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#118394 by Sharp Tools
Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:36 pm
I’m Roberto Hogue and I am a Hollywood screenwriter. My latest screenplay comes with a concept that I believe will cause a ripple in the music industry. Essentially, the movie includes a song that I was going to have several bands create a song around the lyrics. And then someone said, “Why not have EVERY band create the song?” That’s where I am right now…

I want to get in touch with as many awesome bands, artists, rappers, DJ’s and musicians as I can find all the way from garage bands to arena bands. From modern bands to 70’s and 80’s bands still cranking out music. From American bands to any act from around the globe spanning all languages. As you can see, this is going to be a HUGE deal. Which leads me to the current situation. I already have a bunch of great bands who have said they are interested, but this one-at-a-time stuff will take me forever to do.

It’s time to take it to the iconoclasts and visionaries who can see how absolutely huge this concept can become. Below is the pitch that I have been sending out that describes it a little better. Otherwise, the website covers all the other stuff you need to know about the project.

So... here’s a chance to bring all artists together under one project and let them do what they do best: crank out some hits! Check it out

There is a cultural event happening right now that you really need to be part of.

What if tons of talented and amazing bands took the same set of lyrics and each put their own unique stamp on the song? It's happening now!

A screenplay has been created to inspire a movie that will drive this song into the world's consciousness. The screenplay deals with breakups and the tragic issues that arise in rebound relationships. It’s about a guy who loses his girlfriend and in the midst of his miseries, he meets the perfect girl who encourages him to write a song to show his true feelings. He writes a pretty brutal breakup song and loses the perfect girl who assumed he would write a love song for her.

The song plays a pivotal role in the film. What makes this interesting is that there will be one set of lyrics and it will be performed by HUNDREDS of bands spanning all genres of music as well as languages. Obviously, many of these songs will show up on the soundtrack, but the great part will be to see how each band or musician makes a set of lyrics theirs. As far as I can tell, this has never been attempted before. Each song is an ORIGINAL interpretation and they will all be released at the same time to promote the film. Imagine flipping through the radio dial and hearing the same familiar lyrics on every single station! If this works, it will become a defining moment in musical history…

You can check out the website with the entire concept here:

Give it a look and if you think it’s a good idea, could you please send an email saying you are interested. Don't forget to pass it along to your friend's bands and musicians? If you dig the idea, all you have to do is say so. Keep in mind that throwing your hat into the ring is by no means a contract. When it comes time and the lyrics are released, you always have the option to opt out. By the time this happens, I promise you'll want to do it when you see all the bands that will be creating the song alongside you...

As you probably already know, the process of making movies takes at least a couple years from purchase to premier so you have time to think about it, get the lyrics, make the best song ever, record it and the movie will still be in the editing phase.

There is a fill-in form on the website for all the contact information when the magical time arrives.

Call me if you have any questions:

p.s. Feel free to pass along this email to any bands you know or love or just think would be great for this project. I don’t want any talent left behind!

#118398 by gbheil
Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:07 am
when the magical time arrives. :lol:
#118466 by Sharp Tools
Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:38 pm
It does take a long time for things to happen in Hollywood. That's why I'm getting started on this now. Of the roughly 1000 screenplays that get sold each year, only about a third of them actually get released.

That's the great thing about this project. The hype will push the movie forward and make it inevitable.

I already have a bunch of great bands who are down with the project and I'd like to thank everyone here for such a great response already! Late next month, I will be putting up a page with all the bands I have (or am allowed to talk about) so far.

The great thing is that it costs you nothing to dream, Sanhouheil! Make sure I have a way to get ahold of you when things start happening. The worst feeling in the world is regret...

#118475 by gbheil
Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:57 pm
I'm no dreamer brother. I'm an ass kickin worker.
Dreams are for sleepwalkers, not warriors.
I intend to take the high ground the old fashioned way.
One inch at a time.

No offense intended man, but that whole " magic " thing was just struck me funny.

Best wishes in your endeavors.

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