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#276615 by Badstrat
Wed May 17, 2017 6:04 pm
Still no wall as promised in the campaign
Still no tax cuts as promised in the campaign
Still no spending cuts as promised in the campaign (Rather increased spending in place of cuts)
Still no repeal of obamacare as promised in the campaign ("Replace" replaced by amending)
Now beginning turn against Israel ( Proposing to uphold the obama two state solution )
Still no real draining of the swamp ( Leaving almost every obama hold over in office)
Now added leftist family to advisor swamp ( Ivanka getting "daddy" to sway far left on issues)
Has cut some welfare programs to poor. Yeah!! They're defenseless, why not?
Still planning new welfare for middle class (Again, another Ivanka pet project.)
Backing off campaign promise embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (Blackmailing Israel for 2 two state solution?)
Tillerson signed Fairbanks agreement on climate change. (Probably another Ivanka persuasion)
What happened to re negotiating the Iran deal, as promised in the campaign?
What happened to de-funding planned abortionhood? (Oh yeah, Ivanka is an ally of theirs)

President Ivanka advancing some truly great leftist agendas. Hail queen ivanka.

From meet the press: Tillerson stalling Israel Embassy move. Tellerson calling Judea and Samaria Palestine. Saying they want agreement between Israel and "palestine" before moving embassy. President "wants to make a deal" first....Umm call this blackmail? Tillerson also signed a "climate change " initiative. What happened to the campaign trail narrative that climate change is a hoax? It appears conservatives are doing good thus far.

Syria is building crematoriums since they are murdering so many people. (Around 50 per day) Who cares? Nobody?? Remind you of anyone in recent past history? Hint: He lived in Germany.

It is what it is. The lesser of two evils is still evil. Other than that he did do a couple of good things so far.
And all we hear is fake news from the media.
#276622 by GuitarMikeB
Wed May 17, 2017 8:38 pm
Ha! I wrote a song lyric touting some of these things, and immediately a 'T-rump-eter' started getting all defensive for 'his guy': "it's only been 4 months...blaa...blaa"
#276627 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Wed May 17, 2017 9:06 pm
"Only 4 months" is a damn good reason actually.

When he was promising all that in the campaign I knew that either:

1. He's a compulsive liar (but still not nearly as bad as Hillary, nor as slick as Obama)


2. He has no idea what he's getting into with the embedded liberal establishment of D.C. (which includes at least half of the GOP and 110% of the DNC


3. He doesn't realize he will have to compromise everything he is promising to get it partially through, if at all.

My analysis now is that the answer is:
4. All of the above with one caveat: He's an exaggerator, which is a world of difference from a premeditated liar like Hillary or Obama.
Last edited by t-Roy and The Smoking Section on Thu May 18, 2017 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
#276635 by MikeTalbot
Wed May 17, 2017 11:30 pm
To answer the question I'll quote a Mr. Hitler, "Who compels us to keep these promises we make?"

Answer: no one.

Vote Uniparty, they'll meet your lowest expectations ever time.

#276645 by Vampier
Thu May 18, 2017 3:07 am
Trump's popularity with me is quite simply based upon his intense unpopularity with those who are Evil or compromised by Evil. He has actually done quite an immense number of things in the "4 Months" and since when does anyone judge any President in that length of time regarding how many campaign promises he has accomplished ? Let us see what happens between now and a year of being in office. If Trump is able to maintain and simply survive.

As I have stated before Trump was the BEST Choice and not the least worst choice. There is no choice involved with the Hag. The important thing is that through Trump the entire Evil Stinking Filthy Facade of American Politics is revealed ... that in my opinion is a Major accomplishment.
Thu May 18, 2017 9:59 am
I have to agree with Vamp.
This has become the most ridiculous witch hunt in history.
I will say it straight out.
The funny thing, is that they have not been able to destroy the second amendment... The funny thing is they are not in the same position hitler was... The funniest thing is all these bleeding heart liberals that just want to steal under the law... Don't have any guns... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

These animals are calling for the destruction of AMERICA! These animals don't understand they have to go through 200 million people JUST LIKE ME... That are not going to tolerate this abuse of the law. I believe in the organization of society through the law. It ensures FREEDOM. These animals are threatening the very core of FREEDOM!!!
#276650 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu May 18, 2017 11:48 am
I still think he is 1000% better than the last person in office or the other choice we were given.

But I'm looking at the US Embassy in Tel Aviv from my hotel window today and they are building more floors. Why would they do that if it is being moved to Jerusalem?
#276659 by Badstrat
Thu May 18, 2017 2:26 pm
My point is that ALL people running for office ALWAYS make promises that they know they can't keep.

Trumps problems are many.

