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Sat May 27, 2017 10:31 am
Vamp... You are a true warrior of words.
You will be among the first that will be destroyed. The words you post are far more dangerous to the evil.

Proof of why we have the first amendment. Why it was so important to allow men of freedom to speak. However when evil runs into words such as yours... You have to be silenced. You are a reminder of FREEDOM.
Funny how the second amendment followed, in importance. It is important for every man of personal responsibility be allowed the right to PROTECT themselves... And as such, not have their first amendment rights taken away.

You write with a mighty pen my friend. Be aware there are many with power, that seek to destroy. You could be far more dangerous than one man with a gun. History has proved this over and over again.
#276958 by Vampier
Mon May 29, 2017 9:21 pm
Glen ... I thank you for your Post and compliments. Those whom you speak of who may in some way "feel" threatened by my words ... these would be those of Evil, those who know that what they do is Evil. The threat they foolishly percieve as coming from me ... in Truth comes from they themselves. They condemn themselves by their own actions and torture themselves with guilt because they know they do evil and wrong action. I am not the threat ... they are and not only to themselves but to all others. To this filth, Truth itself is the "threat'. Doing away with me will do them no good as then every aspect of who they are and what they do will only be intensified. There are a great many others who are much more powerful threats to them ... many even found within their own ranks. This is why they are doomed to perish, fail and lose. Yes I may die, I will most certainly die at some point ... but my words, my music and the memory of me will live on through the turning of time itself ... and I take solace in this because Eternity will find me no Coward, no imbecilic Cretan, no Evil Minion. Perhaps if I am effective and True then I shall be Forgiven of my shortcomings and wrongdoings and imperfections and avoid "The Second Death". Who knows ... very few care and what I write is better written than not ... regardless. Your own words go far in justifying mine and for this I also thank you my Friend.


Au revolv du grand nombre septiesme
Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe
Non esloigne' du grand eage milliesme
Que les en trez sortiront de leur tombe

The year of the great seventh number accomplished
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter
Not far from the great millennial age
When the buried will go out from their tombs

When hundreds die at the Hectomb
And the dead overcome their graves
This is the sign and symbol to all
That the autumn draws near when all shall perish and be destroyed

Syphon's Translation

In France, within a little village there lies The Cross of Hendaye. I first heard of it in a book by the alchemist Fulcanelli. The book ... Mystery of the Cathedrals. It is believed that the cross shows the exact moment when the End of Age ... The End of Time will occur. Of course I had to see it when I was there. Now I am pleased I did because no doubt after the Muslim Filth are finished it will lie destroyed.

Upon it is the Inscription ...OCRUXAVES PESUNICA.

I touched it and it touched me. At the time it puzzled me, why would I feel "something" like an electric version of a Tibetan Monks lower hum ? I touched it seven times and each time had the same sensation. I have felt the stones and rocks speak many times since childhood but never with such power and consistency. I am certain you have experienced something and knew when you did it had some significance but not a clue of what ...

That was the beginning of my fascination with the numeral seven. I remembered when I "sort of" read the Bible when I was bedridden with Polio and I found out that according to the Bible, one of it's meanings was that it was the Number of Punishment, Purification and Penitence. It has many meanings in the Bible actually. But they are all very different from one another and thus I found it all rather confusing at the time.

To the Indians with whom I grew up with ... Seven was the Number of Man in the Cosmos. They also were aware that the fall of a stone in the water causes seven important ripples before becoming flat. Also there were seven main Rituals which some of them practiced ... Guarding the Soul ... Purification ... Asking for a Vision ... The SunDance ... Rite of Puberty ... Making an Alliance ... Rite of the Game. Seven is a Magical Number and very powerful in many Cultures.

"Seven is the number of realization of the space-time."


Seven is considered to be the number of creation and the subsequent patterns that appear in the natural world. I have developed an affinity for it over the years of my Life. It seems with each passing year it takes on more significance to me and relation to my Life. In Numerology the number 7 is the Seeker, the Thinker, the Searcher ot Truth. I can identify with this easily and have learned that almost always Truth is obscured behind illusion.

No one can possess a monopoly upon Truth. Truth can not be linear. I have come to believe that all Time exists in but one moment. What is now and what was and even what will be, can be seen away from the Linear Plane. Here within the Physical we are torn between two realities ... one linear and the other not. I think this becomes clear when one comes near to dying.

The Spirit is nonlinear by nature and usage and may be kept immortal and timeless. In this sense I believe that each one of us has a moment to achieve ... one of evolutionary importance. Of course we are all different but upon meeting, there are some of us that "connect" upon a much deeper level. I do not know of all the reasons for this but am aware that it does in fact happen.

The Spirit has power and can be used. The skill of such use is prevented by intent and design. This ability is a gift which most either refuse or simply can not ... use. They deny it just like they deny themselves and the reality which swirls about them. I have come more and more to care not for these people.

The Indians who I knew and whom came to know me treated this ability and usage with the great reverence as one does a valuable book. If you open such a book then you can come to greater knowledge. Having polio and afterwards knowing, the Indians created a "Time" which set my Spirit into movement ... to decipher the codes within me.

Century 10 Quatrain 73

The present time together with the past
Will be judged by the great Jovialist
The world too late will be tired of him
And through the clergy oath-taker disloyal

So here I sit in Darkness

I look about me ... and see nothing

Some have despaired ... ReAwakening to such a nightmare

There is something in the wind

A slight scent of Death

I will not let you slip away

Like the others looking for release

At times my poems are exiled screams in the desert

I have discovered that by living

In places where I am "out of place"

I am in fact free


Century 10 Quatrain 75

Long awaited he will never return
In Europe, he will appear in Asia
One of the league issued from the great Hermes
And he will grow over all the Kings of the East

The End of history has been written

Now it has only to be Lived and Died

What transpires is far beyond any religion of Man

The "Dividing" is almost complete

The Enemies Armie is rising from the grave of Evil

It is past time for Humanity to ReAwaken

The Children of Death are walking

The world collapses upon itself and Portals open

This is the unification and merging of Realms

We witness The Fall of Fools and The Rise of the Missile


"Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth."

Colossians 3:2

"I will open a door that no man can shut."

