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#180260 by Pop-PunkFTW
Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:08 pm
I'm wondering how popular Pop-Punk music really is when it comes to being in the music scene. Some people are saying that it's making a come-back, and others say that it died in the 90's.

I'm from California, so I know that if Pop-Punk was still alive, it would be alive here haha. Is there anyone who could maybe explain this a little better to me?? Thanks!

#188524 by Lee192
Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:35 am
Pop-Punk as it is now (emo'd up, commercial, totally shocking) is probably a genre in "rock" youll most likely get signed on. At least in UK anyway. Id imagine the states still has a big audience for it also.

Not sure if Pop-punk done in its earlier 90s style, or its ska fusion style would be considered something that "sells" anymore though. But if you wanna make current pop-punk music like All Time Low, they do pretty well at selling!

#189365 by shannonsinister
Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:50 am
Clear Channel conditions people on what to accept and noone thinks it will do well. Anytime I do 90's Grunge (or even Audioslave) or something like Excuse Me Mr. by No Doubt (for karaoke), no matter what bar I'm in people go nuts for it, even if they've never heard the song before. They like the powerful vocals and the high energy of the songs.

I live in Dallas and I'm trying to put together a No Doubt tribute band and a 90's alternative band, but everyone here only wants to do Mainstream pop from the 80's, 90's and whatever you call this newer bs or hair metal and don't get me started on the little inbred scene of "death metal"/industrial original music scene in Deep Ellum.

It's hard to believe sometimes that I actually lived through an era where Dallas was actually on the cutting edge of music in the 90's and produced several bands that broke through to mainstream radio.

Them days is long gone. At least the Toadies have a new album coming out.

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