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#270586 by Planetguy
Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:30 am
angelsshotgun wrote:
Planet jerk is an anti American., he practices being anti American.
Under our CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS he has all the rights and privileges guaranteed under those laws.

And there ya go again making an ass of yourself w that simpleton name calling gibberish. You know...the same tired BS you love accusing others calling and insults.

" anti American" my ass....stop acting the fool, clearly you just have trouble w someone holding and expressing different views. and please...don't even TRY to further misrep what i believe and what i don't.

'Cos we've all seen those clumsy attempts at misrepping that you love to toss off.

What he doesn't seem to understand is........ SO DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey, we get an American it's YOUR choice to wave your gun toting, god fearing, GOD BLESS AMERICA flag as much as you like. Knock yourself out and go scream "GOD BLESS AMERICA" at the top of your lungs on the street corner til you're blue in the face....better it in traffic! That IS your choice. :lol:

But get it thru your thick skull that it's MY choice if i choose otherwise.

Sadly, what YOU can't comprehend, is that your choice doesn't make you MORE of an American... and my choice doesn't make me LESS of one.

Your silliness only makes it abundantly clear that YOU have no idea of what being an American really means. For a flag waver like you...that's not just's very sad. or as your hero would say...

"It's really sooooo sad. It's really soooo very, very, very sad."

Side note: I did not, go out of my way to call him a mutha, f**k aaaaaahole. :lol:

Nor did I. Now go piss up a you remain the most insulting person to ever log on to BM.
Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:12 am
NYC is offering free therapy for losers. You should look into it.

Oh by the way it's not free, taxpayer dollars are picking up the cost!
#270906 by Paleopete
Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:59 pm
All of you seem to be missing an important point about Trump.

Know what the one thing is he likes the most in his subordinates?


loyalty to his policies and principles, loyalty to the Constitution.

Trump's butler at Mar A Lago did an interview a while back, pretty good read, look it up. He said he always advises new hires 3 things.

Never lie to Mr Trump.
Never steal from him.
Never embarrass him.

I also watched a documentary about his Boeing 757, apparently aired on some TV show. You can see the dedication and loyalty of his pilot and right hand woman. Yep, that's right, his right hand man is a woman at Trump Tower. (By the way a woman was also 2nd in command of building it)

Know why you didn't see the press trot out a dozen former employees with horror stories about what a mean, stingy boss he is? They couldn't find any.

Look at the people, not their former jobs. I saw an interview a while back and he said he considered running in 2012, but wasn't sure his children were really ready to take over the company. All the hoopla we're hearing is nonsense, he has been planning to just do his job and hand the company over to his kids for 4 years. That was the plan all along. So what will he expect of his cabinet? The same thing.

Trump does not tolerate mediocrity. Do your job, do it the very best you possibly can, and he'll treat you better than any boss you ever had. Prove to be incompetent, you're fired. That's how he built a multi billion dollar business. The butler I mentioned earlier also said Trump will periodically walk around and look over the grounds, if he likes what he sees, he goes around and gives every one of the groundskeepers a $100 bill each, tells them thanks for doing a great job. Nobody knows when he'll do it, he just pops up one day and looks around.

Trump is not a politician, that's his very best qualification. He's exactly what I've said for 30 years we need in the White House. Not a politician, too rich to be bought, has the backbone to stand up against the politicians and the press, and listens to the people. He's also not a true Republican, or a Democrat, the only label I can put on him is American.

He expects his people to deliver. You don;'t get into his cabinet unless you have already proven you can get things done. Not one of the people he has appointed so far can be seen as a typical politician who will not give Trump 110% in order to get what he wants done and done right.

All the people worrying about Tillerson as Secretary of State need to just settle down and give him a chance. I don't care for Exxon, but their long time CEO has done a good job of running the company. He has his money, now he knows Trump wants him to do another job. Do it he will. Trump will not accept him in his cabinet unless he already knows this. He does not tolerate incompetence.

People are also concerned that he is appointing people from other sides of the fence. So what? That just shows he appreciates diversity. He has always looked for the person who is willing to give him the opposing viewpoint. Why do you think Newt Gingrich is still one of his closest advisers even though he has publicly criticized Trump for his statements and policies? He knew Newt would do it long ago, he likes people who say what they think, whether he agrees or not. Kellyanne Conway spoke out on her thoughts about Trump considering Mitt Romney for Secretary of State. People were thinking she had just become a non person in Trump's world. Nope, she asked him about it first and he said go for it. She's still there doing her job. She was even offered a position, which she turned down in favor of getting in some family time with her kids.

He pays attention to detail, all the people around him have said he is very curious, one person said "very inquisitive", which means the same thing and he's very thorough. In his first couple of meetings before the election one person at the security meeting said he came in prepared, had a good grasp on world affairs, listened really well and asked a lot of very good questions.

