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#235022 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:16 pm
VinnyViolin wrote:Bushmeat? Na, I don't eat anything that walks, crawls, swims or runs etc.

are you vegetarian or full blown vegan?

Hey, I'm about to take off driving to Virginia and will stop in Gnashvile tomorrow, maybe stay through Thursday. Got a "biz" meeting but not sure what to do in the evenings.

is there a cool jam session anywhere that we could meet at?

#235023 by VinnyViolin
Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:21 pm
Ah! I'll be out of town all this week and next! I need to inspect a shipment of Vuillaume knock-off bows sitting in our warehouse on the west coast. Customs thought the imitation ivory was real and has been requiring ridiculous amounts of paperwork to be coordinated.
Not 'full blown' ... more like 'half baked'
#235058 by Cajundaddy
Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:31 pm
Fear is an interesting thing. It can be real or imagined and has very predictable human responses that trace back to our earliest ancestors. Fear creates physical, emotional, and psychological stresses that cause people to act in certain ways and while it is a natural response to real danger, it is often used as a tool to persuade, control, or manipulate others. It is a powerful tool in advertising and also politics. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao understood it's power and used fear to control entire populations.

It now appears that Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and other anti-nuke organizations have been fabricating fear over the continuing conditions of the Fukushima plant following the massive tsunami that killed 16,000 people and seriously damaged the plant causing radiation leaks and partial meltdowns. Three years after the incident it is found that more people have died from the process of evacuation, stress, and fear than will ever die as a result of radiation exposure. In spite of this, these organizations continue to spread fear in hopes of furthering their political agenda. Not one scientist, nuclear physicist , or trained radiologic technologist agrees with their views and still they continue to sew irrational fear.

Why would they do this? What is their purpose? What do they hope to gain by creating fear in the minds of others? Excellent questions we should each ask ourselves.

Meanwhile the science of Fukushima radiation exposure is increasingly clear. Unless you are standing in one of the containment buildings your risk of health effects related to exposure is effectively zero. I just love science. ... e-1841150/
http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollectio ... ID=1829180 ... 30_eng.pdf

" The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Cajun style Pacific Tuna steaks on the BBQ tonight. If you are in the area, come on by for a bite...
#235157 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:59 pm
Cajundaddy wrote:Fear is an interesting thing. It can be real or imagined and has very predictable human responses that trace back to our earliest ancestors. Fear creates physical, emotional, and psychological stresses that cause people to act in certain ways and while it is a natural response to real danger, it is often used as a tool to persuade, control, or manipulate others. It is a powerful tool in advertising and also politics. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao understood it's power and used fear to control entire populations.

Why would they do this? What is their purpose? What do they hope to gain by creating fear in the minds of others? Excellent questions we should each ask ourselves.


And you could ask the same thing of the "global warming" crowd. The only tool in their box is fear.

#235170 by MikeTalbot
Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:46 pm
I used to wonder what it meant in scripture when it says, "And God gave them over to their sin"

It's pretty clear now. A great nation, falling apart in front of our eyes. Calling evil good and cavorting in the streets like savages.

Actually kind of creepy.

#235523 by Vampier
Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:55 pm
Planet Guy …Good point, after all some can play guitar and sing at the same time, doing an adequate job at each. But normally the same song is being played and sung at the same time. I was not making reference to this. Imagine the music … one song and the vocals another … both at the same time. Not very pleasant. I thank you for your Post.

Yod, too bad you could not connect with Vinny. It is both a shame and a sham about the middle east. Things seem to be going quite well for the NWO over there, if only they could get rid of pesky Syria and Libyaize them. I am interested in hearing your take on it all. No argument from me, just wishing to know your thoughts on what is going on there at present.

