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#238749 by Badstrat
Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:33 pm
Pennsylvania Towns Are Throwing in the Towel as Gun Owners Challenge Illegal Rules (
Jan. 13, 2015 4:38am Zach Noble

The Keystone State is getting a whole lot friendlier with firearms as a new law is forcing towns to repeal their restrictions on guns. Pennsylvania has long barred towns from implementing restrictive gun rules, but many municipalities went ahead and passed local restrictions anyway. When Gov. Tom Corbett signed the Republican-backed Act 192 late last year, which allowed gun owners to challenge local ordinances without having to prove they’d been harmed by the rules, Pennsylvania’s gun owners were freed up to mount a legal assault — and they’ve done so, the Guardian reported Sunday.
Pro-gun attorney Joshua Prince told the Guardian that nearly 100 Pennsylvania municipalities could face legal action unless they ditch their local gun laws — and he said 22 municipalities have already repealed their rules or moved to do so.

Shira Goodman, executive director of anti-gun group CeaseFirePA, said she’s urging local leaders to stand by their rules as the state law is challenged. “We certainly understand that they feel threatened and concerned,” she said. “We feel like they have been put in a terrible position by their representatives in Harrisburg.” Pennsylvania’s biggest cities, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, have sued to overturn the state law, and in an ironic twist, city leaders in the state capital of Harrisburg said they plan to defend their local ordinances.

But in other cities including Reading, Pennsylvania politicians are throwing in the towel.
“We get ourselves in trouble in terms of trying to circumvent a state law,” said Reading city councilman Jeff Waltman, explaining his town’s decision to repeal local gun restrictions. “We’re not going to solve this with a local gun law anyway.”

Pro-gun advocates are investigating local ordinances across the state for potential lawsuits, and hail the state law as a victory of gun rights against oppressive local bureaucrats.
“What gives a town or a city the authority to say, ‘We’re in Pennsylvania, but we don’t care about Pennsylvania law?’” said Dave Dalton, founder of American Gun Owners Alliance in the Pocono Mountains. ”It’s laughable.”
#238761 by MikeTalbot
Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:43 am
What gives any of these statists the right to pass any gun laws? Self Defense is a natural law - noted but not granted by the constitution. And the US Constitution over-rides the state versions. (A mistake perhaps?)

What a pack of wimps we are to allow this sh*t and then pretend we are a "free country." The constitution is a bloody joke. Nice try guys but it didn't work.

Rule of law and all that. Yeah right. And here we are. Smile - you're probably on camera somewhere but Americans just lap it up. I have to laugh when Americans mock the French. Whew - pot meet kettle.

Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:34 am
Just to keep my hazmat certification to run heating oil... I have the Feds and the State crawling up and down my butt.

If I did a key job on some ones car and the damages were $249, that would be OK. If I did the same key job and it came to $250.01, that is a felony under NY LAW. Relax... I have no intentions such as that... However that is grounds to remove my hazmat clearance.

That is actually small compared to the control coming down. Just to maintain a CDL status, every commercial driver must now SUBMIT to a STATE SPONSORED medical examination. NOBODY understands where this is going. All medical records are NO LONGER PRIVATE.

If this is the sort of Nazi state some of you want... Leave me out of it!
#238835 by schmedidiah
Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:47 am
The last time I went in for my medical on my CDL, the nurse measured my neck, to see if I'm a risk for sleep apnea. Now I hear they won't let truckers drive at night, when they want to. It's causing congestion, everywhere. Again, where's any of the same concern about texting drivers. Their cars are like Scud missiles. Might hit you. Might hit your spouse. Your kids.....
#238839 by Badstrat
Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:34 am
"If this is the sort of Nazi state some of you want... Leave me out of it!"

No problem Glen. They will be stoking the fires of division and discontent until the hate rises to a sufficient level and then the "objectors" will disappear in the night. I listen to Mark Levin on the radio. A very strong dissenter. He is my canary in the mine so to speak. When he disappears from the airwaves I'll know that company will be at my door soon, but they will fail to knock or be invited in. And rest assured, they will also be giving you a visit, you can count on that.

On the brighter side, we won't have to live in the soon to come Hell that the ignorant people allowed to be created for themselves.
#238846 by schmedidiah
Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:24 pm
Anyone else get the creeps, every time you hear "gunman" on the news? If a violent criminal wields a knife, is he a "knifeman"?
This permeates the entire media, even FNC and the Wall St Journal. I call bs. Call a violent criminal by their act, i.e. rapist, kidnapper, arsonist, etc. Man + gun = crime? Only in their sick minds. :x
#238847 by MikeTalbot
Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:13 pm

The answer is simple. What they call 'political correctness' is actually fundamental communist organizing doctrine.

Marxists use the same language sane people use - only the words mean different things.

Guns in the hands of the middle class are bad by their very nature. The middle class, or bourgeoisie are to be destroyed to make way for the dictatorship of the proletariat. The dictatorship thing is of course really a conglomerate of banksters, media and govt.