Revelations 3:8

Dying World ...Listen

The clinking and rattle of calamity is upon you

Your thoughts are nothing but the grey of twilight

You have have rejected the most basic of Laws

You are deaf and have heeded not my words

You cry out to become only ignorant and stupid Slaves

I no longer regard you as Human


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated ; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own concience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time liklier to make Hell of Earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will ; to be classed with infants, imbeciles and domestic animals."

C.S. Lewis
God in the Dock
Essays on Theology

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
#277117 by Vampier
Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:40 pm

Evil by it's very nature is misused by Humanity ... unrecognized increasingly and accepted by the masses as something that can not be resisted. This in itself is failure in Responsibility, Duty and Right Action. The 21st Century is pivotable for Evil and for Humanity.

Evil is unshakable from the Human moral Lexicon. The perpetual struggle against Evil in Life has been generally lost ... Evil has become Modern thought and general practice. Humanity has done this to itself and can not excuse it's responsibilities in doing so.

The slow decline of morality has resulted in the rapid rise of Evil throughout this World ... which has began it's Death Throes. Any supposed "Enlightenment" has not been in fact any Enlightenment, but only a brief respite from rising Evil.

The concept of Evil has long been defined by the struggle of Theodicy. There has been no reconciling of Evil. Humanity pretends to be "Enlightened" by simply ignoring Evil. This has grown now to the outright Denial of Evil. The secular battle has been lost just as prophesized long ago.

Humanity has rendered the earth, this world and itself beyond any redemption that it's "science" can remedy. The secular battle is now a Spiritual one. The philosophy of man has no chance against Evil in this "Spiritual Warfare". Humans have proven and continue to prove themselves woefully inadequate to do so. And in their present dumbed down, retarded, diseased, morally infected, materialistically blinded state ... they are doomed to exctinction.

Nietzsche was right in that Evil is enabled by mankind. None of man's inventions can change "The Natural World" into anything better ... they only destroy themselves and their world in the "Ballet of Evil". International malevolence is all now orchestrated by the very same Evil that was foretold by the Ancients. Ignoring, denying and mocking all this, changes absolutely nothing to waylay any of this inevitable decline. Certainly this decline can be delayed or even stalled ... but in The End it is inevitable.

Evil is parasitic Spiritually. Humanity has enabled it's wholesale infection. In Truth the essence of Evil is only a test which almost everyone ultimately fails ... willingly. This intentional failure has devastated what is "Right" ... what is "Good " and what is "Truth" ... by condemning it to be "old" ... "out of date" ... not "modern".

This overt stupidity is "rationalized" by simple greed and avarice and pure Evil, encouraged by the selfishness of the "Post Human" who is in fact subhuman until it becomes fully "Post" ... i.e. dead.

Humanity is in tatters along with their "modern world". Evil is no longer regarded as being born of malevolence ... it is accepted, tolerated and even coveted. The Rise of a Worldwide Totalitarian Evil has little difficulty in convincing the masses of drooling creatures who now pass as humans, to "rationalize" supposedly higher values and personal feelings of guilt into evil intention. There are no philosophers who wish to confront the problem of Evil any longer.

Heinous Acts of violence confused with "old" arguments that have been overtaken by current events, present the concepts of chaos mixed with Evil and made sweet. Evil is touching the entire world disorienting everything touched by it. The "Idea of Evil" now only hints at dark forces, their machinations and obscurity.

"Human" motivation has become unfathomable as it masquerades as modern, tolerant and enlightened. It is only dangerous emotionally charged fog which tinges any clear understanding. Evil threatens the entire world and virtually all living things. Evil condemns Truth and all that is Right and Good as antiquated, out moded and irrelevant.

Humans have allied themselves to their own opponents who battle for not only Human Extinction but also Supernatural Powers within the metaphysical. Humanity is destroying itself and it's world by using Human will and intention. This is not a just and peaceable future with moral relativism.

To be "Evil" is no longer thought of as being satanic. It is somehow trendy to identify with Evil ... to be sociopathic or psychpathic. This is often used to annul culpability. But in a sense to be sociopathic is the opposite of being Evil. Hospitalization rather than imprisonment is often urged.

Evil is to be locked away as far and as long as possible. Humans have "Free choice". If one chooses not to restrain but to inflict great harm whilst knowing it ... this is Evil. By the same token Evil is often used to describe those who do not believe as we do to relieve any guilt felt in resistence or disagreement. To try and justify or explain Evil is to try to absolve it. Evil demands permanent banishment or death.

Evil has become acceptable. It is excused, tolerated and even on occassion sought after. Humanity is fast becoming unwilling and unable to destroy Evil. Justice has been rendered unequal to the limits of malevolence being committed. This speaks more about the helplessness of Humanity and what it has become than it does about Evil.

Man's Law with it's basic notions of offence, punishment, appeal and sentencing are lost in the face of the profound desecrations of the Human who either is or has become "Post" and embraces Islam which is in fact The Religion of Evil by MAN. Women are considered chattel, livestock ... subhuman. There is nothing peaceful about Islam, Muslims, Mecca nor "Jihad" ... there is only primal, pure, pedophilic, parasitical EVIL reeking, leaking, seeping ... feeding and infecting all it touches.
Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:23 am
As read in
Charlie Daniels’ Open Letter to Chuck Schumer: You’ve Opened Pandora’s Box
By Charlie Daniels | May 24, 2017 | 12:17 PM EDT

Senator Chuck Schumer (Wikimedia Commons Photo)

Sen. Schumer, I don't live in your constituency, but in the larger picture, you live in mine and every other legal, taxpaying American citizen who is affected by the power you hold in your political party, your blind allegiance to it and the obstructionist posture to anything that doesn't directly benefit it.

There's something sinister about seeing you bent over the lectern in the Senate Chamber, your countenance resembling what I would imagine Edgar Allen Poe's would look like reciting one of his macabre tales of doom and gloom, as if there is not one drop of happiness in your life, forecasting a dismal future for America if anything President Trump proposes passes both houses, is signed and becomes law.