Cajun Daddy … I thank you for your excellent Post. Very much like Hitler, Stalin and Mao … the puppets of the NWO are using fear among other human responses … only more so. This illustrious science has come a long way since then. Al Gore is much in line with GreenPeace, the National Wildlife Fund and many other organizations that have either been founded or compromised by this corporate banking pox who laughingly refer to themselves as the elites. In Truth they are merely evil puss bags who have left Humanity far behind long ago.
Many are confused, caught up, controlled, corrupted and manipulated as they struggle to use their remaining 10 percent before it dwindles further. Regergetating Mass Media reports means nothing and only shows a severe lack of independent and critical thought. But it is easy and convenient, much like looking in a dictionary for the meaning of fear. I rather liked your term sewing fear as it is much more appropriate than sowing fear. Well done.
A love of Science is one thing and purposeful ignorance and acceptance is quite another … I fear. Real Science is based upon fact not politics … lies. Why do some fail to believe the Mass Media who are all owned by a handful of pussbags with political and dark agenda …. hmmmm. Another question well worth asking. Some have the clear and not so occult purpose of a Love of Lfe, Humanity and this vanishing dying world. This answer is very clear to most humans despite the diatribes of political and mass media puss bags.
Nevertheless we each have and are entitled to our separate opinions and that is all we have. The Truth will bear one or the other out , we need not have any fear of this. I do not believe that we have long to wait for this. Especially since it is already happening. I would so love to be proven wrong but I fear I am not. Enjoy your bravado, your BBQ and what little is left of your life. I wish you and your family only well.
In my opinion … the major part of being a musician is being a Creator and not merely a transhumance jukebox. Another more noble part is being a Herald. This is more of a Duty I believe. Of course it is much more serious than just having a good time and obviously not for everyone … certainly not the overwhelming majority. I have no problem with musicians being just jukeboxes and just playing for fun. Neither do I have any problem with children playing in the park. But those children playing in the park do not know do they and those musicians playing for fun should know if they do not. This brings forth the issues of Responsibility and Right Action. Knowing as opposed to not knowing.
Being a Herald, a Musician of the type I speak of involves a much Higher Calling … a Calling most can not ever hear. One fulfilling this duty is considered as a harbinger or sign that something of some significance is about to happen … or has. It is an Ancient Way and despite its foreshadow is largely forgotten. Or simply no longer recognized.
At any rate each of us must follow their own Path … even if it leads to extinction. Fukushima is an ELE and has been made into a lethal industrial Death Machine of gigantic proportion which is constantly being made more efficient. It has all reaching consequences and spreads its Death Dust at an ever increasing constant rate. Those who fail to fear this now are not the problem of those who understand enough to fear it … none of this matters at this point. Just remember the BBQs and all the associated rampant ignorance that prevents recognition of the Truth. Remember this when those that you profess to Love or indeed yourself experience decreasing white blood cells and neutrophilis… when the nosebleeds begin, the hair loss and lack of energy hits … when the subcutaneous bleeding begins … when the visible urinary hemorrhage, skin inflammations, persistent asthma and sinusitis or rheumatic polymyalgia happens.
It will be then that perhaps the regret for having done nothing may occur … or not. MAN the ANIMAL … MAN worse than ANIMAL …Higher Man … Coward or Creator. Which will it be for each of us. Herein lies the very essence of who and what we each truly are or are not. Each makes their own choice. This is as it should be. Although our choices continue to be taken away and now at a most alarming rate.
I liken it to watching a horror movie. We have all done this. Watching the character do things and fail to recognize the danger … fail to fear. Or fearing the wrong thing. We have all stated very forthright that we would never do that. What is wrong with these people, can they not see the danger. Do they not see the lies and deception. Do they not fear the real fear thinking that their friend is their friend and not recognizing that their friend is their real enemy. Smugly we all have proclaimed that we would never fail to see that or do this instead of that or sense the danger. Well I say here we all are now at this moment … all of us …the walking dead. Welcome to the horror movie that is now reality. Will you sit back and enjoy the show not doing anything or will you recognize and address the fear, the danger, the evil and become proactive.
In many ways it matters not what you do … at least upon a worm level. The simple Truth is that we all do in fact still have the choice. This has not been taken yet. Some Freedoms are indeed gone but not all of them. In my opinion and I say this knowing that it is a minority and not generally shared shared …

Only an imbecile at this point fails to recognize the danger and feel the fear. And only a coward excuses themselves from Right Action and Duty to Humanity.