Gun crime is the worst thing they can think of because we cannot be totally dominated until we are unarmed. Realistically, what kind of idiots complain because armed citizens shoot attackers and robbers? The Marxist kind.

Note that anti-gun efforts are ALWAYS pointed at the middle class. Heard any politicians or cops blathering about disarming the inner city gangs? You haven't would be my guess - those guys aren't the problem in the eyes of a marxist elite - they are categorized as a political vanguard lacking political instruction - they will be used at some point against us.

Just the way things have come down. I don't lose sleep over it and it's not trendy to get ulcers any more.

#238848 by schmedidiah
Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:31 pm
Amen, brother. Google Leeland Yee. Bigtime gun control advocate and politician in California. Busted for dealing heavy duty arms to gangsters. Has anyone here heard of this? Not unless you're following the right talk shows or websites. Whatever happened to Elliot Spitzer? Did he serve any time? No. He went directly to a lucrative media job. This is a sham. Outrageous.
Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:55 pm
My God this site has gotten so slow and problematic I should just switch back to dial up service.

SCMED you are absolutely right. Half a million commercial miles on local roads under some of the most severe conditions, ice snow, on private roads, low trees, wires, I could write a book about this. Not to mention hauling explosives.

I have NEVER SEEN SO MANY DISTRACTED DRIVERS. People put down your phones.
#238851 by J-HALEY
Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:40 am
Glad I don't have to worry about that here in Texas. I am still concerned for those of you whom may have that right denied.
Dawn and I are picking out semi auto handguns and planning to get our concealed carry permits soon! I'm torn between a Walter PPX and a Baretta Military. Really wanting a subcompact 9 mil of coarse! :D
Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:44 am
Before you spend any money on autos Haley... Overall this is the #1 pistol you could possibly purchase. I would have to say it is a 686 S&W. It will always go bang. The + model is a 7 round six gun. With the 6 inch barrel I have hit targets out to 300 yards with a 9 foot drop. (mind you that is not what it was intended for. You do the research. Autos are fun, but they have to be maintained perfectly, and they are bit more complicated as far as understanding the COMPLETE way to use them safely. Just ask Plexico Burress. The dummy shot his foot off.
Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:14 pm
Just for the record Haley, 300 yards was probably just luck. One of 6 rounds with support. 38 +p+ at 1300 FPS. At that distance there is very little impact. The only other thing you should keep in mind with any double action revolver is that it takes practice to pull a heavy trigger through and stay on target. Good luck my friend.
#238857 by J-HALEY
Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:42 pm
I have some nice revolvers but no semi autos. Here in Texas when taking the cc class if you use a revolver you can't carry an auto. If you take the course with a semi auto you can carry either or! I agree with you on the choice though. It is still another excuse to buy another gun if mama gets one too I might even score some points! :D
#238858 by Badstrat
Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:45 pm
I prefer an auto for conceal over a revolver. Preferable one with at least a 4&1/2" barrel for better accuracy. My daughter carries a S&W that is really nice. I prefer a heavier one so as to help limit recoil. The 941Jericho is my favorite. The Israeli military and police carried them for a long time. Being surrounded by terrorists on a daily basis they knew the Jericho would not fail when needed. They were an improved version of the CZ 75, one of the best ever designed. Both are tack drivers.
Both are a bit heavy and most reliable. The Jericho has a safety that disengages the hammer completely when on so it is impossible to go off if dropped or if the trigger is accidentally pulled. The CZ 75B has a 1/2 cock mechanism that can not fire even if the gun lands on the hammer when loaded. The S&M carry has a dual safety but the barrel is too short for my liking. But it has both a split trigger as well as palm safety. You have to have it tightly gripped in your hand in order for it to fire. What I like most about a lot of these are that the magazines hold upwards of 15 rounds. The first time I held the 941 and the CZ I truly fell in love with them.
Not saying you should change your mind but you may want to thy them out.
#238864 by Badstrat
Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:18 pm

What ever you do be careful. I just watched "Streets of San Fransisco". It was about a guy who borrowed money from loan sharks that couldn't pay on time. He got scared and borrowed his brother in laws pistol. When the enforcer came at him to beat him up with brass knuckles, he shot and killed the enforcer then threw the pistol into the bushes.

Then some kids playing army in the empty lot found the gun. One kid ended up shooting the other kid and killed him. Then the kids threw the gun in the garbage where a garbage man found it and used it to hold up a liqueur store. When they were getting away they ran a red light and the cops chased them. Then they got into a gunfight and the bad guy shot a cop with the garbage gun. Wow!!! Honest Jeff, I think it was based in a true made up story to depict how dangerous it is for people to own guns.

I At the end of the program during a conversation the two cops were rattling off how many people died from suicide, and murder, and gang fights and even while cooking spaghetti and stirring the sauce with a gun because they didn't have a clean spoon or something. So be careful.

So be careful because if a guy dealing with loan sharks ever gets hold of it big problems could arise. :) :)

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