I know you're disappointed. I know you had the balloons ready to fall and the corks halfway out of the champagne bottles on election night. And I know you just can't face the truth that what happened in the election was exactly the same thing you continue to do: you forgot about the working people; you forgot about the empty factories of the rust belt; you took for granted the high crime, low employment inner cities you've made unkept promises to for decades.

Instead of looking inward at the real cause for your party's loss, you had to find a scapegoat, and if it hadn't been Russia, it would have been something else.

Sen. Schumer, will you do me and America a favor? Will you lay your hand on a Holy Bible and tell America that you believe in your heart that Donald Trump has actually colluded with Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to the detriment of the United States of America?

You see, sir, everything you've come up with so far, and you've been at it since well before the election, has been superficial. And I believe that anything your special counsel will come up with will also be superficial, guilt by association, the fires of triviality fanned and proliferated by a tilted, hate-filled media and super partisan politicians.
Sen. Schumer, what goes around truly does come around, and if, or should I say when, this pendulum starts swinging back the other way, do you realize that Mr. Mueller could actually find a lot more dirt on prominent Democrats than they do Trump and his staff?

You have opened Pandora's Box, sir, and basically thrown away the lid.

Now it’s time to chop the log and let the chips fall where they will.

If President Trump has actually colluded with the Russians or any other foreign government, or sold out my beloved nation in any way, I definitely want to know about it, and if he has, he should be impeached and thrown out of office in disgrace. But right now, you're a hell of a long way from proving even one iota of your accusations.

Now let's turn this coin over.
Did or did not Hillary Clinton sign off on allowing a Russian agency to purchase a company holding up to 20 percent of America’s uranium production capacity?

Who leaked the classified information that started this ball rolling? For the investigation to be valid, that has to come out.
Did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's State department, through incompetence, indifference or both, allow four American citizens to die in Benghazi?

Be careful how you answer this one because the jury and some explosive evidence are still out there, and it all could well be brought to light in a few months.

Did or did not Hillary Clinton, by using an unsecured server and allowing Huma Abedin to email copies to her husband, Anthony Weiner, expose classified documents?

Was there collusion between the Obama administration and the IRS to disallow tax free status to conservative organizations?

If not, why did Lois Lerner plead the Fifth Amendment and retire with full benefits?

You see, sir, Pandora is neither a Democrat nor a Republican, and what is revealed in the coming months could well be a two-edged sword.

Be careful what you wish for.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
Charlie Daniels is a legendary American singer, song writer, guitarist, and fiddler famous for his contributions to country and southern rock music. Daniels has been active as a singer since the early 1950s. He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry on January 24, 2008.

I don't like schumer at all. I love Charlie Daniels.

schumer is evil incarnate and totally against American values. Talk about evil! Welcome to NY. Theft is guaranteed by law, the land of NO, you have NO rights, sit down and shut up.

I thought I still lived in America... Go to hell schumer!
#277185 by Vampier
Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:34 pm
Glen ... I thank you for your recent Post ... one of your best . I also thank you for using one of my scribbles on another Thread. Ta very much.


The Stupid are not at all aware of their naivete'. This is evinced by their radical loyalty and wholesale rejection of all else. The Political Filth learned long, long ago that this was something to be "utilized". So it was and it is even at this very moment and certainly tomorrow. Everyone when they are young are much like the stupid ... but ... some outgrow this through experience, maturity and most of all CRITICAL THOUGHT.

Now more than ever before "the young" are not prepared for what they are destined to experience in their prematurely shortened lives. They are not aware of nor equipped to grapple with the absurdity of the world. The carnage that comes will be the only thing most will be a "part of". The ignorant therefore become the Stupid.

The Filth of Humanity who "think" they are a part of NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM are the biggest Fools of this dying World. They enlist in Evil's Ranks for superficial reasons and dream only of that which is materialistic. Their loss of innocence is a concomitant of joining the forces of Evil.

The tragedy of all this can not go on Forever. Old Evil manifested in old men calls for them sending the young off to kill and die. The young can never fathom the destructive power of all this. Now it is much more than just missing limbs. The overt corruption of the young is wholesale.

These young have been largely shorn of their Familial connections and reared among coarse sounds and images of "modern horror". This violence is made erotic and thrust upon the masses of corrupted hormones which rage from incubator to grave. The perverted now feed the perverts in the context of brutal Sacrifice and Slaughter.

The young have always been the Whores of War. Depictions of this abound always in history ... past, present and coming. Primal atrocities have been made palatable and appealing. To be tolerant is to be a victim. Manipulation, pollution and corruption have awoken Nature's Wrath.

The Dead of Darkness gives way to The Mourning of the Dead ... ghastly dreamscapes sounding a cacophony unceasing. We The Old are to become The Ancient simply by the premature passing of those young, who have been made retarded, desensitized, scared, scarred and not understanding, as they are virtually eaten alive before us.

We survive because we are inured to brutality and the monotony of pure evil. We have seen the disillusionment of manmade religions and it's organized stoking of the fires of War. We have been complicit in such Rituals. We have and still fight physically and psychologically amidst the incomprehensible atrocities of a dying world. Our Love gives cold comfort upon the battlefield of profound physical and Spiritual combat which grows evermore as portals are opened.

We have yet to lose our potency ... fighting for a cause which the young do not quite understand. Muslims, Atheists, Satanists, Lucifereans, Political Filth and Demons all advocate our "Enemie"... Evil. Some of us are the only lonely advocates of our beliefs ... personal and not dictated by Humanity and it's machinations.

What is our nature ? We can be peaceful, serene, creative or even destructive, all with great power and commitment. We are Artists ... those who prefer to create rather than destroy. Our Creativity is the life-giving force which has sustained us and will continue to through the fury of Evil, carnage, disruption and Death.

I seek only a very few who suffer these same afflictions as I. A few who are not afraid to die. Supportive, comforting comrades covinced of the violation of this World and understanding the innate cycle of life and death and Life. Nature has begun to reflect the turmoil of extermination. Nature can no longer save men, women nor their offspring.

