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#279549 by Badstrat
Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:53 pm
It was inevitable anyway, wasn't it?

The New and Improved Donald Rodham Trump that the media and leftists love. (Until they can impeach him)

Obamacare repeal?
At least I’ll make a half-ass pretense to do that. Besides,I think it isn’t that bad anyway. I have always been for a one-payer system. You wouldn’t want me to go back on what I really want, would you?
You knew that was mostly just campaign speak. Besides it’s a “hot potato” I’ll just keep threatening to do that but I’ll keep burying that problem with political diversions.

Cut government waste?
That was pretty much just campaign speak
Besides, Ivanka has a great welfare plan for paid family leave to consider. And we need to fund the giveaway programs for people without employment or work skills coming into America, that’s the right thing to do.

Cut the budget?
Lets fund everything with continuing resolutions. We don’t need no stinking budgets. About budget caps? Lets get rid of them so that we can spend endlessly without restraints. That would free us up for more important things we can never get done.
Cutting the budget was just campaign speak anyway.

Send illegals back home?
It would be wrong to send the hordes of illegal invaders home. That would be un-American. Instead perhaps we should give them all amnesty. That’s an idea worth considering. Then being an American would amount to nothing special. It would truly be Utopia if we were all on the same level. Hell, representatives don’t listen to Americans anyway. Working on amnesty will bring endless chain migration. Great idea!! We could use those votes to nullify those pesky citizen votes.
Sending illegals home was just campaign speak. You knew that, didn't you? Or were you that gullible?

I'm going to end DACA
Lets end the unconstitutional DACA program that gives benefits to illegals at American taxpayer expense.
Instead lets take that illegal unconstitutional DACA program and legalize it! Then we could extend it to all illegals under a certain age that sneak into America, thus setting them on the first step on the path of citizenship. Yes! Lets keep the benefits for illegals and perhaps even extend them to any illegal under 30 years of age that sneaks across Americas borders. It’s the compassionate vote grabbing liberal thing to do. Lets work together to give them all amnesty!!

The wall…”I won’t pass any budget without wall funding.”
That was yesterday. But yesterdays gone.
We’ll bring that up later so as not to alienate conservatives. Instead lets tempt more to come here with free stuff through legalizing the illegal DACA program and demonstrating that once you sneak into America you will never have to leave. You may even get a generous income while sitting at home doing nothing through generous taxpayer giveaway programs!

I’m going to open more jobs for Americans
I’ll send those who do not belong here home.
Common folks, you know that was just campaign speak.
What the hell. I think I’ll let more foreign workers into America by increasing the H-B2 program limits instead so that they can share the wealth from American jobs. Americans don’t want jobs anyway.

I’m going to drain the swamp!
Instead I think I’ll bring more alligator leftist advisors into the swamp for my cabinet. What would a swamp be without alligators? We can’t have that. I'll even take the time to go and campaign for demoncraps running for government!! Like is S.D. and a few other states.
Besides, I was just joshing about that swamp draining stuff anyway.

Over 200 million American Citizens want illegals to go home and they want the border closed. A few million illegals want the government to ignore illegal immigration and increase giveaways to them and treat them like American citizens.

Our elected representatives ignore the millions that put them in power, but they rush ahead at full speed to fulfill all the whims of the illegal and non citizen population. Our representatives want Americans citizenship to be as nothing so Americans and illegals and other non citizens will all share equal standing. What the Hell you say? They don’t listen to voters anyway, do they? So what does it matter?

Thank God that there aren’t any “American Dreamers”
If American children were “dreamers” their dreams would be nightmares. Such an endearing term “Dreamers” to labile illegal lawbreaking, job stealing, invaders into America at the expense of American taxpayers. I do so feel for them.

Hillarys campaign began the Russian conspiracy to stop trump.

And now we have Donald Rodham Trump.
Remember John Benedict Roberts?
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:15 am
Sorry Gary.
I totally disagree with you.

What is being proven is far worse than your hatred of a great man with the very same handcuffs that threaten the very foundations of FREEDOM. You are starting to sound like a bitter old man, instead of someone IMO is filled with the wisdom of of life. Sorry if that is harsh...

Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:27 pm
george1146561 wrote:
Badstrat wrote:It was inevitable anyway, wasn't it?

What, that you'd start yet another of the exact same threads with the exact same lies and half a dozen or so different topics all jammed together?

You gotta back up your statements. Not the exact same threads and none of them lies. Topics not jammed together.

George you have said some sensible things and you have also gone the complete different direction.

When you add stuff like that you are not proving your ability to add to any discussion without adding insults.

Welcome back Mark! :)
#279811 by Vampier
Mon Sep 25, 2017 4:49 pm
George ... How long have you suffered from your "God" Complex ???

What you have just described is a shallow, socially retarded and deeply non-intellectual "response" or "reply" ... which opens a window into the very heart of you. When ever someone who may disagree with you (imagine that idiot) actually gives you a compliment or recognizes something you stated as making some sense ... well George this is not an "invitation" for you to respond with insult.

Oh and by the way just because you "think" something does not make it reality. Your "judgement" is clouded and why is a matter that could be debated if anyone understood exactly "where" you are coming from. How many open insults do you "think" should be included to justify a "carefully thought out reply" ?????

Are "gutter-level insults" below or above your carefully worded and thought out ones ???? "Gutter Garbage " Keys ??? are they minor or major, in the "key" of "F" or "U", Do you have any friends George or are most people socializing, speaking and writing on a level which does not match the "Lofty Out of Touch with MEality and Human Nature (musos included) ... that you at least mentally dwell in ?