Next summer will be much much different than this present one and one will be very lucky to be able to have a BBQ. Very soon we will all wake up to a much much different day and night than we have had and gone to sleep in. All will awaken to the Horror that has grownlike a cancer all around them unopposed by them. There will be many choices then with very little time and no luxury of discussion.
Some apparently and painfully obviously have already made their choices and I readily accept and respect that. Every choice brings always consequence. Let us all understand this and find Truth in our actions and perceptions. This is not an easy task as Truth has become extinct in such as politics, government, mass media,religion and so very many aspects of society. Truth has become a casualty and is considered only now to be merely collateral damage. Therefore Truth has become elusive and not easily discerned nor found. More rare and valuable than gold or any jewel, Truth is the Holy Grail of Grails.
Wake up and breathe deep the smell of Death all around you. Make your choice if you have not done so. Make ready for your final ride and last moments.
Talbot … Great words and quote as usual … excellent observation. I thank you and wish you well. Your words and thoughts can be applied to not only the USA, UN and European Union but also to Israel possibly at the moment.

"Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. Its a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command … and Ill have anybody shot who utters but one word of criticism, executed by a firing squad … That our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my DeathHead formations in readiness … for the present only in the East … with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the Living Space which we need. Who after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians.'"

Adolph Hitler
Obersalzberg Speech
August 22, 1939

…. one week before the invasion of Poland
#235531 by Vampier
Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:27 pm
Planet Guy …Good point, after all some can play guitar and sing at the same time, doing an adequate job at each. But normally the same song is being played and sung at the same time. I was not making reference to this. Imagine the music … one song and the vocals another … both at the same time. Not very pleasant. I thank you for your Post.

Yod, too bad you could not connect with Vinny. It is both a shame and a sham about the middle east. Things seem to be going quite well for the NWO over there, if only they could get rid of pesky Syria and Libyaize them. I am interested in hearing your take on it all. No argument from me, just wishing to know your thoughts on what is going on there at present.

Cajun Daddy … I thank you for your excellent Post. Very much like Hitler, Stalin and Mao … the puppets of the NWO are using fear among other human responses … only more so. This illustrious science has come a long way since then. Al Gore is much in line with GreenPeace, the National Wildlife Fund and many other organizations that have either been founded or compromised by this corporate banking pox who laughingly refer to themselves as the elites. In Truth they are merely evil puss bags who have left Humanity far behind long ago.
Many are confused, caught up, controlled, corrupted and manipulated as they struggle to use their remaining 10 percent before it dwindles further. Regergetating Mass Media reports means nothing and only shows a severe lack of independent and critical thought. But it is easy and convenient, much like looking in a dictionary for the meaning of fear. I rather liked your term sewing fear as it is much more appropriate than sowing fear. Well done.
A love of Science is one thing and purposeful ignorance and acceptance is quite another … I fear. Real Science is based upon fact not politics … lies. Why do some fail to believe the Mass Media who are all owned by a handful of pussbags with political and dark agenda …. hmmmm. Another question well worth asking. Some have the clear and not so occult purpose of a Love of Lfe, Humanity and this vanishing dying world. This answer is very clear to most humans despite the diatribes of political and mass media puss bags.
Nevertheless we each have and are entitled to our separate opinions and that is all we have. The Truth will bear one or the other out , we need not have any fear of this. I do not believe that we have long to wait for this. Especially since it is already happening. I would so love to be proven wrong but I fear I am not. Enjoy your bravado, your BBQ and what little is left of your life. I wish you and your family only well.
In my opinion … the major part of being a musician is being a Creator and not merely a transhumance jukebox. Another more noble part is being a Herald. This is more of a Duty I believe. Of course it is much more serious than just having a good time and obviously not for everyone … certainly not the overwhelming majority. I have no problem with musicians being just jukeboxes and just playing for fun. Neither do I have any problem with children playing in the park. But those children playing in the park do not know do they and those musicians playing for fun should know if they do not. This brings forth the issues of Responsibility and Right Action. Knowing as opposed to not knowing.
Being a Herald, a Musician of the type I speak of involves a much Higher Calling … a Calling most can not ever hear. One fulfilling this duty is considered as a harbinger or sign that something of some significance is about to happen … or has. It is an Ancient Way and despite its foreshadow is largely forgotten. Or simply no longer recognized.
At any rate each of us must follow their own Path … even if it leads to extinction. Fukushima is an ELE and has been made into a lethal industrial Death Machine of gigantic proportion which is constantly being made more efficient. It has all reaching consequences and spreads its Death Dust at an ever increasing constant rate. Those who fail to fear this now are not the problem of those who understand enough to fear it … none of this matters at this point. Just remember the BBQs and all the associated rampant ignorance that prevents recognition of the Truth. Remember this when those that you profess to Love or indeed yourself experience decreasing white blood cells and neutrophilis… when the nosebleeds begin, the hair loss and lack of energy hits … when the subcutaneous bleeding begins … when the visible urinary hemorrhage, skin inflammations, persistent asthma and sinusitis or rheumatic polymyalgia happens.
It will be then that perhaps the regret for having done nothing may occur … or not. MAN the ANIMAL … MAN worse than ANIMAL …Higher Man … Coward or Creator. Which will it be for each of us. Herein lies the very essence of who and what we each truly are or are not. Each makes their own choice. This is as it should be. Although our choices continue to be taken away and now at a most alarming rate.
I liken it to watching a horror movie. We have all done this. Watching the character do things and fail to recognize the danger … fail to fear. Or fearing the wrong thing. We have all stated very forthright that we would never do that. What is wrong with these people, can they not see the danger. Do they not see the lies and deception. Do they not fear the real fear thinking that their friend is their friend and not recognizing that their friend is their real enemy. Smugly we all have proclaimed that we would never fail to see that or do this instead of that or sense the danger. Well I say here we all are now at this moment … all of us …the walking dead. Welcome to the horror movie that is now reality. Will you sit back and enjoy the show not doing anything or will you recognize and address the fear, the danger, the evil and become proactive.
In many ways it matters not what you do … at least upon a worm level. The simple Truth is that we all do in fact still have the choice. This has not been taken yet. Some Freedoms are indeed gone but not all of them. In my opinion and I say this knowing that it is a minority and not generally shared shared …