He didn't get rid of all the obama holdovers. He surrounded himself in his inner circle with liberals and not one conservative.
He listens to his radical daughter.
I have to disagree with you Vamp. He was the lesser of two evils. We had to chose between two liberals. Trump has never been a conservative.
Some of the things is is reversing himself on meant a lot to the people who put him into office. Reversing yourself is NOT compromise it is supporting the other side.
He did not know his enemy. He fell into a nest of vipers and the members of his family are among them.
#276664 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu May 18, 2017 2:44 pm
Badstrat wrote:He didn't get rid of all the obama holdovers. He surrounded himself in his inner circle with liberals and not one conservative.

What about Mike Pence?

I felt betrayed when I saw him surrounded by a bunch of televangelists during the campaign. Focus-on-the-family dude declared that he was "born again" during a meeting with them, and that was further broadcast by Paula White (whom I don't consider trustworthy).

I remember thinking "yeah, like a politician would never lie about that to get the Christian vote, right??"

(Only all of them do including Obama and Hillary)

He listens to his radical daughter.

She's radically hot but what criteria are you using?

Trump has never been a conservative.

Please go tell MSNBC that

Some of the things is is reversing himself on meant a lot to the people who put him into office. Reversing yourself is NOT compromise it is supporting the other side.
He did not know his enemy. He fell into a nest of vipers and the members of his family are among them.

I am holding out hope that he's using a negotiating tactic of incremental wins to build up to a tipping point.
Thu May 18, 2017 10:18 pm
I like what Yod is saying.
All I am saying, to steal some great lyrics.... Is give peace a chance.
This is a beast that has gotten so out of control...
This is nightmare where people feel entitled. Entitled in that they DO NOT HAVE TO CONTRIBUTE! Only vote and take, take , take.

Gary... I DO NOT understand why you have so much display of anti-Trump rhetoric.

If hideous clinton had succeeded in her plan... To DESTROY AMERICA!!!!!

50 thousand people a day would be dying in a civil war that would have escalated to WW3, as the vultures moved in.

You are starting to piss me off Gary. Instead of being older and wiser you are attacking someone that is trying to protect the most important value of AMERICA.... FREEDOM!!!!!!

Doesn't mean I don't value your playing, life history, or all the good things about you. I'm reading your post's and you are getting really bitter.
I don't feel like yelling at you, I love you, just because of your awesome talent. Nothing is perfect.Especially not my post.
#276722 by Vampier
Fri May 19, 2017 12:11 am
Slacker is correct in that virtually ALL who run for office never fulfill their PROMISES. Trump remains to be seen and thusfar I feel he is about 50\50 which is good regarding the short time he has been in and all the shite he has to deal with.

I also agree that he never "got rid" of the Holdover Filth and this has become his bane. His Daughter and Family need to stay out as people never voted for her or them regardless of how "hot" she is. Look at The Black Messiah's Man Wife and" it's" meddling in school food and other things "It" had no business in.

I understand your viewpoint Slacker re the lesser of two Evils except The Hag is no "Liberal", she murders, she lies, she robs, she is Evil perverted. She is a TRAITOR not a Liberal. Trump is a Populist in my opinion and indeed no "Conservative".

I only hope Trump survives long enough to learn and bring to bear his more aggressive side. It is a nest of Vipers and he needs to understand this absolutely. His "Family" in part are indeed amongst the Vipers. I wish some staunch allies woiuld step up and help him ... perhaps turning the tide and finishing off the DemonCrats and their ilk.
Fri May 19, 2017 10:40 am
Stupid me. I was trying to put away my guns, and pick up my guitar a gain.

President Trump is not the end all. Things have gotten so out of control that it is hard to believe any on man can untangle the mess. Not to diverge but, even the tax code has gotten so complex that the average American is most likely filing false information. Then it takes 50 other pay-rolled government employees to uncover a fifty dollar mistake. Construction of a hundred dollar highway escalates to billions because every one has their hands in this huge slush fund. A simple medical annual suddenly becomes a ten thousand dollar visit because of the need for preemptive testing. Americans are no longer protected. Cities are actually protecting illegal criminal aliens... And American people are being killed. I don't have enough ink in my computer to write about all the abuses American sheep are tolerating.

Can President Trump fix this mess. I doubt that any one has enough strength to stand up to this total pressure to destroy America. I'll give him a chance...
But I will try to make this clear. hilary clinton is a murderer. She permitted ambassador STEVENS to be killed on sacred American soil. Scary how many people have seemed to suddenly die around the clintons.

Give Trump a chance.
#276750 by Badstrat
Fri May 19, 2017 4:55 pm
ANGELSSHOTGUN wrote:I like what Yod is saying.
All I am saying, to steal some great lyrics.... Is give peace a chance.
This is a beast that has gotten so out of control...
This is nightmare where people feel entitled. Entitled in that they DO NOT HAVE TO CONTRIBUTE! Only vote and take, take , take.

Gary... I DO NOT understand why you have so much display of anti-Trump rhetoric.

If hideous clinton had succeeded in her plan... To DESTROY AMERICA!!!!!

