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#174993 by PaperDog
Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:32 am
This is the thing that breathes
Suffocating deep inside of me
Running flesh along the jagged edge of reality
Pain stirs the cry that I let free
I swallow down the unheard fears
I paint myself in warrior's tears
Every single one seems so real
The despair I show I cannot feel
It rubs me raw like a rope burn
Lessons I teach I have yet to learn
The day that never ends has faded
The time is at hand for which I've waited
Indecision's moment has just begun
What I thought was simple cannot be done
Even after I've looked from every angle
The fisherman's knot has become a tangle
It's just another time it's proven true
The perfect plan I cannot do
Midnight was and now is gone
The never-ending day still carries on

I have hi-lighted what I believe to be a sub theme in your writing. It aligns with the current dilemma you are facing about the Concept" ideas you wish to share. I almost think you should lower your price just to see this through.

#174995 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:39 am
PaperDog wrote:This is the thing that breathes
Suffocating deep inside of me
Running flesh along the jagged edge of reality
Pain stirs the cry that I let free
I swallow down the unheard fears
I paint myself in warrior's tears
Every single one seems so real
The despair I show I cannot feel
It rubs me raw like a rope burn
Lessons I teach I have yet to learn
The day that never ends has faded
The time is at hand for which I've waited
Indecision's moment has just begun
What I thought was simple cannot be done
Even after I've looked from every angle
The fisherman's knot has become a tangle
It's just another time it's proven true
The perfect plan I cannot do
Midnight was and now is gone
The never-ending day still carries on

I have hi-lighted what I believe to be a sub theme in your writing. It aligns with the current dilemma you are facing about the Concept" ideas you wish to share. I almost think you should lower your price just to see this through.

You are sorta right on the subtheme. I was struggling at that time with the Army and seeing alot of my hard work going under the radar of higher authorities.

I may end up lowering the front-end payment, but increase the back-end percentage to make up for it.

#174997 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:53 am
obeythepenguin wrote:
Faulty Wiring wrote:I have no intention of becoming a musician. My passion is art. If you feel I am trying to get someone else to do all the hard work, well, I can see your perspective. However, there are instances where people have great ideas, they can't do anything with them by themselves, and they just let the idea rot. Only to regret it later. I don't want to be that guy.

If your concept is so great that "millions of people will connect with it" (your own words), why don't you want to develop it yourself? You said you're learning to design in 3D. Do you think your 3D designs will "hit home for many" (again, your words)? If you can commit yourself to learning 3D design, is it really too much to get a guitar, learn a few chords, and work out some of your musical ideas yourself?

The point is, if your idea is as great as you say it is, it's absolutely worth that commitment on your part. You're expecting a lot from us, so we expect the same from you. Before we commit to your album, you have to convince us you're committed to it yourself; "lyrical suggestions" and vague promises of success aren't enough.

I don't have the talent. I tried. I took guitar lessons for a year. I also took singing lessons for awhile from a friend of mine. While I sing all the time, its not very good. And I either do not have the skillset, the ear or some other quality that talented musicians possess. Not everyone can be a great musician. I am sure you can agree with that statement. And while I love music, I am not one of the lucky ones who can be a musician.

My passion is art and inventions. I am working on both. I am putting my full efforts into both. Almost every day, I work on honing my skills and creating my art. I would love to be able to make this album all on my own. It would be fantastic. But since I cannot, the onus is on me to reach out and see if there are others who can and want to. I would regret not trying.

#174998 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:11 am
obeythepenguin wrote:
EDIT: I saw the stanza you posted; that's a good start. If you can give us some more writing samples, and maybe a clearer idea of the kind of sound you're looking for, that will go a long way to finding you a band. (And on the flip side, less talk about money, and no too-good-to-be-true claims. That just makes it sound like a scam crossed with SlushPile Hell.)

Thanks. I could submit a few more. However, I am not sure if my writing style would suit this album on not. I write very visceral and unhappy pieces for the most part.

This album is going to be emotional. Its going to give people a perspective they may have never heard before in music. That is why I believe in it. Why do I say that millions will connect with it? Because millions of people have something in common with the theme of the album. Will they get a chance to connect with it? It depends on the band's ability to capture the concept and create songs that are good enough to be on the radio. In fact, if the band can make one of the song concepts with enough raw emotion in it, I see a big chance for free advertising, as there are tv commercials for particular companies that have a need for a song like this. If you get in with them, you've just exposed your music to millions of people with just one commercial.