Only an imbecile at this point fails to recognize the danger and feel the fear. And only a coward excuses themselves from Right Action and Duty to Humanity.

Next summer will be much much different than this present one and one will be very lucky to be able to have a BBQ. Very soon we will all wake up to a much much different day and night than we have had and gone to sleep in. All will awaken to the Horror that has grownlike a cancer all around them unopposed by them. There will be many choices then with very little time and no luxury of discussion.
Some apparently and painfully obviously have already made their choices and I readily accept and respect that. Every choice brings always consequence. Let us all understand this and find Truth in our actions and perceptions. This is not an easy task as Truth has become extinct in such as politics, government, mass media,religion and so very many aspects of society. Truth has become a casualty and is considered only now to be merely collateral damage. Therefore Truth has become elusive and not easily discerned nor found. More rare and valuable than gold or any jewel, Truth is the Holy Grail of Grails.
Wake up and breathe deep the smell of Death all around you. Make your choice if you have not done so. Make ready for your final ride and last moments.
Talbot … Great words and quote as usual … excellent observation. I thank you and wish you well. Your words and thoughts can be applied to not only the USA, UN and European Union but also to Israel possibly at the moment.

"Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. Its a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command … and Ill have anybody shot who utters but one word of criticism, executed by a firing squad … That our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my DeathHead formations in readiness … for the present only in the East … with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the Living Space which we need. Who after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians.'"

Adolph Hitler
Obersalzberg Speech
August 22, 1939

…. one week before the invasion of Poland

#235695 by Vampier
Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:21 am
These are the last moments ... All the pieces are in place upon the Grand Board and there remains only the vague hope placed upon the very few Rogue Knights who serve no King nor Queen unless of their own choice. These are the Artist, the Creators and Musicians and many of these dwell in a diferent world quite seperate and distinct from the Grand Board ... creating, observing and thinking.
#236719 by DainNobody
Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:34 pm
hope all is well Stephen, the quickening is coming.. it truly is a blood thing..
#236944 by Vampier
Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:30 am
"You may never know what results come from your actions, but if you do nothing there will be no results"

