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#283 by 532 7532
Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:56 am
Hi, Lincoln, as for myself, I thought it was a very well written and produced
tune. I'm notmuch for that style of music as a whole, but I thought that was
I really don't have too much regard for qualifying music in terms of
it's commercial potential, and the one dude is probably right, but then
who knows? Most of the top money-getters in commercial pop have to
have Eventide pitch correction for thier singing.
I prefer a rawer sound and leaving mistakes in to preserve the linear
continuity of your mind set while one is playing a particular track.
But it's all about the groove and vibe for me.

While were at it could you do a listen to the little blues instrumental
I have in my profile? Appreciate it.
BTW I'm a Christian to, just not a quote, Christain musician, if ya know what I mean. :wink:

#284 by lincoln
Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:13 pm
Hey 532 7532!

Thanks for the kind words...

I checked out your song.. loved the title :wink: hehehe.. very cool...

You got a GREAT sound going on there! Very nice!! Do you do this professionally? Did you do all the playing and recording, mixing, etc... yourself? Very nicely done!! I'd love to hear more!

#285 by 532 7532
Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:52 pm
Thanks yes I did, the drums were aloop (cut and paste...........)

#286 by roxygrl2929
Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:25 am
Hey Lincoln.
Just listened to your song and I liked it. I think it has a lot of potential. In terms of techincal stuff, I think that there could be more definition between your verses and choruses (if that is what you are going for). I think that you repeat the phrase "who will be there" a lot in your verse and I think that could be saved more for the chorus parts. I like it in the first few lines,like up until the beat starts in, but then I think you could change the words around a little to add effect to the chorus.
I really really like the "nanana's"
The vocals in the background are good, and I think they should be more even emphasized as the song goes on. Also, I think some harmonies throughout would be cool.

Im not really good at this sort of thing, because I dont take criticism too well, so I dont like to dish it out. But I like your song and I hope my comments are helpful, but if not thats cool too. :) Good job and keep writing!
(if you have time, check out the song on my profile and let me know what you think.)

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