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#225370 by Paleopete
Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:42 pm
JW - I have a Fender Champ, newer than the one Joe Walsh used on Funk 49, (it's a 1974 model) printed on the back is 6 watts. First time I plugged it in and cranked it up I couldn't believe it, but it's rated at 6 watts...plug in a telecaster and it duplicates Funk 49. Ditto for the Peavey Patriot, which is basically a strat body with telecaster pickup configuration.

George - I've plugged the Champ into a 2x12 Kustom cabinet a lot of times, it works great and sounds fantastic. Never had the chance to try it with a 4x12, but judging by the way it sounds through my Kustom I'd probably love it...Try your Marshall with a big cabinet if you get a chance. You'll like it...

I guess while we're posting our favorites, here's the Champ

Don't think I have a shot of the others, I normally use a Fender Super Reverb onstage, and depending on how things go with the band I'm in now I might go back to the old dual amp rig for larger gigs, and keep running the Champ for smaller places at least until I can get my hands on a Princeton...Other half of the dual amp rig is a Peavey MX on top of the kustom 2x12. Clean as it gets, which is why it was once used for the dual amp setup. The Super Reverb gets a great raunch and roll sound, enough volume for most places without making your ears bleed, while the Peavey is clean at any volume...

A lot of the time, I'll use the tilt back stands on the Super just to let it bounce off the ceiling and spread some and keep the treble from being too much out front, and try to cut the treble back on the Peavey a bit since I can't tilt it back. Seems to work pretty well, and if I run it maxed out it seems to also buffer the volume a bit too.

After playing with it a bit I think the clean Peavey sounds better with pedals, while I don't like to use anything but overdrive with the Super Reverb. Something about the cleaner signal makes the Peavey work better with distortion and Phaser pedals. Echo is always on with both...One kinda light slap back at about a half second...

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