Some of you have already created songs that are good enough to be on the radio. I've checked out some people's work around here. I've heard some really good stuff. That's why I am reaching out here. This place isn't filled with talentless hacks. Instead, there are people here who are persistently and ambitiously working towards their big break. Perhaps with my album concept and their talent, one band will achieve the success they've been working towards. And then they'll either create their next album using my album concept, or they'll publish their preexisting work or continue working with their particular style, and have a great platform to continue providing their sound to music fans. (It is my belief that this album concept can be used to create multiple albums, given creative minds that can explore all the possibilities of this concept.)

And I am willing to lower the upfront price some, if I get no takers for a meeting from the Houston area or online.
Last edited by Faulty Wiring on Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

#174999 by Faulty Wiring
Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:35 am
The sound I am looking for.... hmmm. I suppose it would be something like <b>3 Doors Down</b> with their <b>'Away from the Sun'</b> song. Not exactly, but that's the general feel of the sound I think would work best.

And if someone here links me with the right band, I will give them a 5% finder's fee. (Not applicable if it is their own band, of course)
Last edited by Faulty Wiring on Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

#175013 by GuitarMikeB
Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:39 pm
You're never going to sell a 'concept' - basically an idea. Someone could very easily steal it from you, though, once you give out the basic theme.
I would suggest you find a songwriting partner - an Elton John to your Bernie Taupin (sorry for the very top 40 pop comparison).
#175017 by jsantos
Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:07 pm
Faulty Wiring wrote:I have a very unique album concept that came to me and I already have three song concepts for it. I am looking for an experienced band (preferably alternative or rock) to develop this album concept. This album will hit home for many. I have never heard an album of this nature, especially not in alternative music. I have several other album concepts, but none of them are like this and I am very interested in getting it developed. The general sound that I feel would work best is something like <b>3 Doors Down</b> with their <b>Away From the Sun'</b> song.

I am only interested in talking to bands that will take this and put all their talent into it. I can provide lyrical assistance for the songs, but I need the chords or at least the basic structure to be able to do so. Millions of people can connect with this album (because millions of people have something in common with the theme of the album). But that does not guarantee that millions will be reached by the album, if you cannot create great songs that the radio will push out there for you. Also, I have no intention of trying to control your artistic process since as a creative visual artist, I cannot stand when I get commissioned for a work and the client tries to micromanage me. If you do not request of me to be involved in development of the album, I will not interfere.

I am in the Houston area and you would have to travel here if you are not local. I cannot travel to you due to my job. Links to demos and/or full songs your band has already made would be appreciated. FYI, I will not be disclosing the album concept without meeting in person. For the protection of my idea and to get a good feel of your band.

-Chris Scott of Montgomery, TX

P.S. If someone here links me to the right band, I will give that person a 5% (possibly negotiable up to 10%) finder's fee from the upfront payment I receive. (not applicable if it is your band, of course.)

P.P.S. I have edited this post to exclude the asking price, per guidance from a member of Bandmix. The price I listed before is rescinded and it is now going to be based on the best offer combined with the best band for the job. Naturally, the best band for the job is going to hold sway.

Hi Chris, my name is Jerry Santos. I have been a member of ASCAP since 2006, also worked with BMI affiliations and events for GRAMMY (365) here in Chicago. I have encountered people like you who had great concepts and ideas. I see a lot of this with current Classical Music and Jazz, the topic of one person with the idea that don't have any experience with musical training or instrument capabilities. What we advise to aspiring creators is to get their idea in concrete form, either by transcription or audio recordings. Usually, you can hire a session pianist to flesh out your ideas going off your dictation. In your case, a session guitarist and vocalist. Once you have the concept in concrete form, you can propose it to a label, studio or band. This is the safest way to secure your propriety with your idea and concept. I hope this little info can give you direction on your next step for realization. Good luck.

#175044 by fisherman bob
Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:15 pm
Faulty Wiring wrote:
fisherman bob wrote:I've got a better concept. I'm going to record a killer CD hopefully within the next six months. None of you has to send me a penny. When it's available just send me $10 and I'll send you a copy. Deal?