When the fighting breaks out and the wounds begin to spout

Memories will be lost forever in the fray and Death shall reign night and day

When the fighting began ... the whole sky burned as did the hearts against them

Dripping crimson in flashing light under stars no longer bright

Fury woven within the ranks of those who did not know what they were fighting for

Humanity unconnected in darkened vacum ... tattered parables fluttering away

Not explained or justified by any Noble Cause but wont to be deaden and dull

I shall not let myself be drained of vitality ... unable to laugh in facing Death

We wrestle with that from another place severed from Humanity and Fallen

But we are still a shred of the Fabric of Life not Death

... Regardless of how difficult it may be


My comrades have been pen and brush, always true and loyal but at some point to come , these will be put aside to linger just out of reach. And then The Rites of Violence will assume. No woman has been able to seduce me from either or lay aside pen and brush. All tried. But my mind still pursued intangible phantoms. I have never been one for quiet obedience.

The question of Honour has always urged me ... not to be quiet. Neither am I lured by the tune of Totalitarianism ... Hell packaged in a Dream of Partadise. It speaks volumes for humanity when one considers Islam and it's "Dream of Paradise" and how it has attracted so very many. Without a doubt the Human brain is shrinking.

Totalitarianism seems rooted deeply in almost all religions. Archetypes exploited, personal perversities manifested ... so attractive to many in it's early stages. But when the "dream" begins to turn into reality there are those who stand up and become impasse to it's way. Concentration Camp ... Gulag ... FEMA Camp essiential element in every man's "paradise".

Over time these grow every more extensive and "Perfect" whilst the promised "Paradise" shrinks and stinks. In an Opera this could be shown with lyrical delirium. It is collective propaganda, it is solemn, almost religious "lying" dressed as Truth. It is always quickly forgotten like a simplistic commercial tune comprised of catchy hooks and heavy orgasmic breath.

Death is the only beauty in Revolution. Promise is the only LIE. Heads are already being severed as the Poet Sings and the Politician Lies. What has been percieved as surrealism in the past is actually the realism of the future. The masses over the world increasingly reject Totalitarianism, Racism, Nationalism, Isolationism, Extremism ... unequivocally ... but are still willing to let themselves be hypnotized by Neo Lies and Promises of "Paradise".

They stand ready to MARCH to the FEMA CAMPS singing God Bless Amerika as they do so. Everywhere the smoke of Death now rises fanned by the stupid, the ignorant and the retarded. I only wish to lyric Epic as the smoke from the bodies rises up to the sky burning the young and the stupid. Perhaps this sound will like a drop of water spend itself into the universe causing three ripples of disturbance and effecting something of Eternal Nature ... to cause in the face of Evil a frown and something Good and Righteous ? Who knows ? Who Cares ? Most know not and most care not. They "live" in stupified states, created by their support of the poisoners, polluters, perverters, parasitical political FILTH. The "Young" are DOOMED and unknowing, rendered retarded, ignorant and stupid.

The young can not see DEATH as it touches them ... even before Birth. they open their legs, mouths and Spirits to Rampant Evil. Can there be "Hope" when there is total ignorance of it's very existence, need and power ? Can there be any effective resistence from the retarded, the stupified and the poisoned ? The Hurricane of Evil can and will snuff millions of dim and struggling candles. This has already begun.

These are the very Last Moments when each can still choose their Path. Your Path will lead to either Eternal life or Eternal Death. Not making a choice assures the later. Choose Well, Live Well. Die Well

" The further a society drifts from the Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."

George Orwell / Eric Blair
#277273 by Vampier
Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:11 pm
CIVIL WAR is beng orchestrated before our very eyes. The turmoil and chaos and killing spans now the entire globe. The NWO Filth are desperate and putting everything they have into the fray now. Much of this began at the end of WWII but much more began far earlier with the Roman Catholics, Jesuits and Illuminauti.

The Lucifereans have made, as planned the Satanic Muslims of Islam their fetid Whores. These are masqueraded as "Refugees and Immigrants when in Truth they are Rapists and Robbers. Their "religion" advocates pedophilia, lying and perversion ... they mean to murder any who do not "ape" their "enlightenment".

These Pawns are being enabled by the Demoncrats, Hags and PussBags who stain the planet. Reject them all. Do not let yourselves be also manipulated by any of the "childeaters". Made ready your defence and prepare for a Rising when they instigate their violence and false flag events.

Patriots, Oath Keepers and Christians will be fighting for their very lives against the Evil. Choose now. Stand together and tolerate Lies no longer.

Theresa May ... "has not" as it were. Nigel intends to return to the fray. His position is not a desired one. It is very difficult to pull the fat from the fire once it has been thrown in a second time. It is very difficult to halt a rout born of illicit traitorous leaders once the battle has been thrown. Of course it is not impossible but it has now become a greater possibility of defeat.

Things in "Amerika" are stalled with the placing of more importance upon Sharia Law than those of The Constitution. I do not have to point out the dangers of that to any Englishman nor English Woman.

"Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ...
we must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."

Dr. Ernst Rudin 1933

The "Governments" of Great Britain and the USA are rife with BETRAYAL. The common Citizens of each are losing their places ... Soul Genocide is coming. The choice between Technology or Spirituality has been made by "The Children of Disobedience" The "Aged of Reason" are being ignored and have been made "The Final Generation".

LAODICEA ... The Last of the Seven Churches
... what some call murder others call mercy.

Mount Graham in South Eastern Arizona ... a part of the "Sky Island Eco-System" and one of the 4 Sacred Mountains of the Apache ... also Sacred to the Hopi and Navejo ...

... made despite Indian oppostiion the home of "The Lucifer Telescope" by the Jesuit / Roman Catholic Church ... Rulers of Darkness in Heavenly Places.

What are they watching for ? What do they await ? Whom do they await ?

" Beware of the Leaven of the Pharissees and of the Sadducees."

Jesus to his Disciples

LAODICEA ... Human Rights ... the Civil Religion and nonsecular.

The Presidents of the USA are sworn in on a Masonic Bible. The Masons have corrupted every religion they have touched with their "Great Architect of the Universe" philosophy. I have come to believe that Masons are Spiritual Fools and "Shriners" are their Clowns.

The Fez is regarded as a 1200 year old Symbol of the Muslims "Victory" over Christians. The "Shriners" in ritual seal their Oath in the name of Allah, "The God of our Fathers" and quote "Islam as the one true Faith."

