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#175106 by JCP61
Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:40 pm
obeythepenguin wrote:
Faulty Wiring wrote:This album concept is available for a very reasonable price of $20K plus 5% of gross earnings from record sales and tours. If you feel my asking price is unreasonable, I understand, however this concept is so simple yet so powerful and it is going to kill, with the right band.

How about a trade instead? I don't have $20,000 on hand, but I do have this lovely bridge:


I'll show you the deed as soon as you show me your concept. Until then, I think it's safe to assume we're both completely full of sh*t.

That's a really cool bridge
I think I might want the bridge instead.

Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:24 pm
I think this guy is GLAMBERT or whatever his name was.

Too many stupid persistent comments.

You guys really nailed him the last time.

Yeah thats who it is.

#175152 by Faulty Wiring
Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:19 am
<b>I've had an account since September 2010 and have made no posts up until I posted this notice. I guess I've been planning this for 20 months in some crazy attempt to fool all of you. SMH.</b> I have not asked anyone to send me money. I would never ask for someone to send me money. There's no security in such a transaction for you or me. Its either in person, or not at all.

I want to see this through, because it is important to me. It is of the greatest importance to me to try to do what many say cannot be done. Some of you say this cannot be done. Others say that it can be done, but only if done in a certain way. I'm going to disregard people who say it cannot be done, regardless of how much they may believe their logic. But for those who have made suggestions on how to do it, I am paying attention and taking notes. It is only because of some of y'all's feedback that I have been able to craft the email I'm sending out to record labels that captures my idea but doesn't oversell or undersell it.

If no one on here is interested in the idea, its not a big deal. Although I would prefer to see a band that hasn't made it big yet.... end up making it big by using my album concept, its not the end of the world if that doesn't happen. Its only a preference.

Thank you to those who are offering useful feedback. Its helping me greatly. I will definitely look at your suggestions and see whether they are good alternatives if I get no record labels or local bands to agree to meet. But for all the pessimists and people who are trying to attack my character, I don't have anything useful to say.

Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:52 pm
Geeeeze dude, you edited your original post asking for 20 grand up front.
You are getting pretty snooooty for a NON MUSICIAN.
I wish you all the luck in the world, but stop buying from susan and trying to put down the folks up here. EVERY ONE of them have some great musical value. Please don't come on and shove your self down our throats.
I don't know why you joined. Was it just to wait 20 months to come up with your earth shattering concept?
When you post some music I'll take you seriously. Until then SHUDUP! :P

#175166 by Faulty Wiring
Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:44 pm
GLENNY J wrote:You are getting pretty snooooty for a NON MUSICIAN.
I wish you all the luck in the world, but stop buying from susan and trying to put down the folks up here. EVERY ONE of them have some great musical value. Please don't come on and shove your self down our throats.
I don't know why you joined. Was it just to wait 20 months to come up with your earth shattering concept?
When you post some music I'll take you seriously. Until then SHUDUP! :P

Lets see.... you aren't interested in my album concept. You constantly attack my character. You keep reading my post when I reply to someone. It is not me that is shoving my ideas down anyone's throats. You do not have to read this post or anything I follow with it. Just like I don't have to read any posts anyone else writes. Who am I putting down exactly? The pessimists who have nothing useful to say and are attacking my character??" Oh no. That's just not fair to not bow down to them." - Glenny J.

If what I say and the fact that I don't play an instrument bugs you so much... stop replying to my post then. If you don't take me seriously, then go away. I'm sure you have better things to do than comment on my post repeatedly. Especially since you aren't interested in my album concept. I'm sure there are plenty of other posts around here for you to read.
Last edited by Faulty Wiring on Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#175181 by Faulty Wiring
Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:35 pm
Obeythepenguin.... I've already admitted I don't have the talent to do so. Even if I did, the way you are suggesting going about it would more than likely result in my idea being ripped off once I go to an experienced musician. I'm leery of that route. That's why I consider it more of an alternative than a best option scenario.

I understand you don't think anyone is going to pay me for the right to develop my idea. But that's exactly what many people do for a living. They come up with ideas and they get paid for their ideas. There are people who get paid to come up with product names. There are people who get paid for advertising concepts. I'm betting that there is an opportunity to sell this idea. You wouldn't make that bet, and that's fine.

You don't know what the idea is.... because you have not met with me and signed the appropriate documentation to protect my album concept from being swiped from me. The cold hard reality of this world is there are a number of people who have little honor and will take other people's ideas for their own gain. Protecting myself from that is very important.

If a rock band had a sound the were selling, and they met with me but could not demonstrate that sound in any form, then no, they would not get me to buy in. No one on Band Mix has met with me yet. So therefore, no one on Band Mix knows the full extent of the album concept. And no one will if they don't take the risk to meet. That's the bottom line.

Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:54 pm
Faulty Wiring wrote:
GLENNY J wrote:You are getting pretty snooooty for a NON MUSICIAN.
I wish you all the luck in the world, but stop buying from susan and trying to put down the folks up here. EVERY ONE of them have some great musical value. Please don't come on and shove your self down our throats.
I don't know why you joined. Was it just to wait 20 months to come up with your earth shattering concept?
When you post some music I'll take you seriously. Until then SHUDUP! :P

Lets see.... you aren't interested in my album concept. You constantly attack my character. You keep reading my post when I reply to someone. It is not me that is shoving my ideas down anyone's throats. You do not have to read this post or anything I follow with it. Just like I don't have to read any posts anyone else writes. Who am I putting down exactly? The pessimists who have nothing useful to say and are attacking my character??" Oh no. That's just not fair to not bow down to them." - Glenny J.

