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Who will be rocking out at Bass Player Live!?

#125737 by Benji420
Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:41 pm
I am the first to admit, I am not the best bassist, I enjoy playing, but more than that, I enjoy listening to great players. Bootsy Collins has been one of my fav's since I was a Jr in High school!

Imagine my surprise when I hear he is coming to Los Angeles in Oct. The 23 & 24, Bootsy Collins will be at Bass Player Live in LA!!!!! :D

I did some poking around found someone who works for Bass Player Live and she gave me this discount: BASSFAN - 25% off!
Thought I would share with all of you!

#125741 by Chaeya
Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:46 pm
Cool beans! I know Bootsy from a long time ago. He doesn't remember me, but I hug him and get a photo with him every NAMM show and he goes, "don't I know you?" and I say "yeah, you do!" He has a couple of bass players that play with him, one is Thieron who jams with my husband every NAMM show. I have to get my photos up, darn it! I can't figure out how to get them off my phone.


#125747 by dizzizz
Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:05 pm
if you have picture messaging, you can send the pictures from your phone to your email.

#125792 by Stranger
Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:53 pm
What a personality....

And I e-mail my pics from my phone to my e-mail account....Good Luck

#125810 by Chaeya
Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:45 pm
I'll keep trying. My phone is so lame.


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