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#228164 by leonard564533
Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:20 pm
SamanthaScarlette wrote:I've been trying to put a band together for over a year now. To absolutely no luck. I've tried craigs list, other sites, posting fliers, asking friend, etc to absolutely no avail. I spent $5000 on recording 3 songs, earlier this year, figuring that when I had recorded music it would be easier to find people. No such luck. I'm starting to feel like it's because I'm a girl...
So I'm new here and I'm just wondering, what spots do you need filled and what style of music do you play?

#228406 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:51 pm
Contacts the past week from my CL ads - one guy said he was a 'former frontman', now playing guitar, interested in a duo. Nothing recorded, didnt' repsond when I asked him about any music online. iddn't include his email address inthe anaonymous CL response either. :roll:
Another guy, excellent vocals (sounded like Kenny Loggins in his prime), turns out he lives an hour+ away in Maine and is not interested in doing more than doing backup guitar work/harmonies.

I responded to an ad that looked right up my alley - a 4 pc band with 2 guitars, bass and drums that lost one guitarist. They are almost an hour north of me, though, so they are auditioning a ocuple of guys closer to them before they'll give me a chance.

#228903 by Hayden King
Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:54 pm
well you sound good/look good/come from the industry family/have the right frame of mind?
Why have you still not found any members?
Don't take this wrong. Take it for what it is...
Do you overtake the environment when you get with other musicians?
Have you tried going to where the players you would like are performing and meeting them?
Are you too niche for most musicians?
Are you dedicated to doing "your music" the way you want it done?
Just curious as to why you are 3 yrs in and still no luck. It doesn't look like it's geography. that can kill ya... it has me before.

Good Luck. It's so hard to find "real" players for an original act.


#229039 by JaaDFire
Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:06 am
[quote="Joel Clyde"]I am a full-time professional musician, and I do not consider myself a 'jerk' in any way, shape, or form. Yes, I do get paid to move my amp, because I have bills to pay, same as everyone else. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's you Garageband types that screw the market up for everyone else by playing for free. Club owners don't care how good the music is as long a they get it for free, and you bring all of your beer-guzzling friends in to fill the tables. Before you refer to pros as 'jerks', maybe you should examine your own business practices first.

Well your comment is jerky, you started off in a garage or your bedroom or whatever, so how are better than any other starting musician??

If the only way a club manager will allow you to play (since you have no track record) is for you to play free, then you do it!

#229045 by MikeTalbot
Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:34 am

When I first started playing you had club dates which were sort of pedestrian but you got paid, and showcase engagements where you played your own stuff and often didn't get paid. (Usually we could handle both types of gig.)

We were going for more than chump change. Better to be heard than not heard. It's a pretty simple formula to me.

But I will admit freely I've played cover gigs where a hundred bucks meant that Mike would eat and drink the next day. Can't knock it. Nobody sells a gold record that way though.

It's a bit more complicated now I suppose, particularly in towns that aren't LA, NY or Nashville. But the principle is the same: do you want your music heard?

To me - go for the big paycheck. Those chump change gigs aren't going to pay all your bills unless you have a pretty cornball act. There are exceptions I suppose but no thanks.

I mean no disrespect to cats that play the club circuit - I've done it myself and will probably do it again if I ever retire. But my best gigs were always the shows.


#229111 by Shawn Sun
Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:56 pm
Hi Samantha,

I feel for your dilemma. There are 2 types of musicians out there. The first is looking for paying gigs. The second is looking for others who are into the same style/music as themselves AND love to play for the sake of playing. Since you have originals you wish to do ,find who likes what you do. The process of trying out musicians is tedious and educational. And remember most bands have a change in the line up through out their career. You have to know that going in. You either find musicians that fit in with you or you find a way to fit in with them.- if you wanna play. Hang in there and be patient . Play with everyone you can !

Good luck

#229119 by Planetguy
Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:05 pm
yod wrote:The OP is from 3 years ago.

I wonder if she has found her dreams yet? She's so adorably cute that I might move to Arizona and help her.




ted, i don't think of myself as being all that traditional but ya know what... when it comes to the curtains and the rug...they GOTS to match! 8)

#229120 by gbheil
Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:12 pm
Yep, and we still have supposed 'professionals' blaming 'garage-band types' for their financial woes.

Got problems . . . look in the mirror FIRST.

#229143 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:34 am
Planetguy wrote:ted, i don't think of myself as being all that traditional but ya know what... when it comes to the curtains and the rug...they GOTS to match! 8)

OK, that went totally over my head...

Carpets and rugs together doesn't bother me a bit!



#229156 by MikeTalbot
Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:10 pm

Well as a Yankee general told his baffled troops just before entering combat in the Battle of the Wilderness, "I'm fixin' to make butter - or cut a spoon!"


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