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#62386 by gbheil
Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:18 pm
RaneVox, you been watching too much American TV . :lol:
I consider myself quite the lucky one. We rehearse in my 1200 sq / ft shop (reads barn in American :wink: )
Its well air conditioned in winter and very well heated in summer (Texas)
But it's light years ahead of what many indi bandsover here have.
Yea we've got a pool table! And a refrigerator.
Cheers with beers from Texas !!

#62418 by fisherman bob
Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:50 am
sanshouheil wrote:Ok is Phil running against Bob for president now?
When I'm elected President (if Obama can win I can definitely win) then I'll offer Phil a cabinet position. I think Secretariat of State would be a good choice. Could you imagine Phil going after President Assholedidajob of Iran? He would tell people like that where to get off. If he can get all worked up over somebody on Bandmix imagine the good he can do on the world stage!!

#62431 by philbymon
Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:21 pm

Well said, bob...I guess I do get carried away sometimes...or maybe I SHOULD be carried away, eh?

Besides...I"m running for WV governor on the secessionist ticket. The hell with it all I wanna start up my own country...heh heh heh
#62458 by RaneVox
Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:43 pm
lol you lads are too honest for politics!

*lifts a pint of good old Tetley's @ sanshouheil* 'tek 'od n sup lad!'

Visited Michigan and Wisconsin and my mates there had 'basements' that were decked out like a bloody club! :o hence the idea about the posh cellars..

#62491 by gbheil
Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:23 pm
Bob please appoint me t the UN. so I can flip em off.
Yes the deligate from the US would like to say F ya'll bunch o faggotts. :lol:
#62494 by JennyKy
Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:26 pm
It depends a lot on what part of the country you visit, and of course how old the house is. I don't have a basement at all, just a "crawl space" through which we can get at plumbing etc...It's not uncommon here in Denver because their was SO much building going on at the time the late '80s that they really skipped some important things to get more houses up. Back east in "older" houses say early 1900's to the 40's there is either no basement or the lovely dank cellars where the coal or heating oil furnace lives. You get the posh basements in newer houses in areas where their is still a lot of undeveloped land, and land/building prices are relatively low. And of course where the water table is deep enough, not many basements in New Orleans or Southern Florida.

#62497 by gbheil
Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:10 pm
Same is true for East Texas Jenny. Basement=mosquito pond.
Where I went to Nursing College we had an auditorium style room for A&P. It was %50 below ground level and about %10 full of water with each spring rain. :lol:

#62517 by philbymon
Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:41 am
I have a basement...but it's full of stuff cuz I got no out-buildings...Hope to fix that one day soon.

#65972 by MadmX
Sat May 02, 2009 9:03 pm
WOW!... I guess you got your first lesson in the music biz....:) You WILL get shredded, no matter what...

But just the fact that you even asked the question about sacrificing parenting time with your kids to "do your own thing" is both selfish and shows a huge lack of character. Music will always be there but your kids will not.

You can certainly find time to practice and hone your craft… and here is an idea.. why not do music WITH your kids so you all benefit??? You already made your choice when you decided to have children, so anything short of your full attention is unacceptable…. As our very poignant friend suggests, if you approach music like you are your kids… well… I doubt it will work out for you….

#88516 by zackota micho
Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:51 pm
You are so shithole shure of yourself that no one who knows to have kids knows anything right to say. You should be kicked in the but, you have probly fathered children and run away, this is the way you talk.
And most of the time you are too scared to take women on board because you just think sex.

#88525 by philbymon
Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:59 pm

you talkin' to me?

#110889 by vineyard
Fri May 07, 2010 8:51 pm
hey good to know there r still some mothers with dreams.nothing wrong with chasing them just be sure not to leave your loved ones too behind coz they will always be there when u rise and when u fall good luck to u hope ur dreams come true.thats fro all the mothers and fathers out there
cheers :lol: [/b]

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