Through the Prism of Lyra I have percieved and become surrounded by blue filaments of light. The Light of Stars scatters and reflects amidst the dust of ages ... all aroiund us. For some, Death is to transform into a star.

I see surrounding me a tired and disillusioned dying World becoming filled with Silent cities devoid of Humanity, yet filled with the dismemberments of reality.

"Jacta alea est"

Evil means to make the Winter ... white and dead. Deception is not Perception. Sanat Kumara is invoked everywhere in this grey existence. Islam is the True Sword of Rome. Every Religion of man is of the Babylonian Sun. Roman Catholicism is of the AntiChrist. It has ruled from the Throne of the Basilica and desires to do so from from The Third Temple. The One World Order and One World Religion is "The Abomination" spoken of.

"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms."

Ephesians 6:12

There comes a 7 year Covenant with Death ... the destruction of the city of Rome ... the time of the Games of Slaughter ... when the dead will come out of their graves. The Knights of Seven swirl Spartan with thoughts of martyr. The Destiny of the "unfit" comes in a sea of blood. The Time of Apostacy and Intolerance has come. The Doctrine of Demons frolics.

" The great empire will be torn from limb, the all-powerful one for more than 400 years : Great power given to "the dark one from slaves come", the Aryana will not be satisfied thereby."
Quatrain 243 "Great Power Given"

The Vatican Knights have always been our Enemies. As Nostrodamus wrote of "The Beast" ..."The White is Black before becoming Scarlet." The General who is not Black but was, will be again I believe. The present "Pope" was a Jesuit General and now with his Bishops, Cardinals and Priests means to dominate the Great Board with his "UN" Knights of Malta and many unknowing and blatantly stupid "Pawns". The Darkness will devour them all.

"And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the Throne ; and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life ; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books ... And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."
Revelations 20:12 . 15

The World seems to call out "The End". Prophecies, Earth changes, the waters are contaminated with toxic chemicals, sewage and Radiation, the skies are contaminated and ocean currents with wind currents drive the Death around the planet. War has become epidemic, Dead zones dot the planet like plague, the Biosphere is being shredded ... decline is happening all over the world and The End is proclaimed to be here. The End seems unstoppable and certain, I agree but ... also I believe there is no End in one sense.

The Spirit has the potential of endlessly evolving I believe, at least for some. Circle after Circle, there is transition, transformation, fear of Death, fear of Life ... and it is here that the Face of darkness has found a place to live. In this sense and on this level, Natural Forces are not existing to serve mankind, Science gives no guidance ... the intellect is the most limited source to man. Herein lies The Illusion that there is an End.

Humanity has been made slave to it's possessions ... SLAVERY has not been abolished ... there are more slaves now in the world than ever before. Under the slavery enabled by Evil, Humanity has "built" a "world" in which it can not live any longer. This Truth is rejected, ignored, denied and even mocked ... but it remains unaasailably the Truth.

Self Interest and Ego have driven Humanity for too long and the fundemental problem is psychlogical which has resulted in not even being able to feed it's populations. Now the decline is a Fall. Economies contract, Virus, sickness and plagues abound ... the Balance with the earth has become DEGENERATION.

THE POINT OF CRISIS has been reached ... Famines ... Diseases ... both Spiritual and physical are fomenting the collapse of what was. Man's "Civilization" is a Failed Experiment determined long ago but refusing to go away until it drags everything including the world with it.

Even at this moment the amount of denial is extraordinary as Humanity sleepwalks to Death unable to look through the mirror with the ability to see what comes. Humanity has made itself untenable and it will not change even when given no choice. It is impossible to stop what is now happening. It is too late and even slight delay is fast becoming an impossibility.

So understand that it is not that the World is Ending ... We are Ending in our World. Yes, there is increasing violence from Nature but even more from Humans. The Web of Life is disintergrating all around us. Once trees were Sacred, then they became looked upon as a resource with monetary value, well now Humans are percieved as a resource with monetary value to be harvested. Exploitation has been turned against them.

It takes 190 tons of earth to yield a few thousand ounces of gold. Those indigenous peoples before extermination and corruption had great knowledge and Spirit and Intellect. They could listen to the earth and be sensitive to it's waters and skies. They knew that WITHOUT NATURE THERE IS NO LIFE.

Once your connection is lost with Nature you become a Destroyer of Life. Everything is to be connected, is connected and must stay connected. Hence the Evil of Cern and those who support it. Their Hope is not my Hope. The Web of Life is a network of Interdependence. Your arm is not strong if you do not pick up heavy loads.


Before we die we must become integral with the earth again. If you have a vision of purpose and do not do it, you become then "Dis-Spirited. Death is as natural as Birth, as Life and of this earth. Fear of Death is to be conquered in Life.

"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
Mathew 16:25

You must have a Path, a Vision of Purpose and you must follow, you must choose it ... now or perish Spiritually and Die the Second Death Eternally. This is what the Christians believe or profess to believe and it is strikingly similiar to many Ancient Indigenious peoples beliefs. All this is in direct contrast and opposition to Islamic and Luciferean Doctrine.

" But you will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death, and you will be hated by all because of my name. Yet not a hair on your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives."
Luke 21:16 - 19

The origin of the Lucifereans can be found in The Roman Rite. It is a Virus Theology ... spreading ... infecting ... "Our Roads Lead Away From Rome". This Spiritual Babelism has plagued the world through Islam and continues to do so. The manipulators of this are "The Brotherhood of the Dead" ... the Jesuits. Each day I look and see The Lake of Fire in the Skies, I think of the Ancient worship of the Sun.

The Jesuits have been expelled from 80 nations. The Angel of the Abyss is Abaddon to some and Apollyon to others. Syrian Baal was brought to Rome by Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antonius Augustus who was half Syrian ... an El-Gaba Priest who brought a Black Meteorite to Rome. The Persian Sun God Mithra became Mithras through Mithraism.

What began as Spiritual Rebellion has grown into a Spiritual War with many Battles fought and many to be fought. For some there has been a slumbering within our Blood ... bestowed by Ancestors. It ReAwakens now as it is the Time. As it was before ... the power of Islam grows and Jews and Christians are slaughtered. Roman Catholics were not attacked nor their shrines during this Time. Jerusalem fell into Islamic hands. Then, when the Pope asked for Jerusalem he was refused.