Once its done, I'll definitely take a look. If you can provide 30 second previews of a couple songs for everyone to check out, then that would be awesome.
. Better yet I'll put a few entire versions on my Bandmix profile for y'all to listen to.

Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:02 pm
This has become the most ridiculous post up here.
Faulty this is a music forum. You don't PLAY.
Everything you have written has been to defend this position that you have a great idea.
There are a thousand variables being a musician/ band.
If you really want to put YOUR money where your heart is and try this part time job, SEND me 10 thousand US American dollars and I will personally oversee the recording in a suitable manner. I will even guarantee AIR PLAY.

Now aren't you getting excited?
I will need you to fly to NY where I can find enough talented musicians to fulfill your dreams.

If it doesn't work out..... We still have LOTTO. :)

#175059 by Lynard Dylan
Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:56 pm
You know I got a killer concept myself, but its
not for sale presently.(Not for sale, best sales
line you can use).

It is a music forum

I found your poem rhymed to much for me,
It was predictable

Hope your concept is not predictable or worse
yet, already been done.

Good Luck.

The band I jammed with last week had a interesting
concept. Doing original music, but inserting great lines
from great gospel songs of old, really a cool sound,
they want to fleece some of the mega churches with
this sound. I toldem I don't do church or religous gigs.

Interesting concept, trying to sell a concept.....

#175072 by MikeTalbot
Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:49 am
Realistically, if you really want to do this - you are the guy who needs to cough up the twenty large.

You'll have to hire musicans and be ready to lead in a studio situation where time is literally money.

Every musican you meet has lots of "concepts." Your chance of engaging a band that will give 20g for a concept are shall we say, infintesimal. it takes product to crack the market.

If your stuff is actually good, the investment would be worth it, even if you fail. If it ain't - it still isnt' much more than a year of college tuition and you'll learn much.


#175081 by Faulty Wiring
Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:49 am
I appreciate all the feedback. Obeythepenguin, the only way to possibly show that my concept is great would be to just reveal it. And that makes no sense.

Maybe someone will be interested here, maybe they won't. I'm fine with either scenario. I will continue to contact local bands in my area and I am going to start emailing record labels and seeing if I can get one on board. Perhaps they have a band or two that has produced a few albums and can't come up with new material. Ya never know. Maybe this will work out or maybe it won't, but its worth a shot regardless of the result.

#175083 by KLUGMO
Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:37 am

#175093 by Faulty Wiring
Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:28 pm

I would be embarrassed if I was you. You are acting like one of those people who think they are being 'realistic' when they insult other people's goals. But its really called full-blown pessimism. And whether that is fueled by the number of times you've come up short or whether its something else, I can't say.

I'm being as realistic as I can be. I know I could very well come up short. I've come up short a number of times on different projects. But I will not let failure define me or keep me from going for what I want. I've changed several things in my original post based on some good points by members of Band Mix. I've already said I don't know if I will find a band or not via Band Mix, and I'm cool with either result. But you can keep coming at me with your insults if you like. I'm going to keep pursuing this, regardless of what any pessimists say (including the pessimistic voice that I have, if it ever comes out).

#175101 by KLUGMO
Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:37 pm
OK, Your posts:

"I've come up short on a number of times on different projects"
"I've changed several things in my original post"
"I am going to start e-mailing record labels"
"Maybe they have a band or two and cant come up with new material"
"Not exactly, but thats the general feel of the sound I think would work best"
"It depends on the bands ability to capture the concept and create songs
that are good enough to be on the radio"
"If you get in with them"
"I am willing to lower the upfront price some" (My Favorite)
"And I either do not have the skillset, the ear or some other quality that talented musicians possess"

WOW! That pretty much says it all. I give you credit for your balls but
besides the guys here that are nicey-nice and encouraging with their coments.
You are rather insulting to the intelligence of others with decades of
musical experience. $20,000 for your inexperienced concept !
You give no resume, you have no track record of success, you have no idea
how "The Record Labels" work, you admit you have no musical skills.
Yet you have come up with a fulproof concept worth $20,000. Thank you
for being willing to lower that a little bit.

Like I said before WOW!
You have achieved Joke Of The Day status. But --
You do have balls.
I and I'm sure others here enjoy your coments and encourage you to keep them coming.


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