Knights of Seven … Knights of Exile

I know not the Author of the Aeons. But there are a great many whom as they passed have claimed that they did. I do know that there are deaf adders abounding, everywhere at this moment. All await the Aerolite.
I do know that from Alpha I have proceeded and to Omega I am bound. The full significance of this remains in doubt as it has always. I do feel it is christen as once worn upon my shield. Such have been my dreams also.
But this was long before the Royal Games of Life betwixt the spiritual powers of Light and Darkness had raged long. Now there only remains The Grand Game which is the ultimate conflict of spirit and physical forces … a War of Dimensions. We are all existing within the field of action of opposing forces and powers. Good and Evil. Light and Dark. This is the totality of our present being. THE FIRST AND THE LAST … manifestation and absorption.
The black and white of the Grand Board will run deep in places with the crimson of life. Our manifestations are compliments allowing us the privilege and honour to take action and witness this Finale firsthand. Feel the pull of the dualities and look back upon the crisscrossing patterns of your life, the alternating between good and bad.
Time and Space has spent its patience and there is precious little of each left for indecision. This Grand Game Board is not round but layered with dimension. This Great Game is for an epoch and much more. Each move you have made in all the lesser games set in motion an inescapable series of effects. Both Free Will and Destiny are involved. The Spirit is Truth and in it we can be free and outside of being only a slave of destiny.
We are Knights in all of this at best. Initiates using both the intellectual and devotional ways within our Codes. Without the power of spirit our jump move upon this Grand Board is the jump of only intuition. This has made us Knights Errant and wanderers. We have chosen our Paths as creators and not destroyers but still we are warriors. This must not be forgotten simply because we belong not to mankinds compromised chivalric and military orders. We have achieved the Seven Grades of Initiation to reach this Game Board.
To attain this and to still remain a Mover at Will honors us with the possibility of achieving a state of Paradise Regained, realization and enlightenment. In order to do battle with the overwhelming evil present upon this Great Board, we must strengthen ourselves with better armour. If we are to battle within the spiritual then our armour must be of that nature as well. In doing this we have the possibility of transcending our merely human state.
Such ascension frequently follows a descent into the UnderWorld. In this case we need not for the portals are opening and the UnderWorld comes to us. We must accept this all and break through to a new ontological plane. Right Action will reveal the way from this Illusion to Reality and the Absolute. This is called by many names … reintegration, the Union of Soul with Divinity, the Passage from Earth to Heaven, from Darkness to Light … Freedom.
Spiritual Freedom and Enlightenment allows one to attain the Centre and Return To The Source transcending earthly limitations. Humanities so called Leaders are little more than baboons hailing the dawn. They are castrated servants being guided by unholy evil supernatural powers. Utterly predictable power mad baboons. Given over completely to evil, they reek and stink as they foul their own nest and ours. There is absolutely nothing elite about these hideous creatures.
As Knights our struggle becomes our baptism. Initiation, death and rebirth … our dying to the nature of man. It is a Rite of Passage of the Soul from matter to spirit. The Spiritual War which engulfs us all was consecrated long, long ago. Our death in the physical is regression into the undifferentiated, the dissolution of form and reintegration with that of the preformal. Crossing the Sea of Life, being purged of dross as it is burnt away … is the motion of the elements.
Once within the spiritual, feeling the true extremes of Good and Evil, of death and immortality … hearing the pure sound of the Doctrine of Perfect Wisdom, we will understand. To be meritorious warriors we must be obedient, faithful ministers warding off evil spirits and putting them to flight.
Politicians are costumed felons and lunatics upon the Great Board, performing, ie lying, in the Great Game. The Great Spirit and chthonic powers war. We must understand the language of birds in opposing the chthonic serpent. We as creators of Art are but winged souls ourselves … for he who understands has wings.
The ignorant who have lost their Path suffer sin and the dereliction of Duty. They have become stupid, undiscerning and irrational, led astray and deceived. They are the living absence of knowledge, the blindness of ignorance which leads to death, and in this last struggle … to Spiritual Death.
Our strength lies within our Blood and its rejuvenating force. Our Water is associated and complementary with our Blood. They are prospectively the life of our body and the life of our spirit. We no longer have the luxury of remaining solitaries, withdrawn from the flow. We are bound together not by the manacles of physical and spiritual slavery, but by our creative abilities and freedom. This bond represents Fate, Time, Limitation and The Inescapable. Together we are bound to our fates, our existential situation and the line of communication with our Creator, the Divine and the Spiritual. United we may be in part, weavers of destiny.
Good will ultimately bind and cast Evil into the perpetual Abyss. Our Right Action will seize and hold firm to our predestined force. Knowledge and intellect are only a part of all this. Humanity has for the most part bound themselves to ignorance. This is The Time Of Growing Chaos, some natural and celestial, some plotted, some prophetic and even some interdimensional and spiritual.
The Lords of Lies are many and use the powers of Darkness, snared themselves within. This Evil means to even bind the dead. Most of the Kings are long bound and destined to become clowns.
The force and energy of our Blood makes of it a vital fluid and enables the indestructible life principle. The Spirit of Wisdom must be learned and this enables revelation. The Word from the beginning has become lost. Without it there is no perfection of wisdom, language and expression. The first sound which was a note is lost but lingers with the Word on the very outskirts of creativity.
The Universe is a vast Book. The leaves of the book are the leaves of the Cosmic Tree. Without embracing this Book of Illuminating Wisdom, there can be no spiritual flowering. All beings in the universe are within this Great Book. The final Chapter has blank pages yet to be written and filled. As Creative Warriors we are privileged ones having the opportunity to fill some of these last pages.
The pen and brush along with the sword depicts the awakening of our Souls. As part of the universal intellect we can write and paint destiny upon these last blank pages of prima materia. We can create forms and destinies, manifesting the unmanifest. This is the ultimate active and creative act of our existence and being. This power was one of the first things created of Light.
The Book, the pen and brush, the sword … together are the creative substances and principles of static being for us. Each possess the power of creating or destroying. Each can be held in our very hands and used. Their creative power comes from Truth and their destructive is spawned Evil. Protecting, Declaring and Enforcing Truth is Right Action. This requires justice, courage, strength, vigilance and at times physical extermination. It is an active discriminating force which penetrates the power of the intellect, enforces spiritual decision and protects the inviolability of the sacred.
These implements when properly dedicated and used possess supernatural powers, on earth, under the earth, upon and within the waters and air. They can conquer demonic powers. They together are the higher forms of Knighthood. They separate and divide the body and soul and the physical and spiritual. All must be of basic and ancient design. The sword must be one edged. A two edged sword has within it dual powers and inverse currents of manifestation, creation and destruction, life and death, which are contrary to our Code. Living and Dying by our Code ………….Living Well and Dying Well, will allow us to Return To The Source passing through the Portal guarded by The Flaming Sword.
In the midst of seeming prosperity and materialism there is ever present danger. The Warlike Nature of Evil is used more and more in this Spiritual and Holy War between Dimensions. We must remember and never lose sight of ourselves belonging to the Creative Warrior Caste and Order. We must not be believers in evil. Our treasures and abilities must be used compassionately for Truth. Killing is sometimes both Honourable and Merciful. This requires penetrating insight and victory over ignorance.