The Holy Land is not Israel's Land ... it is God's Land. It is Rome which is the world's Spiritual CrossRoads. But it is the Papal knighthood ... The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem who have been given The Temple Mount. The Militia of the Pope are The Knights of Malta. The Vatican has a Hidden Arsenal including The Papal Knights of St. Gregory ...The Papal Knights of St. George and even the Vatican Assassins.

If you do not oppose ... then you consent to error. A look at Ancient History and Modern History demonstrates this clearly even if you be not Christian. The Vatican has always wanted Jerusalem but has been blocked by the Jews. But the fragments of History that have survived tell enough of the Story to understand this present Chapter.

Let me begin with the Tale of the Zam Zan Well. It was a "lost" well which held the treasures and offerings of the Kaaba ... and it became filled with sand. Well it seems that the GrandFather of Muhammad, (Adb Al-Muttalib) had visions of the location of the Well. Reference "Hero of Mecca". Augustine was Bishop of North Afrika then and was recruiting Arab Tribes.
A wealthy widow Khadijah "converted" and was assigned to find the "Arab Messiah" for the children of Ishmael. Waraquah (cousin of Khadijah) also a faithful Roman Catholic, became Muhammad's advisor. Muhammad was taught his enemie was the Jew and imposter Christians (non Catholics).

Muhammad's wife's cousin was Waraquah who helped him "interpret" what was to become the Koran. In the 5th year ... his followers became persecuted for not worshipping the correct way. Some went to Abysinnia where Negus ruled (Roman Catholic King), these Muslims recieved "protection". Later when Muhammad conquered Mecca, the Kaaba was cleared of Idols.

Before Islam the Sabeans in Arabia worshipped the Moon God who was married to the Sun God. They gave birth to 3 Goddesses ... "The Daughters of Allah". In a vision Muhammad said he was told by Allah ... "you are the Messenger of Allah."

There are Vatican Guards writings that link the Koran to the "creation" of Islam. The Pope issued "Bulls" granting the Arab Generals permission to invade and conquer the Nations of North Afrika. The Vatican helped finance the building of Islamic Armies in exchange for ...

1 ... Eliminating the Jews and Christians which they called Infidels.

2 ... Protecting the Augustinian Monks and Roman Catholics.

3 ... Conquering Jerusalem for "his Holiness" in the Vatican.

When the Pope was refused Jerusalem under Waraquah's direction, Muhammad wrote that Abraham offered Ishmael as a sacrifice ... the Bible states that Isaac was the sacrifice. This justified the building of the mosque, The Dome of the Rock, in Ishmael's honour on the site of the Jewish Temple that was destroyed in 70 A.D. when Roman General Titus took Jerusalem during the Jewish Rebellion and destroyed the 1st Temple .

This made Jerusalem the 2nd most holy Place in Islam. The Catholics had created a "weapon" ... the Koran, to eliminate the Jews and the True Christians of North Afrika who refused to accept Roman Catholism. Bible manuscripts were destroyed by the St. Augustine Order. The Vatican created a "Messiah" for the Arabs. One that would create a great armie and capture Jerusalem for the Pope.

The Muslim Generals wished then to conquer the entire world for Allah and turned toward Europe. Islamic ambassadors asked the Pope for Papal Bulls giving the permission to invade European Countries. This enraged the Vatican. Temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic Right of the Pope.

Thus the Pope raised armies and the Crusades began. The Crusades lasted centuries and Jerusalem slipped from the Pope's grasp. Turkey and Spain and Portugal were invaded by Islamic Forces ... Turkey fell ... and in Portugal a mountain village was called "Fatima" in honour of Muhammad's daughter.

The Umayyad Caliphate was established in Spain.

" Years later Muslim Armies were poised on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica to invade Italy ... but they were extended too far. Peace talks were entered and St. Francis of Assisi was one of the negotiators. Muslims were allowed to occupy Turkey in a Christian world and the Catholics were allowed to occupy Lebanon in the Arab world. It was agreed that Muslims could build Mosques in Catholic Countries without interference as long as Roman Catholicism could flourish in Arab countries. This is why in these places there are so many Catholic Churches right beside Muslim Mosques ... until ISIS.

Both Muslims and Roman Catholics agreed to block and destroy the efforts of Christians and their missionaries ... con cordats. It is said that in this way Satan blocked the children of Ishmael from knowledge of Truth. Control was lightly "kept" upon Muslims through the Ayatollah down to Islamic priests, nuns and monks. The Vatican engineered a Campaign of Hatred between the Muslim Arabs and the Jews ... before both had co-existed peacefully.

This is why the Islamic Community looks upon the Bible believing Christian Missionaries as devils bringing poison to the Children of Allah. The next Plan was to control Islam. In 1910 Portugal was going Socialistic. Increasing numbers were against the Church and Red Flags were appearing everywhere.

The Jesuits wanted Russia involved so "Fatima" and the vision was used as a key part in pulling Islam to the "Mother Church". In 1917 the Virgin "appeared" in Eatima ... The mother of God and was very successful causing the Socialists to fail in Portugal. Roman Catholics worldwide "prayed" for the conversion of Russia and the Jesuits invented "Novenas to Fatima" and performed them throughout North Afrika spreading "favour" to the Muslim World.

The Arabs thought they were honouring the daughter of Mohammad. As a result of the Vision of Fatima, Pope Pius X!! ordered the Nazi Armies to crush Russia and the Orthodox Religion making Russia Roman Catholic.

A few years after losing WWII Pope Pius XII performed his phoney "Dancing sun Vision" to keep Fatima in the news. The World fell for this. Pope Pius was the only one to actually see this "vision". This resulted in the "Blue Army" which worldwide totals millions of faithful Roman Catholics ready to "die for the virgin".

The Jesuits have their "Virgin Mary" scheduled to appear 4 or 5 times in China, Russia and in the USA. "Our Lady's" appearences at Fatima marked the turning point in history for the world's 1.8 Billion Muslims which grows constantly.