50 thousand people a day would be dying in a civil war that would have escalated to WW3, as the vultures moved in.

You are starting to piss me off Gary. Instead of being older and wiser you are attacking someone that is trying to protect the most important value of AMERICA.... FREEDOM!!!!!!

Doesn't mean I don't value your playing, life history, or all the good things about you. I'm reading your post's and you are getting really bitter.
I don't feel like yelling at you, I love you, just because of your awesome talent. Nothing is perfect.Especially not my post.

I won't be a hypocrite just to please anyone.

If I post things that are deceitful, unlawful and corrupt about liberals you say "good for me" and agree.

When I post things that deceitful, unlawful and corrupt concerning the actions so called conservatives you rebuke me?

I am not so double minded as you paint me to be.

Let me make this abundantly clear to all. Government run by men is NOT here to stay for it was destined for destruction from before the beginning of time. God has already chosen the one he has decided will rule the earth. His name is not trump. I do not look at the present, I look at the future. What I see as trouble I have the freedom to post in order to warn some who can not see the steps leading to our destruction.

Anything other than that I WILL point out those things that are leading to out destruction, for I have been told that America is going down for her sins. That has not changed. America wanted someone other than clinton. Evidently God agreed, for all authority is appointed by God. Lest you forget, Hitler was gods chosen authority.

At one time we agreed that clinton would bring us down faster, but trump would bring us down slower. There has been no repentance from America.

The things I listed are important to me. Funding for planned abortionhood remains. ivanka met with planned abortionhood. I do not think for a moment that it was to tell them there was not going to be anymore taxpayer funded abortions, do you?

Our borders remain open to those who will drain our economy and take jobs from Americans. It remains open for terrorists to sneak in to take American lives.

Trump is wavering on recognizing Israels territory, and trumps surrogates are openly calling calling Judea and Samaria Palestine. He is on the way to stabbing our closest ally in the back by adopting the obama two state solution. Yes, that right, the obama Israel hating solution.

Ivanka is set on bigger welfare programs for the better off in our society. Trump was willing to (Not repeal) but rather create a bigger healthcare debacle by sending "welfare"checks to all who make less than $250,000.01 in the name of subsidizing obamacare.

Instead of limiting the budget, he has increased it one trillion dollars. That will directly reduce the value of the dollar in your savings as well as those in your wallet. It will add the the destruction of our economy.

Trump has cut some assistance the the neediest in our society while finding other places to spend it, even for those who are not in need.

Trumps representative Tillerson, signed Fairbanks agreement on climate change. That's another biggy for me. How long before that comes "home to roost" ?

Remember John Roberts decision on obamacare? He was against it when he went to bed one night and the very next day the illegally modified a few phrases and voted for it.

Now just who has their heads up their asses looking through rose colored glasses?

This is wisdom, trust God and not man. This is wisdom, look at things as they are not as we hope they will be. This is wisdom, know that God lets man rule for the very purpose of showing him that he can not rule on his own. These decisions of men are not made through fasting and prayer inquiring of God the way to go, these are decisions made through the influence of corrupt men. This is wisdom, When lawlessness rules from the top, so shall it reign unrestrained at the bottom.

Personally, I have never once claimed to have wisdom, for all wisdom comes from God. I am as a watchman on the tower warning those who will listen not to put their faith in any man for destruction is headed our way, like it or not.

America is more filthy than Sodom and Gomorrah. America offers more babies to Moloch than the ungodly did in their day on the alters of Bale. America is a nation of adulterers and fornicators. America is a land of malcontents who envy what their brothers have been given. What sin under the sun has not America done under the "In God we trust" credo? Do we trust in God? No. We want him out of our lives so that we will no longer have to face our sins against God.

And that simply scratches the surface, do you see any of that changing? Then neither does God and his impending judgment on America has not changed either. Look around your world. See anything dangerous out there? Who is it that sets one nation against another? Who sends the ungodly to destroy the godly when they turn from Gods ways and decrees? Tell me, who judges men for their actions? Who sets the paths of men?

Yes. I am without wisdom. I do not care is I am disliked for what I am. I hold no animosity towards any man, neither do I fault them for their hope in men. But I know that men choose evil over good for that is their nature.
#276752 by Vampier
Fri May 19, 2017 5:38 pm
Slacker ... awesome Post ... possibly your best ever. Thank you. I think the world is just about to get much more crazy than it has ever been in our Lifetimes. Live Well Die Well my FRIEND.
#276753 by DainNobody
Fri May 19, 2017 5:38 pm
I like you Slacker, you can take that to the bank..Pence won't be any better, if it comes to that, they pretty much all want to lessen Medicare/Medicaid.. they(politicians) all have medical health coverage far and above the options they give us the commoners..that's hypocrisy in itself..the swamp is still wet as ever, and Trump will be so tired afer a few days on his road trip to Middle East and Europe that he will want to take a nap in the afternoons by day 3.. just my 2 cents.

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