If what I say and the fact that I don't play an instrument bugs you so much... stop replying to my post then. If you don't take me seriously, then go away. I'm sure you have better things to do than comment on my post repeatedly. Especially since you aren't interested in my album concept. I'm sure there are plenty of other posts around here for you to read.

Nobody is attacking your character. You have really thin skin man. If that little bit got under it, then you need to go learn how to make PIZZA.
YOU ARE NOT A MUSICIAN. If that hurts tough. Next time I am going to really come down hard on you because you already out right fuuuucking lied. Now just disappear. By the way you don't own a thread up here.

More ridiculous bull crud.

Lets get it on BOY!!!!

#175188 by Faulty Wiring
Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:30 pm
obeythepenguin wrote:
Faulty Wiring wrote:You don't know what the idea is.... because you have not met with me and signed the appropriate documentation to protect my album concept from being swiped from me. The cold hard reality of this world is there are many people who have little honor and will take other people's ideas for their own gain. Protecting myself from that is very important.

If a rock band had a sound the were selling, and they met with me but could not demonstrate that sound in any form, then no, they would not get me to buy in. No one on Band Mix has met with me yet. So therefore, no one on Band Mix knows the full extent of the album concept. And no one will if they don't take the risk to meet. That's the bottom line.

You have a concept you are selling, but are unable to demonstrate that concept in any form. So why would you expect any band to buy in?

What you're trying to do is pass all the risk of developing your concept onto others. But it's not going to work, because we have our own interests to protect, just like you have yours. Indeed, you're asking us to take a much bigger risk by paying $20,000 for your undisclosed concept than you'd take just telling us what it is already. It might turn out that we don't like your idea, or can't develop it, or that it doesn't exist at all -- and then we're out $20,000. But what do you stand to lose just by telling us an idea?

An idea by itself is not all that substantial. If, for example, you had written all the lyrics for this album, then I could understand your concerns. Lyrics are substantial, and writing an entire album's worth of lyrics takes a great deal of time and effort. If someone were to rip off your lyrics, that would be a serious problem, and you could have a strong legal case against them if you could prove they were, in fact, your own work.

But just coming up with an idea doesn't involve much time and effort. It's entirely possible I could have the exact same idea you do. What would you do if I put out an album based on that idea? You can't prove it's your idea; for one thing, you can't "own" an idea anyway, and even if you could, I'd have no way of knowing that was "your" idea since you've never told me what your idea is.

Let's push this situation to extremes, and say you decided to sue me for taking your idea. I can guarantee you'd be laughed out of every court in the country, because an idea is not substantial. I wrote the lyrics, I devised the melodies and chord progressions, I recorded all the instruments and vocals -- in short, I did all the work of creating the album. Even if I did know it was your idea (which, remember, I don't), you haven't lost anything because you didn't do any of the work.

By the way, when I say "us" I just mean musicians in general -- as opposed to, say, everyone posting here on BandMix. If you don't want to post your idea on BandMix, that's fine; I don't think any of us is literally dying of curiosity here.

Now, here's another suggestion for how you could develop your concept. Go to bands, like you've been doing. Tell them what your concept is, and ask them if they would like to collaborate with you to develop that concept into an album. Explain what, specifically, your role would be in this collaboration -- for instance, writing lyrics. (Not just providing "lyrical suggestions," but actually writing lyrics. Suggestions, like ideas, aren't substantial.) Also show them some samples of your work, so they know you can do it and how well you can do it.

If the band is interested, negotiate a contract that clearly specifies your role in the collaboration (i.e. writing services), payment terms, royalties, copyright ownership, and so on. This will ensure you get paid, and provide you with legal recourse if you don't; likewise, it will provide the band with legal recourse if you fail to hold up your end of the bargain. Then all that's left is to make the album and hope for success!

All your points regarding the ease of stealing my ideas are valid. I understand all of them, and I agree with all of them. That's exactly why I am not going to disclose my ideas unless whomever I meet with signs documentation that protects me and my idea. As I've made very clear. You don't sign the documentation, you don't get a demonstration of the idea. Plain and simple.

My end of the bargain is providing a perspective from which they can write about almost any topic. That's it. That's all. I don't owe them anything more. If they want help with lyrics, that will be something else entirely.

#175190 by Faulty Wiring
Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:51 pm
obeythepenguin wrote:
Faulty Wiring wrote:All your points regarding the ease of stealing my ideas are valid. I understand all of them, and I agree with all of them. That's exactly why I am not going to disclose my ideas unless whomever I meet with signs documentation that protects me and my idea. As I've made very clear. You don't sign the documentation, you don't get a demonstration of the idea. Plain and simple.

My end of the bargain is providing a perspective from which they can write about almost any topic. That's it. That's all. I don't owe them anything more. If they want help with lyrics, that will be something else entirely.

Then I wish you the best of luck selling your "perspective," because I'm sure you're going to need it.

I'm sure I'm going to need the best of luck as well. Thanks.

#175241 by Starfish Scott
Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:46 pm
WOW, yet another yet different delusional character.

I feel at home now.. lol

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