" We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers, and within six or nine months time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter."
Werner von Braun

Dane, I thank you for your post. At least some still read my thread since I have been relegated to the off the subject category despite my attentions previously to always make certain my posts we indeed musically related. But that is a relative term which has become newly defined by masquerading jukeboxes who are the victims of the commercial and materialistic mindset in all its miniscule. Nevertheless I am content to Post here and will continue to do so until another redefinition occurs. You are quite correct regarding the Quickening. The quote was an excellent touch as it may help define the context in which you have spoken. I truly wish you well. It is only a matter of rapidly shrinking time before a sweep of the electronic wand or pen will declare a full-blown national emergency and the land of the free will be truly revealed for what it has become. Ebola could provide the excuse it seems. After all the arms must be confiscated from the citizen before real power can work its fetid evil. Otherwise the common man would kick the ass of any invader, domestic or other.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

#236945 by schmedidiah
Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:54 am
Even scrolling down as fast as I can, seems like a chore! :roll:
#236997 by Vampier
Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:52 am
"What they are trying to do is to create an America very unlike the America that has existed for centuries, the America that people have been attracted to by the millions from all over the world, the America that many of generations of Americans have fought and died for. The thing associated with America, Freedom, is precisely what must be destroyed if this is to be turned into a fundamentally different country to suit Obamas visions of the country and himself."

