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#286423 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 9:02 pm
Vegans in general think they are pretty hip thinking they are doing themselves and the world a favor not eating animal based products..what they don't understand is a human along with many primate species are omnivores and not herbivores as they pronounce loudly the sinfulness of eating animal based food product's..they forget about the micro nutrients plants just can't provide wholly.. Iodine..copper..lithium..etc. And any deficiency in any one or more of essential micro-nutrients will render vegans even ancient ones into mentally retarded zombies given enough time for the brain/mind to react..we have a case here now..analyze the ramblings and then ask yourself does it make sense or does it sound a little out there and not cognizant? :P
#286424 by Vampier
Thu May 17, 2018 9:55 pm
Excellent Post Dayne. You delivered your point without insult and backing it up with intellect that is not deficient. So do not expect it to be fairly recieved by it's subject. When you compare his recent dribbles to those previous ... he seems to be having problems with aluminum in the brain or one of the other myriad of SlowKill methods employed by the NWO.
Poor vegetable munching Sod. He may be grazing on some prime Monsanto GMO's. The possibilities are endless. We must tolerate him but we do not have to be silent.

Perhaps the 5G has gotten to him. A great many are now losing their facilities due to the poisonous environment. They can not even discern it. The younger ones do not have as far to go as the older ones to reach this "enlightened" state. But they all DENY the Truth and mock and insult those who are "awake". They are doomed to the Second Death.
#286425 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 10:35 pm
It actually hurts me to be hurtful to him..if I was actually following Christian doctrine I would allow him to come on here and libel me by calling me a psycho, liar, etc. But I believe I will take more of a Krsna Consciousness approach and just to make sure I carry out my duty in life and protect my honor and especially my ancestors honor to not belittle the name..I was set to remain silent but I see he wants to continue dishonoring..he did this before..only that time he had imagined in his nutrient deficient mind that I was a narc.. I sometimes believe he is one of those mentally retarded cretins that can not separate the dream state from reality or the waking state..he dreams stuff and then sets it into reality..its a real valid mental condition..I saw patients suffering of this condition at Dorothea Dix Hospital when I visited Brent my guitarist duo half in Raleigh 1991..yeah my best friend in Raleigh had to take lithium carbonate and also the drug that makes them sick drinking just one beer..he always obsessed about the Pleiades and Dog least he was an adequate rhythm guitarist and vocalist unlike the Vegan..
All he has to do is shut up about the psycho thing and then I shut up..this time he has dreamt I am a psycho immoral and a liar and yet he gives no factual evidence to back up his claims? But yet he is yapping on and on and commuting defamation of character cause he sucks at guitar playing just listen to him.that's a fact and not opinion..simply listen :roll:
#286426 by J-HALEY
Thu May 17, 2018 10:45 pm
Dayne, let it go. You tend to over think things. I always thought Lynard is a very intelligent guy. He does appear to be a follower and needs to follow a cause. Once he sets his mind to a cause he seems to be very passionate about it. I have to give a guy like that an E for EFFORT.
#286427 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 10:53 pm
Well Jeff if you want to go the compassion route I could go down that path with you but he has to go see a doctor to get an understanding why his behavior is abnormal? Would you not agree that somebody that out of the blue falsely accused somebody (me) of being a liar a psycho as evil without facts to back it up is abnormal? If it is just for seeking attention then it might be ain even worse mental disorder? Why don't you ask him to quiet himself and I will do the same..I never escalated anything..he comes on this morning and rants about a threadking a pig and a psycho
#286428 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 10:58 pm
J-HALEY wrote:Dayne, let it go. You tend to over think things. I always thought Lynard is a very intelligent guy. He does appear to be a follower and needs to follow a cause. Once he sets his mind to a cause he seems to be very passionate about it. I have to give a guy like that an E for EFFORT.

Did you think he was intelligent when he started in on your wife some time ago? Don't believe you were thinking he was intelligent then? Why don't you move here and see him in will see he gossips negatively about everybody once they are out of listening do I know? I liked to use to hang around his swap meet spot for hours at a time..I swear there is not a soul he does not despise in some sort of fashion..
#286429 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 11:18 pm ... -imagined/

Vampire we should be kinder to veggie..he might have a deformed fold in his brain causing him to dream I am a narc a liar evil and a the above article
#286430 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 11:43 pm
He hates going to doctors..once he cut off this giant cyst off his neck with a jackknife rather than have it professionally done by a doctor to save money before his inheritance kicked to get him to see a shrink is probably dreamin
#286432 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 11:45 pm
You mad bro? Keep on talk in and I will call your "wife" and sing to her over the phone again
.ha ha :roll:
#286433 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 11:47 pm
I dropped it yesterday Talbot until he started up again this morning..tell him to drop it and you will not hear a peep out of me sir.. :)
#286434 by DainNobody
Thu May 17, 2018 11:55 pm
For the sake of peace and harmony I officially drop this for now. And will remain civil towards him as long as he is civil to me..although I am due an apology for him starting this Bullshit..since I am so good-natured I am forfeiting that request..
#286436 by J-HALEY
Fri May 18, 2018 2:45 am
Daynyrd Dylann wrote:
J-HALEY wrote:Dayne, let it go. You tend to over think things. I always thought Lynard is a very intelligent guy. He does appear to be a follower and needs to follow a cause. Once he sets his mind to a cause he seems to be very passionate about it. I have to give a guy like that an E for EFFORT.

Did you think he was intelligent when he started in on your wife some time ago? Don't believe you were thinking he was intelligent then? Why don't you move here and see him in will see he gossips negatively about everybody once they are out of listening do I know? I liked to use to hang around his swap meet spot for hours at a time..I swear there is not a soul he does not despise in some sort of fashion..

Dayne, wow! I don’t give a Ratsass, about what anyone here thinks or says about me, my wife, my girlfriend (I am divorced) from that woman. What you folks think of me does not define who I am.
I am enjoying my life and living it to the absolute fullest my creator allows. My ex wife has been insulted by Jimmy Danger, Mark, Lynard, Stringdancer, and a number of other folks here. My ex is a great woman, the man that lands her is one lucky guy! I have continued down the path God wants! That is all. Please I hope you find great peace God bless Brother!
#286438 by Vampier
Fri May 18, 2018 4:32 am
Well stated Haley ... as usual. Talbot ... good advice I think. Dayne, you are quite likable and intelligent. As I stated before I feel we must tolerate. thanks for the vid by the way ... i did enjoy it. You are sensitive Dayne and therefore being affected in a negative way by what is growing all around us ... being more sensitive your bodies defenses kick in quickly ... more so than a vague-un. Willie is absolutely correct in his assessment. I recocomend toleration if one can not let it go ... but to a limit. I respect those who have and live by their limits ... hence Glen. Understanding does not always mean agreement nor toleration ... in Martial Arts it means victory for you and defeat for them.

"Most will never believe what i know to be true"

Stephan Buchanan 1979 Manchester, England
#286441 by GuitarMikeB
Fri May 18, 2018 12:39 pm
Vampier, blind to reality, as always:
You delivered your point without insult

Did you not read Dane's rant:
mentally retarded zombies

Do you not realize that he was using a 'sideways aim' to insult AV? ANd Dane's rants are just as far out there (or moreso) than AV's.

My wife is a pescatarian - that means she eats fish/seafood but otherwise is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat. She, like most other vegetarians (and vegans - do you understand the difference?) takes vitamin and mineral supplements.

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