After the death of his daughter, Mohhamad wrote that she is the most Holy of all women in Paradise ... next to Mary. He believed that Virgin Mary chose to be known as "Our Lady Fatima" as a sign and pledge that Muslims who believe in Christ's Virgin birth will come to believe in his divinity.

The "Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth" have raised up to block Gospel, slaughter the Believers in Christ, establish new religions, create wars and make all nations "drunk" with the wine of her Spiritual "fornication". The Statue of Venus became Virgin Mary, Vaticanus ... one of "The Seven hills" and the place of the diving Serpent where the Satanic Temple of Janus stood was made "Holy". The statue of Jupiter in Rome became St. Peter.

Since 1183 there has been "Death by Fire" for disobeying Popes. The Dome of the Rock is a "Counterfeit Religion" of Roman Catholic "Mystery." The Spiritual Harlets are nothing but Bastard Popes. Islam is being used as a pawn to take the West right before your very eyes.

None of us will depart this world "living".
#277309 by Vampier
Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:35 pm
CIVIL WAR IN THE USA ... compliments of the NWO, Globalist Filth, Demoncrats and Traitors.

Everything is now being twisted ... Congressman shot because he is going against the Pedophilic Evil that "Controls" the "narrative". The Evil tries to turn this to take your GUNS. The Black Messiah continues lying, continues his Traitorous activities despite being a totally illegitimate Bastard born in Kenya and not even qualified to be "President". The child Eating Black Pope continues to lust after Jerusalem. The Zionists frolic. False Flags proliferate and the Muslim continue raping, robbing and "conquering" the West.

Prepare before you PANIC ... Rise up before you become a REFUGEE. Resist being pushed into their desired CIVIL WAR. Simply defend what is yours and UNITE with those who Love Freedom, Respect the Constitution and will shut down anything orchestrated by the Evil in it's Desperation.
Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:03 am
Just a question. :lol:

> A Benefits
> Question
> Dear Sir,
> I have a very
> complicated benefits
> question.
> Many years ago, I
> married a widow
> out of love who had an 18 year old daughter.
> After the wedding, my
> father, a
> widower, came to visit a number of times, and he fell
> in love with my step
> daughter.
> My father eventually
> married her
> without my authorization.
> As a result my
> step-daughter
> became my step mother and my father became my son in
> law.
> My father's wife
> (also my step
> daughter) and my step-mother, gave birth to a son who
> is my grandchild
> because I am the husband of my step daughter's
> mother.
> This boy is also my
> brother, as
> the son of my father.
> As you can see, my
> wife became a
> grandmother, because she is the mother of my
> father's wife.
> Therefore it appears
> that I am
> also my wife's grandchild.
> A short time after
> these events,
> my wife gave birth to a son, who became my
> father's brother-in-law, the
> step-son of my father's wife, and my uncle.
> My son is also my step
> mother’s
> brother, and through my step-mother, my wife has
> become a grandmother and
> I have become my own grandfather.
> In light of the above
> mentioned, I
> would like to know the following:
> Does my son, who is
> also my uncle,
> my father's son-in-law and my step mother's
> brother fulfil the
> requirements for receiving childcare benefits?
> Sincerely yours,
> Mohammed
> Mohammed
> Of course you qualify
> Mohammed! I
> have arranged to start mailing the checks to all of
> you just as soon as
> you arrive here in California.
> Yours
> faithfully
> Jerry
> Brown

#277731 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Mon Jul 10, 2017 2:57 pm

The luciferian reign is over. I'm not excited that this has to be done, but it is the equal and opposite reaction to Obama that caused it.

I think Poland is rising to be the "new" land of the free, home of the brave. Especially in Europe.
#277773 by Vampier
Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:46 pm
Glen ... thank you for your great Posts and compliments and most of all your Friendship.

Yod ... Ta for the Post ... interesting ... very interesting.

I had no Internet for a bit and "Life" was suddenly very challenging as it becomes from time to time. What Mike stated about "meds" is kind of amusing in one way and actually made me think of how many of us on here use BM in someways that perhaps others use "meds".


There is a difference between what remains and what is left. The meaning of words fade as does the spark in the eye of Humanity. The youth are no longer young. Innocence has been dimmed by the growing darkness. There can be no consensus amongst idiots. Love is not endurance yet it is enduring. Eternity is a word in this world whose time is at an end.

Concepts are nothing without manifestation. We are nothing without others. Loneliness is a Death Sentence. Love is not really sexual. It is better to dream of someone before you see who they are. And when you come to know them, if you can still think of them and dream of them ... then you can love them. If you can define love then you have never truly been in love. If you can define life then you are not living.

It is more difficult to be a hermit than to be popular. A loner is someone who likes peace and quiet and is not a "team" player. Indeed they are serious and do not "play" with others. Most people chatter like monkeys ... be thankful if they do not throw their shite at you. Do not ever throw the door open to Death, make Death kick it down ... and try not to be there when it does. Try to always have an exit plan. If not then do not go in.

Make a woman angry and if what she says makes sense then discard her. Not understanding does not mean acceptance. Acceptance does not mean understanding. If you care listen and if you do not care then pretend to listen. If being honest seems like you are lying then consider lying.

Try not to actually touch money as it is filthy ... let others do it for you. Never go to bed angry either alone or with someone. It is healthier to stay up all night thinking about it if you are alone or talking about it if you are not. Wear them down to the point they tire and agree. Upon waking in the morning just lie there and think, letting your mind freewheel. Do not do this if you are not alone ... just f**k them.



Time is narrowing ... moving more quickly

The natural order is changing ... there is more Death

Every creature feels it ... only Humanity ignores it

The Dawning of an Evil time comes

Like a Dark Leviathan rising

ReAwakening ... stirring ... hungering

The Fallen in quiet rage ... will make the Angels weep

Copper bound in the blackness of abyss

Screams long past ... refuse to remain silent

The point of convergence has been grasped ... reached ... held

We are surrounded by those who shall never rise

They know not that grace will expire ... the Code of Creation

Will you stand with me in the gap ?