Thomas Sole

The US has been made vulnerable and this vulnerability is now so extensive it is impossible to deal with.

Pathogenic viruses have been mixing in the skies every day and night since the 1960s undermining the general health of the populations and compromising their immune systems. Chem trails are a medium and method of delivery. Human blood cells have even been found in some of them … WHY. Chem Trail residues are a major factor in the SLOW KILL program.

The ever increasing radiation levels in the air, water, plants and animals are another clear and present danger. This radiation dose building is terminal. Recently the US has seen even leprosy and a host of other diseases which have manifested. 49 States suffer the new childrens virus, yet another gift and contribution to Slow Kill. Undocumented droves are being let in through the Southern Border. This intentional and criminal stand down can be counted as yet another manufactured virus of sorts. There is a planned operation to overwhelm the medical system in the U.S., destroying it from within. All of these many viruses will biologically pair, attach and mix with others, creating and increasing consistently.

People are being used as Delivery Systems. This is not only happening on the Southern Border. Selected unwary individuals are being "treated" then released in selected locales. Perhaps they might be considered Judas Goats of Epidemic. Like walking Time Bombs they mingle as the planted virus progresses, mixes and mutates. There has already been developed an ebola-rabies virus which effectively turns its victims into zombies. If you have not seen the movie 28 Days then you should.


There is a SuperNatural War raging. Planetary vulcanism is breaking out and increasing. The general stress produced by Celestial Dynamics is manifesting actively. Movement of the crust of the earth is increasing, as are earthquakes. The Portals and Gates of Hell are being opened. Unimagined Evil has been unleashed by Techno Priests. This is just the beginning. It is all purposeful and manufactured action to bring Humans under fear in order that they may be utterly destroyed.

A battle rages within the Pentagon and the USA is losing it. The Armed Forces of the US are being stabbed in the back. The military is having their pay cut and being purged of Generals and Officers who remain loyal to their Oath and Country … the Constitution and God. They are being replaced by a traitorous, mercenary and private army. Veterans along with the old are major recipients of government Slow Kill… Benefits. Undocumented droves are being let in through the Southern Border. All this is only racist in that it is a war upon the entire Human Race. Two Billion dollars worth of weaponry was left behind for the use of Isis. The creation and marketing of Isis was merely early Halloween dress up, paid for and organized by the U.S. government. The bloated, diseased and poisoned masses are no longer capable of clear thought as they sit consuming and watching poisons.


War Crimes are being committed upon a worldwide basis along with international massive death. Those who commit them are those who have lied and shown disrespect for Human Existence. The Mass Media are an essential part of this massive and growing death toll, lying and fear mongering. There is a most tangled web of strings all leading to a very few compartmentalized corporate controllers. These are given over to Evil and do not really know their true master.

We are being lied to regarding Ebola as well. I believe that this ebola is not in fact ebola at all, but is instead an ebola like derivative BioWeapon of varied and growing intentional release. Long existing and in place Protocols for ebola were not applied from the very beginning. Presidential and CDC lies along with the highly questionable and ineffective irresponsible babble of the World Health Organization only serve to further affirm that it is all part of an extensive planned, plotted, perpetrated program of odious proportion. Soon there will be mandated vaccinations not only in AFRIKA but in the USA as well.

A Pandemic of massive consequences has been released. The victims have been long and duly warned. First there shall be the HARVEST, is it not Halloween. Then THE GREAT CULLING shall commence. The Evil Private Armies will go forth and reap their bloody reward. Eliminating roaming and ferrel zombies until they themselves are eliminated. Videos and "live feeds" will entertain and delight those in Bunker Cities and offshore retreats, many wagers will be made. There will be "heroes" and much blood and death. There will be no escape and Borders will be closed. The luxury of Isolation will not be allowed for the common human animal. Some shall be kept for a time and used for entertainment and perversion.


