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#132726 by RockGuru300
Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:57 pm
It’s good to hear from these guys again, the music scene has missed them! Their new album “Wonders of the Younger” is GREAT, I really like it, it’s a little different from the other stuff they’ve put out but equally as good!If you haven’t heard it yet you need to give it a listen! :) What tracks do you guys like and how does it compare to their older albums? It seems these days no one likes new albums as much as the classic ones….

#132729 by dizzizz
Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:28 pm
Dammit, I hate the plain white t's. Nothing's more annoying then playing some Zepp when some annoying prepster girl interrupts to ask if you know "Hey there Delilah". They can go die in a hole.

#132734 by RGMixProject
Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:50 pm
Nothing new.

Guy sings like a girl or 12 year old.

Goofy tinker toy rhythm with power cords.

Same ol same ol for the last 10 years.

Damit' now I need to go listen to more Bob Seger "Rock and Roll Never Forgets" to get that girly man voice out of my head.

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