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#255408 by mike1095736
Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:56 pm
Just thought I would share this with you all. I just took delivery on the above mentioned amp. I needed a smaller and more mobile amp for jams and gigs. I already have a Fender Champ 40 as a practice amp. But it is solid state and I am a tube guy. Anyway..... I am completely blown away but the quality and tone of this all amp. Fifteen watts of beautiful tube sound. I knew it would be good based on the research I did. But this was better than I could have expected. So I thought I would recommend it. If any of you are looking for a portable tube amp that is good for small gigs, practice, and recording, this is it.,
#257867 by Paleopete
Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:58 am
I know this is an old thread, I missed it since I hadn't been getting online much. But in case you check back...

There's a reason the Blues Jr is one of the best selling amps on the market, a lot of people love them. Small and lightweight, enough wattage to handle all but the loudest bands or really large clubs, pretty wide tonal range, handles pedals pretty well and it's all tube based. I finally had a chance to check one out not long ago, pretty good amp, at least at low volume in the music store.

I've been using its little brother, the Pro Jr, for a while now, also 15 watts but a 10" speaker and it's not bad either but I'm not crazy about the lack of controls, one volume, one tone and the bass is tied to the volume so the louder you get the more bass you have. Also they did a really sloppy soldering job, I've had to re solder every pin on all the tube sockets to stop the nasty noise it was making once it got to about 1/3 volume or so, which is our normal playing volume. We play a lot of very low volume gigs, restaurants and such, so the 15 watt amp works well, but I would like more tone control and better build quality. And mine is labeled Made in USA not China...just shows how sloppy even their American workmanship had gotten by 1997.

If I have the chance, I might check into getting the Blues Jr as a replacement for the Pro Jr, the full EQ would make all the difference...other than that the Pro Jr works pretty well now that the solder joints are solid...For louder volume gigs I lug around the old Super Reverb...

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