Trump is putting together a diverse team, but one he is sure will get the job done.

I think his greatest asset is his instinct. The Grand Central station rebuild was mentioned earlier. When Trump went into that project all the big shots were telling him it was no use, waste of money, he'd lose his ass, the place was dead. He didn't listen, he followed his instinct. A few years later they weren't laughing any more. He's not afraid to take a risk, he's shown for the past 1½ years he won't back down even when Democrats, Republicans and the press were all against him, hitting him from all sides with everything they could dredge up, true or not...and most of it was not...

What was the first thing he did? Kick the lobbyists out of his crew. That should tell you something by itself. Now he's pushing for a bill banning politicians from becoming lobbyists for 5 years after leaving office, and another that will be a permanent ban on becoming lobbyists for another country. He's also pushing for term limits, something we need badly. Less that 2 months after winning the election, he's not even president yet, and he's gotten more done that is positive for the country than Obama did in 8 years. Carrier keeping around 1000 jobs here, Ford might not move to Mexico, both Canada and Mexico already committed to a re negotiation of NAFTA, already improving international diplomatic relations before even being inaugurate, just because people know they will be treated fairly. China is not happy, he talked to Taiwan. That's a good thing, Taiwan is a democracy we should have been supporting for a long time. China has failed to keep their end of bargains made long ago, to keep the trade routes around the South China Sea open and keep North Korea in line. Trump simply sent a message. It's ok, they'll talk...and he will get a deal that will be mutually beneficial. He always does. Remember that one, it's his rule, always make sure each side leaves the table with something positive. He wants our side to win, but the other side won't go away empty handed either. Tillerson knows how to d the same thing. And already has the door open with many foreign leaders from his days of working with them at his previous job. That's a huge benefit in itself.

He's been sending a message all along. Has anyone noticed what always plays when his rallies end?

You can't always get what you get what you need.

Remember this one too -

Never underestimate Donald Trump.
#270926 by Vampier
Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:02 am
Awesome and very intelligent, truthful and well stated ... as usual. It is always a great pleasure for me to read your Posts PaleoPete. Ta.
#270930 by Badstrat
Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:17 am
" Trump simply sent a message. It's ok, they'll talk...and he will get a deal that will be mutually beneficial. He always does. "

That's what bothers me. We are in some manner going tell them they can't keep their illegal hostile island in neutral waters? Or are we going to bribe (reward) them for their hostile and unlawful actions by bribing them to leave?

Other than that just what manner of deal do you suppose can possibly be made? America can't make deals with Communist countries that they will keep and you can't bribe them because they will increase their hostility against "weak America". I'm just curious, what kind of deal do you consider he will make? I thought I covered the options fairly well but what is this third one that doesn't involve either letting the thief keep what he has stolen or pay him to give back what he has stolen?

And you say his choices are because he likes strong men? Great, that's just what we need. A strong man who believes in the global warming hoax? That sounds like way good for us. , a strong friend of chucky shumer? That would be good because people with differing political views generally keep their distance. A strong man who is friends with a murdering tyrant? Hm I wonder what they may have in common. As if putin would listen to anyone that didn't seen things his way, strong man or not. Last but not least: We have strong men on our side like Cruz and a few dozen others who are just as strong or stronger than the not so conservatives he chose. So why didn't he choose any of them? And one of his family is going to work on her welfare increased give away programs. Sound good to you? Not offense meant. Anyone who wants to be a politician is already corrupted.

I'm not trying to get smart with you but those are a just a couple of reasons that I wonder what's really going on. I am hearing a lot about some of his choices that are very bad. I also know he has a couple of good ones. But that's just my opinion.

I'm afraid that my logic overwhelms my wishful thinking so I can't see a mutual anything. :)
#270955 by Vampier
Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:55 pm
Slacker ... very good Post ... causes much consideration and thought as well. I do not know what will happen and of course it will not take very long to find out for any of us ... if Trump takes office. I still dread that the Black Messiah in his smugness is merely waiting and if all else fails , he will then "move". Trump has filled many with "Hope". This can indeed blind. One thing seems certain and that is this coming year 2017 will be the most "pivotable" one perhaps in our entire lifetimes ... regardless of what any of us believe, fear or wish for.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE AND THE BEST OF LUCK IN THIS COMING NEW YEAR ... I shall miss you all when all that is ends and all that comes is. Live Well Die Well
#270959 by Paleopete
Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:04 pm
Slacker - You sound too pessimistic, and you apparently don't really know Donald Trump.