Against the insult of creation ? I doubt it

Yet ... now you stand when called a fool

I follow the path of totality ... physical and Spiritual

Our DNA ... our Blood ... sings to them

To preserve there must be preparation ... courage and capability

If I must stand alone I shall

For I will not forsake my Ancestors ... my Creator

Myself ... nor those I Love


Here where the desert meets the sea ... WATER . ELEMENT ONE

...around 40,000 people live in and around what used to be a fishing village with essientially a tidal mud puddle. There are no water wells for miles around, only the "Endless Sea" lapping, crashing, boiling and dying like the "Humanity" that witlessly kills it. The Pacific is only a word, a name ... a label ... the majority of seas and oceans upon this world are one ... connected and doomed. All Humanity upon this world shares this, much the same as the seas and oceans.

Existing here for over a decade has made me acutely aware of the microcosm within the macrocosm which swirls all around like a whirlygig. First and foremost it forces "The Rule of Three" upon you. This is primarily a matter of survival and if you do not know it then look it up whilst you can. Normally I would define it but in light of how things are now, I think it is better if you look it up and ponder it, putting it in perspective to your real and actual current situation as it exists NOW at this moment. And most of all remembering it. ... situation/

There is a CONVERGENCE manifesting everywhere and on many different levels and manners. I will avoid even addressing the Spiritual and Physical which in my humble opinion are the most important by far. Rather I will stick simply with the basic of basics and thus avoid any "argument" or misinterpretation. Recently I was able to put certain things back into focus and "clear" my mind as it were. As a result I thought of those with whom I am acquainted ... like you, if you are reading this.

Of course we are all unique and different so our priorities differ as well ... but we all need water. Our pets and livestock also. So let us begin with WATER ... drinkable and as pure as it can be. What have you got on hand, in existence right now ... how much ... how long for ? Here bottled water reigns. 10 pesos for a roughly 5 gallon plastic jug. Also if you have a tank then you can have a water truck deliver and pump it full. Due to the heat in the summer, the "hotness" of the sun, the desert dust and the many insects and beasties that also need it ... storage is a problem.

Since it is generally available, then most simply address the problem of storage by not addressing it and taking it for granted. This means they do not store much and just replace and replenish it as needed. Often for one reason or another there are times when there is no water and the companies where you take your bottles quickly run out. The longest period has been one week. By the 4th day one finds that all the bottles, even the small ones are sold out or nearly so. People were even stopping at our house asking for water or just a drink. We give it to them. Even our neighbour who is at least third generation here comes over when there is a shortage and asks for a container of water ... she has two children.

When I first came here and there was no water and the tanks in our RV went dry just as the water supply resumed ... I dealt with any future shortages by getting prepared. I have two old fashioned glass water bottles in addition to 6 standard plastic ones. I also have two barrels slightly smaller than the 55 gallon ones and one 55 gallon barrel. I do not keep store of any more but have two more 55 gallon barrels at standby in case we are alerted and there is a possibility of no water for another week. My Wife, a few friends and the Old Woman at our local store all network and tell one another if they become aware of an approaching shortage. In addition one of "The Poi People" whose Father works for the Water Companie here is often told before it becomes public knowledge and is broadcast on the radio and FaceBook.

I have between 85 to 95 gallons at any time and a further 110 gallons if given advance notification. This means the two of us could survive two months perhaps on a basic ration of one half gallon each per day for drinking. Beyond this any greater period of time would require us to evacuate ... if possible. The Water situation here along with the location puts us in a very vulnerable position which I have never been very pleased about. This means that sheltering in place is not a great possibility and after the fact being able to travel and relocate could be difficult and dangerous dependent upon the circumstances. Ideally it would be best to relocate upon solid higher ground away from any town and in the wild land with plentiful water sources. This becomes more important every day now.

At the moment we have the luxury of Strategic Preparation. Most are throwing it away and even I become distracted and tend to shelve it at times. There is also the consideration of being able to transport enough water to get from Point A to Point B. Water is heavy and bulky. It slows your mobility either in a vehicle, on horseback or even walking. Understand that contamination or radiation can turn any place into a veritable desert overnight. In such a situation those in cities will kill for it. Even marauding groups will leave the city to find it. In a rural area if they see life then they know there is food and there is water. "Sharing" will be no option.

Let me say that each of us may have very differing opinions on all this but this is mine just for the record. I have a Responsibility to myself, my Wife and my Friends. I am not fearful or paranoid or any of the usual accusations leveled regarding such. It is my Duty to prepare and plan and defend in the best ways I can and under whatever circumstances may evolve. This is the way I am, have been raised and believe in ... no matter what others may think. In the face of ridicule, criticism and mocking I have no problem dealing with any of it nor am I ashamed of what I do. I am writing all this to share my thoughts with any who wish to read them and perhaps it may help spur them into action or help them later. I knew this time would come and have prepared for it in the most important ways ... but in the basic ones I openly have no difficulty sharing with anyone.

In my opinion the farther from "civilization" one can get then the better. A small group is better than a large one. Like minded individuals are better than any alternative. I firmly believe that NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO SURVIVE FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME ON THEIR OWN AND SOLITARY. The way I have organized my own STRATEGIC PREPARATION was to begin listing "Elements" and making plans for each on an immediate and short term basis as well as a long term basis. WATER is the first of these elements. I will address them all in turn.
#277885 by Vampier
Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:46 pm
Join the rest of the masses "Laughing at Knowledge" ... "Accepting Lies" ... "Submitting to Islam" ... "Ingesting your meds" ... "Being Vaccinated" and "Tolerant".

Is tolerance stupidity ?
Is Islam a Religion?
Is Islam a Religion of Peace ?
Can you think ?

Open your bleedin eyes and look around you at what has been done to YOU, to the WORLD and the PLANET. Are you AWARE of anything that has and is transpiring ? Do you recognize what has actually been done to the World, Humanity and YOU ? Do you even care ? Are you really that stupid that you think everything will continue ? IT CAN NOT CONTINUE.

Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:24 am
WOW... This thread is getting deeper by the minute...

I apologize, I have to find 2 days to go back and digest all the wisdom that Vamp is writing. Right now I am not qualified to answer and I have to much BS to go deal with.

Just giving a thoughtless speed read through Vamp's writing.... It should be taken very seriously.

Only stupid men ignore wisdom.

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