reported it as fake.
#290420 by Ancient Vegan
Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:27 pm
I noticed CBS starts their broadcasts out now advertised as REAL news.

I heard Alex Jones got throwed out of a mime show last night.
He suffered a fit, and they thought he was heckling. :lol:

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