This is the guy who spent 5 years as a teenager in a military academy and was captain of the football team, star baseball player who a pro team tried to recruit, finished as captain of the whole place, and wouldn't let the big guys pick on the little guys. How often do you see a big guy at high school age who doesn't join in and pick on the little guys? I saw very very few. And I was the little guy...He was known to excel at everything he did, no matter what it was. Baseball, football, soccer, marksmanship, military drill, academics...

He's the guy who found out a lady was losing her farm after her husband died, got together with a wealthy friend and they paid off her mortgage, went to see her and burned it after handing her the clean deed to the property. A little boy 3 or 4 years old needed to fly across the country to a hospital and none of the commercial airlines would touch it so someone called Trump. He sent his personal plane the same day, got the boy to the hospital and didn't take a penny for it. It costs $100,000 to get the thing off the ground. While he sat at a table during critical negotiations with other high caliber business types, his two sons ran around the room playing with Tonka trucks. Who else even brings his kids to the office at all? If they did, wouldn't the kids be banished to the secretary's office for high level meetings?

He's not the bungling, inept racist who doesn't have a clue what he's doing the press tries to portray him as. He's been dealing with world leaders for years, knows what he's doing, and given what he's been doing for a living for 40 years I wouldn't be surprised to see a written out plan to win the election hidden somewhere in a room in Trump Tower only he has access to.

It's not so much a matter of "making a deal" as it is finding a way to come to a solution with troublesome spots like China. That is a tough one, but remember Donald Trump is a person who looks at a problem and finds a solution. That's another of his traits, he's been a problem solver for a long time. That's a big part of his business. He figured out and dealt with a lot of problems by talking to the guys on the ground. He has been known for a long time to go to his job sites and walk around and talk to the workers. The average guys who finish the concrete, run the wires, weld the I-beams, not just their bosses. Who else does that? Not many. Most sit in a high rise office and run things without ever setting foot on the job except to get their picture taken doing that first shovel of dirt. With a new shovel...probably silver plated...

Did you look up the documentary on his plane and watch the kind of loyalty and respect his top employees have? His pilot for 20 years puts on gloves and polishes the trim on the plane. In uniform. Do you think the pilot of Air Force One even looks at the trim? Or cares if it's polished? Do you think he will do whatever it takes to make the boss happy, as long as it's legal? Including go way over and beyond the call of duty...Trump's pilot helps clean the plane. If it's not spotless, Trump will notice it. I'm sure AF 1 has a good pilot, but I doubt he's the caliber of person Trump's pilot is...he's just another government employee, probably doesn't care about a thing but getting there safe and keeping his pension.

We're not dealing with a politician here, or even a typical national leader. Nothing typical about the guy. I don't claim to know what he'll do, but he is already thinking about how to deal with China, has been for a long time. Remember he's been really harsh about China and their trade practices. He won't be out playing golf while they're buzzing our ships, you can be sure that will stop. I don't know what he'll do, but I'm sure there are more than two ways to handle it, and he's probably thought of something we haven't even considered.

One other thing...Trump is hard wired to win. It's in his genes. He just put that in the White House. He's picking people who have kind of get things done attitude he wants to see. I can't predict how he will do it, I just know we're in good hands, he wants to do exactly what he's been saying all along. When he says this country will start winning again he means it. That's why politicians have been terrified of him getting into the Oval Office, their gravy train is about to be derailed.

Example - The guy he picked to head the EPA is one who has filed suit against them to stop some of their heavy handed regulations. Know what's about to happen to all the EPA regulations that are killing businesses? That's just a small part of his promise to bring jobs back. Rick Perry said he would shut down the department of...and couldn't remember it...Energy...Now he's in charge of it. OK he probably won't shut it down and eliminate his own job, but he'll streamline it, trim the fat and cut waste, make it work like it should, or face an angry boss, Donald Trump, who he doesn't want to see angry...

Remember what I said in my previous post. Never underestimate Donald Trump. I think that's exactly what you're doing. Step back, have some patience, give him a chance to do his job. He hasn't even been sworn in yet and we see positive results, and strong indications he will do what no politician has done in 50 years, keep his promises. And never let yourself be deceived by his detractors and their disinformation, he has much greater abilities than they want you to think. Their number one objective is to get us to doubt his ability to do a good job. So relax a little and give him a chance, the good guys are back in control. You might not like some of his cabinet choices, but I have no doubt he knows what he's doing, he knows what he wants, and he is picking people who will get the job done, whether we like them or not.