We all have our thresholds of tolerance and pushing any to that point is not Noble, intelligent or suitable for a proper response. Glen has added a great deal of patience to his "being" and I thank you for allowing everyone to at least see this. You can not "speak things into existence" and the sooner you realize this and attempt to engage people in debate ... limiting your insults and seeking common ground as a "beginning" then perhaps you will not look so utterly silly and inflated ... more approachable and successful in social endeavours.

No one is debating that you are intelligent despite your drum beating which is kind of amazing to me. Turn it down to 10.5 and use your spectacular self control and limit your insults and condemnations by say 100% so there will only be one in each paragraph. And speed read a couple books on the subject of HUMOUR as it might also assit you.

As Musos we all have most excellent EGOS ... that goes without saying. It is better if we put them down before we start pecking on the keyboard. I am guilty of much of what I say at times, I freely admit. I think much of what you relate is very good. I do not think you have to defend by picking up a club when you have a good command of language.

Regardless George, I wish you the best in all the crap which is and is about to go down. All of us will need friends and none of us will be able to be effective even in basic survival on our "Todd". Keep this mind. Go ahead if you wish and insult me... I will take no exception to it as I truly think that you do not need at all to do it here or anywhere else for that matter.
Live Well Die Well
Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:43 pm
That was an excellent response Vamp!!!!

George that was a very poor choice of opinion... YOUR OPINION that I pointed out before...
You have already pissed off at all us over the hill people, that are mainly concerned with peeing straight into the toilet. At night, in the dark... Should we leave it up to prove we didn't OR put it down to show we may have... How many human beings don't even have that option of thought.

Well the opinionated point you seem to miss is that law abiding Americans are starting to pee back on the bush.
We have reached a point where we don't want a little boy in NOKO threatening us with nuclear weapons.
We don't want prosperity stolen from hard working people.

I for one am going to leave the seat up so that when it gets slammed down so hard on any pecker that wants to crush FREEDOM...

Where is MARK when you need him?
All he ever did was stroke his ego and insult people. I love that guy... He's got a big set.

George, thanks for attempting to contribute.Remember...
If don't read the papers, you are uninformed... If you do read the papers... You are misinformed....... MARK TWAIN.
Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:59 pm
Did you just call me an idiot?

Yes you did.

Now you know why in my opinion you are just spreading a sack of krap!

I did not want to have to go back through your post's to show how you say one thing then another. I'm not gonna play that game.

Mark would... He has nothing better to do.

Idiot... If that is how easily you underestimate people... When they come for your family and you, you are just a dead man walking. NO I AM NOT PREPPER! I can read your words already.
Actually feel bad for you... Remember this is coming from a strong member of the "BASKET OF DEPLORABLES"!

We used to be known as believers in AMERICA!
#279819 by MikeTalbot
Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:55 am
A proper response is NEVER an insult. When we insult others we promote ourselves above them and in some ways give ourselves over to something we should always avoid, arrogance. It gives the enemy a foothold.

#279823 by Vampier
Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:51 am
Well stated Talbot. You have always taken the High Road unlike the rest of us who at times stoop into the Gutter ... I have always respected you for that. Glen ... I really think as you have previously stated that George does say some awesome things but then he negates them with ... we all know what. George, you seem to be very angry and very frustrated. I can understand that in view of the world but it seems to come from a more personal direction. I could be wrong but it seems to me that you may be in fact going through some real life shite and this is the source of your ANGERRRRRRR. Divorce, Health issues, Some loss of some sort ... we do not know if you do not tell us. No one here will deride anything that is serious and over the top frustrating beyond belief ... etc. On the contrary we will support you and be empathetic and more understanding in light of such. Just felt the need to point that out. I can understand that it may not be the case and you might be some sort of slightly demented above average guy who has attacks of Anger from time to time.

#279830 by Badstrat
Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:59 pm
" I could be wrong but it seems to me that you may be in fact going through some real life shite and this is the source of your ANGERRRRRRR. Divorce, Health issues, Some loss of some sort ... we do not know if you do not tell us."

OR... georgy came here from another planet where his pride filled obnoxious persona irritated everyone so much that they all left. So in desperation georgy came here in an attempt to piss off all the people on this planet.

Georgy, don't be such a control freak. Glen has it right, you should listen to him and learn. People can post anything they want to post anywhere they want to post if the truth be known. Especially on a thread they began. But if that causes you to get your panties all in a wad (as that appears to be the case) then go whining to the Bandmix administration again. (they'll probably laugh their asses off like they most likely did the last time you ran crying to them about something.) I do not believe that the Bandmix admin were ignoring you as you accused them of doing during your tantrum. Perhaps they were simply yucking it up so much at your complaint that they couldn't respond. But if do go running to them again no need come crying back to us about how they ignored you. Just put on your big boy pants and chill out.

Perhaps you could write a novel, an autobiography of sorts, on how to alienate and piss people off with an obnoxious personality. You made a post about how well you know yourself a while back. Truth is georgy, you do not know yourself. Your ego and your pride lie to you all the time and you are foolish enough to believe them. The fact is that no one truly knows himself.
We realize that you have had to live with yourself for 66 absolutely miserable years (I believe that is how old you told us you are) but that no reason to take your hostilities out on us. :)
Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:34 pm
George, you do what you want.
Just like all the NFL football players that suddenly showed they they didn't give a crap about constitutional values.

Yes... They have all these rights under our constitution.

But they must be exercised with tremendous personal responsibility and tolerance.

George you are obviously a great man. I Understood your song... Like a bird on a wire.



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