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#166818 by fisherman bob
Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:59 pm
Obama referred to the birth control controversy in healthcare terms as CONTRACEPTION CARE. Is that like cancer care? Heart care? Parkinson's care? Etc. Where exactly is the CARE in contraception care? What incredibly stupid terminology, CONTRACEPTION CARE. Where's my Depends? I need shat in me pants care.... and I want the federal government to pay for me Depends...

#166820 by jimmydanger
Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:07 pm
If that's the term he used (and I have not heard of that but concede that he might have) I agree it's dumb terminology but just the same it's only semantics. We all know what contraception is, and the main point to remember is that neither the private company nor the tax payer (federal govt) will be forced to pay for this rider. The insurance carrier will pay for this expense. This insures that a woman who works at a business that does not want to provide the coverage can still get it. After all, a business should not force its beliefs on its employees.

A Google search only returned two links for the terms Obama contraceptive care: ... titutions/ ... tion-edict

#166831 by PaperDog
Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:02 pm
Insurance Rider = Pass Cost to Policy Holders. Great! My Insurance premium goes up now to cover the cost of other people's 'elected' health preferences...even If I don't share any of those preferences...... We dont need less humans...Now we need more humans than ever, to make the socialist model here work (via spreading the cost ) :roll:

#166854 by gbheil
Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:43 pm
Pay for your own care.

I'll pay for mine.

That is liberty and personal responsibility.

Problem with socialism is everyone starves when you run out of other peoples money.

#166874 by Sir Jamsalot
Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:46 am
jimmydanger wrote:We all know what contraception is, and the main point to remember is that neither the private company nor the tax payer (federal govt) will be forced to pay for this rider. The insurance carrier will pay for this expense.

... where does the insurance carrier get its money? From businesses who purchase the plans. And the businesses (school in this case) get their money from you. We're going to foot the bill one way or the other.

#166929 by philbymon
Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:38 am
sanshouheil wrote:Pay for your own care.

I'll pay for mine.

That is liberty and personal responsibility.

Problem with socialism is everyone starves when you run out of other peoples money.

I understand this stance. It does not, however, seem very compassionate. I've found that compassion, when left to individuals, often ceases to exist.

For a subject like birth control, however, I don't believe we need insured no one masturbate anymore? Do we really need insurance co's to foot the bill for our rubbers & such?

When I see those words "contraceptive care," I picture either sewing it shut or clamping it off, depending upon the sex of the individual...neither solution seems very compassionate, nor does it fall under the auspices of "care."

Keep the guv'mint outta me drawers, please...& the insurance co's,too, while you're at it!

#166932 by nayrb_eman
Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:20 pm
I used to complain about overweight people driving up the premiums on my health insurance. Some could complain about smokers, yada yada yada.

This whole debate is about a social issue wrapped in a bible carried by men, who in turn are fond of small boys, and people that have sex in the dark. ... 5YrB7TpT1Y

#166936 by jimmydanger
Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:25 pm
Contraceptive care means one thing here - MEDICATIONS for preventing pregnancy. Not rubbers. Not Viagra. And for right now this means medications for women. This has always been an optional rider, but if you're going to have a national healthcare system you cannot exclude a group of women from this medication simply because the employer is against providing it - for any reason.

#166941 by KLUGMO
Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:13 pm
It is best learned through good parenting, among many other
things that need attention. I believe bad parenting is the single worst
problem in this country. It is like a social virus that no pill can cure and its
ramafications are far reaching at all levels.[/b]

#166942 by jimmydanger
Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:21 pm
Agree, and I'll take it a step further. The reason the world is f*cked up is missing fathers. A single parent cannot replace a two-parent family. I hate the phrase "baby daddies".

#166943 by nayrb_eman
Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:30 pm
Insurance company's are no different than gangsters in the protection business. They sell nothing real and are the cause of the problem.

Catastrophic care is a fair business, but the minute these guys got a hold of everyday health wellness , you can pay or die.

Women are the reason many musicians write, or play. Just because I don't chase em anymore don't mean I don't love em. None of us would be here without em. When did playing rock music move away from it's incentive of booze and b*tches. Never knew unplanned pregnancy, child support, and b*stard kids were so popular.

#166953 by t-Roy and The Smoking Section
Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:42 pm
KLUGMO wrote:It is best learned through good parenting, among many other
things that need attention. I believe bad parenting is the single worst
problem in this country. It is like a social virus that no pill can cure and its
ramafications are far reaching at all levels.[/b]

And bad parenting started became the norm after the "Great Society" of LBJ made more and more people dependent on government assistance.

It is now a fact that 49% of the country pays nothing in income tax which means the rest of us are subsidizing a lot of bad parents.

And, if you sire a child today, the mother can kill it without your consent even if you are married, but if she decides to allow it life you are responsible for the next 18 years. I believe that every man should be responsible for children he produces but they have absolutely no rights when it comes to deciding whether that child lives in the first place.

#166957 by jimmydanger
Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:53 pm
Very true - the only rights a potential father has is deciding whether or not to have sex with a woman (he also has a right to wear protection but that is no guarantee). In this country, it's her body, her rights.

#166965 by nayrb_eman
Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:46 pm
I don't think it's unreasonable to include contraceptives in things health insurance providers cover. The guys are crooks who run em, look at the profit they make. Contraceptives are a lot cheaper than many of the drugs used to treat diabetes, heart disease.

Old men with little blue pills and wood is ok, but young sexually active women should be submissive to be the host for the old men with the little blue pill with and wood disease to make more little men with no regard for the women they profess love for.


#167038 by Banderyf
Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:51 am
Hello friends, I really like the posts you publish, I will support you, thank you, learn from each other

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