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#23261 by Starfish Scott
Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:42 am
Just say no to singing drummers. LOL

(It's too harsh when the drums come up through the same mic they are using to sing)

#23262 by Needle in a haystack
Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:51 am
No sir, no singing here.But ican tell you that Hillary Jones and Vinnie C.--(cant spell it) are bad ass drummers..They both have played for Robbin Ford. Absoluity Amazing>>>>>>>.........<<<<<<<

""Animal's i tell ya Animal's"" 8)

#23279 by RhythmMan
Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:56 pm
And, by the way (unless you're into metal) - "Blow by Blow" was a real good album.

#23281 by Needle in a haystack
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:40 pm
No metal here RM eventho ther are some good drummers too.
I like it if its got soul and it grooves and some sort of melody.
Hell iv herd a few of Papa Roach's song's that i liked..Is he considered
metal i wounder?

I will check it out

#26324 by TTBOY
Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:44 am
I CANT DO sh*t :roll:

#26325 by TTBOY
Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:45 am

#27855 by koolmom78
Sat Apr 05, 2008 3:29 pm
Well, I have to say I have more than appreciated all the suggestions & advice shared by the musicians on this site. :) As a person who has been in music for many years but not the band scene, I have lots of questions and definately need experienced answers. Especially living in a city that is in the middle of the Canadian praries :) there's a limited number of musicians, so having access to a large number of people with years of experience is an invaluable tool to progress. Now with that being said, I will not be upgrading to contact other members through this site, because I have not found one person remotely close enough to jam with. :?

And I have posted ads seeking like-minded musicians on local Kijiji etc and man, you can get replies! the trouble is getting people who are action, not talk...I imagine this is one of the purposes of charging to contact members on this site. It serves as a way of weeding out the sporadic people who may not be serious enough to go any further. How many times guys have you been contacted through a free site where someone talks the talk and that's as far as it ever goes? So say what you will, but a clean site with good debates, intellectual conversation (most of the time ;) and invaluable advice & know-how from seasoned musicains is, as Mastercard so eloquently put it, "priceless".. 8)

#28669 by philbymon
Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:32 pm
"Remotely close enough"...I like that!

Have seen one, maybe two, ppl close enough for me to cantact, that I'd like to work with.

However, I HAVE talked to a lot of cool ppl, & if I ever get to thier area, you can be sure that I'll look them up for a jam or at LEAST a drink.

#28675 by HowlinJ
Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:47 pm
I believe it was Irminsul who brought up the point ,some time ago, about the effectiveness of the BandMix musician search function being contingent upon location density. I believe this opinion has merit "up to a point". Once again, my search has been totally successful, and after my new band is named and tight, I an considering upgradeing my free membership to a "full blown" BANDVISTA account. Seems like a great thing ,that will probably only get better.

In case Y'all are wondering, I'm not affiliated with BandMix in any way other then my free membership, and they aint payin' me to endorse their services. I just think that I have come to recognise a good thing when I see it, and I am obliged to acknowledge my appreciation for some folks efforts in creating something that is of potential benefit to us.
If they make a profit from us, May God Bless 'Em :wink:

Some of Y'all do too much whinin' :roll:


#28689 by star
Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:04 pm
Honestly, I cant see how people would expect this site to be free. This is a business, not a charity. $10 is nothing if you truly want to make it and care about your career. C'mom, 2 extra value meals at the burger joint/month. C'mon

Bandmix, keep the pricing.

#29768 by _Joey
Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:24 am
it is unfair that you have to pay right off the bat to talk to someone... You will scare off alot of people with this unless you refine it somehow that lets you message 5 people for free or something... if i add someone to my Music List, will they get an email telling them I did that? I want someone to see I think we are compatible but A) I don't have a credit card, and B) every last cent is going towards rent or food, and I barely have enough for food..... (using the internet at my moms)

#29783 by gbheil
Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:52 pm
If you want to play some sacrifice must be made. But not food :D

#29797 by _Joey
Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:07 pm
^ well it's food, or a roof over my head.... oh well, i guess i'll stay smart and stick to where most people go: good free sites! or at least a site that doesn't demand $10 up front just to take a stab in the dark

#29804 by gbheil
Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:56 pm
That "stab in the dark" netted me two musicians, and a full band. 8)

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