This is the first time in my life I've been able to vote for someone I wanted to win, instead of against someone I wanted to lose. I wanted Trump to run long before he announced he would, I had already been looking into him because of his comments on the Fox morning show when he called in on Monday mornings. After a few calls, I started noticing he was exactly what I've wanted to see in the White House for 30 years. The more I looked, the more convinced I was he also has the principles we need in there. That small thing that he wouldn't let the big guys in the academy pick on the little guys says a lot. The guy who was interviewed was the little guy, and he said the other guys found out quick when Trump said don't pick on him, he meant it. He still has that kind of principles. His comments about China's trade practices aren't new, he said the same thing about Japan 30 years ago, and it was true then and still is now. We're in good hands, try to be less skeptical, give him some credit for knowing what he's doing, and let him do his job. I don't know what he'll do, but he'll figure out a way to work out problems all over the place. It might even be something none of us ever though of...he's like that...

Have faith man, have faith. It's a lot better than you may think. We have a true leader in charge, give him a chance to do his job. We haven't had a real leader in the White House since I was a kid. All of them have been controlled by lobbyists. Trump just kicked the lobbyists out. Don't underestimate the guy.
#270962 by Badstrat
Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:37 pm
I'll buy into it after I see what he does and doesn't do, and not until then and maybe even not then.. Already, before the electoral vote, the entrenched helped him to change mind on several issues.

I have been around long enough to know not to trust anything any politician says to get elected. Politicians turn on a dime. They want to do what you want them to do when running for office, then they do what they want to do and f" you. Take a lesson from the Indians about government promises. Nothing has changed in government concerning the example they set for us. "Remember back when you stated that you were for something and now you are against it?" They pretend they do not remember, I remember. That which is born corruptible will always be subjected to corruption.

When you want to know something about a man look at the company he keeps.
#270963 by Vampier
Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:52 pm
When one plays Chess ... is it not better to "use" a pawn rather than simply ignore it or give it away ? I think Trump has the potential to shut down much of what is Evil. He has made it clear what he will do and what he will not do. Of course this does not cover everything but look at this compared to the Filth that has scurried about the Halls of the Whitehouse ... and still is.

The viper Trump refers to in his little parable fits quite well with equating it with the Black Messiah. As Morrison said "The West is Best". Islam must be stopped ... dead in it's tracks. History has taught and demonstrated this. They are unknowing pawns and they are being used before they are sacrificed.
#270975 by Vampier
Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:42 am
That sucks, what was done to Nigeria in a great many aspects. Shell Oil is owned by the Child Eating Queen of London town I believe. Oil seems to equate with Blood. The depraved Political Filth that have ruled for literally centuries are seemingly a bit shook up by Trump. I wonder what someone who can not even identify himself might "think" of that. Oh well I guess it really does not matter if since the "Author" is afraid to even identify himself.
Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:30 pm
The hypocrisy of liberal, progressive , democrats, pretending to be world saviors is shocking.

Early on the obama administration defunded the very think tank that has brought tremendous technology to the whole world. Instead of charging a large group of brilliant minds supported by America, with the task of developing clean renewable energy sources... They were disbanded.
Yesterday obama used his unilateral power to further attempt to destroy America. Hitler could not have done it better.
Treaties to ban drilling. Not the first time. BUT IT IS TIME to move FOWARD.
He doesn't care if Americans sit in cold dark houses because he doesn't want fossil fuels...

I hope Trump re-funds NASA and mandates them to MOVE THE WHOLE WORLD FOWARD!
#270983 by J-HALEY
Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:44 pm
Sambop wrote:
Paleopete wrote:

Example - The guy he picked to head the EPA is one who has filed suit against them to stop some of their heavy handed regulations. Know what's about to happen to all the EPA regulations that are killing businesses? That's just a small part of his promise to bring jobs back. Rick Perry said he would shut down the department of...and couldn't remember it...Energy...Now he's in charge of it. OK he probably won't shut it down and eliminate his own job, but he'll streamline it, trim the fat and cut waste, make it work like it should, or face an angry boss, Donald Trump, who he doesn't want to see angry...


Trump will make America great again!!!

As great as Nigeria ... for the oil companies.

Nigeria does not limit the FREEDOM of businesses with those nasty regulations ....

These poor villagers used to fish and grow food on the land ... such a primitive way of life!
Now their land and waterways are covered and dripping with the wealth of OIL!

They no longer need to toil with farming and fishing the way they have for hundreds of years ... they can have REAL JOBS working on the oil rigs!
Now the will be able to buy large screen TVs and cell phones!

So says he whom has plastic products throughout his home, the one that wears clothing with oil based products and most likely drives a car burning fossil fuels. I work at a University that is on the cutting edge doing research in Renewable energy alternatives, safer ways to drill, public and private vehicle emission recovery and reduction. I see the research firsthand everyday! Until we come up with viable replacements we have oil. we must use it responsibly as best we can. accidents are going to happen anytime man is involved. Minimizing the accidents and holding those accountable until viable renewable's are found is the only way! America can be saved with a sensible leader, a business man that has already achieved. Has no other agenda other than saving his beloved country.
Last edited by J-HALEY on Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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