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#187266 by woisio
Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:56 am
We are a bunch of dream chasers in disguise as engineers, artists, designers and business people that came together to build online stages all across the US for all the voices out there.

We know that, even at this very moment you are reading these lines, songs are sung for the very first time. Chords strummed. Poems written. Blogs typed. Cameras rolling to bring a dream to life.

Things we watch, listen to and read. These are the colors of our lives. Our memorable moments. A big part of what makes us who we are.

We want all this to add up to a more beautiful, colorful world. And we know this dream is not possible with the existing media that manufactures news, facts and stars.

We want no editors, we want no casting agency, we want no middle man.

We want you to get on stage and show/write/sing your heart out and let people together decide if they want to see more of what you just did on stage.

A big wildfire is about to start all across the globe and we hope that you can be a part of it.

Rehearsals start on September 27th, 2012. Please check our message at

For a backstage pass, be sure to leave your e-mail at

Thank you,
The Woisio Team

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