It only takes a half hour at a properly equipped medical facility to do a standard test and establish if someone has ebola or not. People suffering from ebola do not walk out of ambulances. Neither do they "come back to life". NO there is far more than meets the eye at work here. The masses have sadly become livestock and will soon be deadstock. They have amply proven that they will believe lie after lie after lie and do nothing. They are "comfortably dumb".

Texas is a target because it has a long history of free thinking, independent, and untowardly freedom loving existence … and actions to match. It is also very well armed and economically fit. Who better to cripple first … than your greatest adversary. Clear thinking and common sense tells one to not believe any who habitually lie and have hidden agendas. Do not vote for them but rather kick them out of the offices and halls you pay for. And do not take an untested, unproven vaccine laced with who knows what and supplied by the very Evil scum and liars who manufactured the virus so they could sell the vaccine and milk out the last drops from their victims before death comes. WHAT MADNESS IS THIS. Yet there will be mooing livestock lining up to actually buy at any price, what they see foolishly as an antidote when it is really just another form of death.

Cities will fall to infection and Martial Law becoming concentration camps that will dwarf any the Nazis had …all stupidly paid for by the very victims. The shrill screech of Evil laughter, apocalyptic, will resound in the very halls of government. The last game, the Grand Game has now begun in earnest. "This is the End" and the Doors are opening.


There you will all see a glimpse of your real, short, futures. Amendments have already been proposed to the Constitution of Liberia which states that in times of national emergency and crisis there can be no amendments made. This will happen in the U.S. and it will be the death knell of the U.S. Constitution … what is left of it. The livestock will do nothing as they will all be busy dying and fighting one another for food and water, as their real enemy look on amused and satisfied, gloating. Do not leave the cities, leave the country, FLEE before you become a desperate infected refugee and any option of flight slams shut forever. Or prepare to die. It is now that simple.

" we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men".

Woodrow Wilson 1913
"The New Freedom"

"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms."

Ephesians 6-12

Schmedidiah … I thank you for your patience. I must apologize in that I am not very proficient at the computer and it seems that my original which had paragraphs and spaces etc. did not translate when posted. I am making an attempt to remedy this with this Post so we shall see. I had this problem when I first began and Scotty was quick to make a legitimate complaint. Excellent Post and I thank you once again.

Vinny … I thank you most heartily for your excellent Post. Most do not know of Herr Landig … very informative for perhaps some and hopefully it will generate more interest. The mysticism of the Germans has been superseded now by that which is much deeper. The New World Disorder along with the Vatican are pumping the Alien Agenda which perhaps should be called for what it truly is … the Demonic Agenda. So many minions yet so little time. Bob Weir … well the video pretty much demonstrates it all, does it not. Ta Vinny.

I will everyone who takes the time to read this the very best regardless and even if they are not in agreement with my perspectives. As I have stated on many occasions before … very soon you will go to bed and then awaken to an entirely different and increasingly challenging world. In this I urge you to prepare and to think and to shun the evil that abounds all around us now.
#237238 by Vampier
Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:26 pm

America ... prepare yourselves for a taste of Reality in the fantasy world of politics. Promises are LIES. The stated moralities and duties, obligations and responsibilities by "elected" ...."leaders" are about to manifest themselves into Reality. The TRUTH is out there but not in the USA where the farce of elected presidents, governors and other parasitic officials ... Czars and the like ... will come full force upon the ignorant and distracted.

Look carefully into the far reaching implications of such and the ease with which it all can be "made so". A sweep of the electronic wand in the dark of the night when Demons abound, behind the veil of Evil. As Putin put it so well recently ..."playtime is over". 250.000 Hazmat suits to Dallas, more to other "government agencies" and "fast track vaccines" which many of you will beg for. Get your houses, hovels and caves in order for El Diablo is coming and he need not knock.

Does this not bother any of you, even those who voted for The New World Disorders "boy". The "Change" is about to come to your house and stare you straight in the face.

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