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Moderators: bandmixmod1, jimmy990, spikedace

#63795 by fisherman bob
Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:58 am
Do you mean I answered all his survey questions for nothing? Oh well, at least some of you know a little more about me...

#63964 by RhythmMan
Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:28 pm
Kramer stopped short.
I continued.
I found several articles posted by the man, from executive management to psychology.
He probably stopped back, saw the rampant non-professional atmosphere, and went elsewhere.
Band mix has aquired a pretty bad name in the industry.

#63971 by Starfish Scott
Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:16 pm
You should preface that with IN MY OPINION, unless you speak for the world, again..

#63975 by ratsass
Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:35 pm
RhythmMan_JazzBluesRockFo wrote:He probably stopped back, saw the rampant non-professional atmosphere, and went elsewhere.

Well, his link didn't work and that's what most of the bitching and moaning was about. If he was a professional, he would have apologized and put a good link in it's place. If non-professional means checking things out and warning fellow musicians about sketchy details, I'll take the non-professionals over the professionals who don't have the courtesy to fix bad links. My guess is that he hasn't checked back in as he has been busy putting this up on every music site and forum that he can find and hasn't had time to get back to all of them yet. Not saying he's shady, mind you, just that, although we have bandmix at the top of our list, it ain't so elsewhere, so we can't expect him to be on here daily like the rest of us addicts. :shock: :roll: :lol:

#64073 by fisherman bob
Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:18 am
My best guess is that he probably DIDN'T CHECK IN. No responses to any of our responses makes me come to that conclusion.

#64227 by fisherman bob
Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:14 am
Bandmix has acquired a bad name in the industry? What people in the industry have told you that? Can you name some influential people in the industry who have written anything bad about Bandmix? Can you cite some articles on the internet where somebody said something negative about Bandmix? Or is it YOUR opinion that Bandmix has acquired a bad name in the industry? This is like Dragnet...just the facts m'aam...where are they?

#64251 by AirViking
Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:58 am
1) What’s the name of your band? What’s the origin of that name? Have you changed the band’s name before?

Slaying of the Beast. The origin may imply that its a religous thing, but it is focused on the rage that turns a person a beast on the inside. As we are our worst enemy. Yes we changed names, we used to be The Soviet Dragon.

2) When did you form your band? What inspired you to make music together?

We all loved music, and a specific genre... I guess it was just meant to be.

3) (If in a Band) How long have you all known each other? How did you meet?

I've known these cats all my life. I live for today is why though.

4) How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together?

Much better written, vocals make since now.

5) Would you attribute mental issues or drug usage as factors in inspiring your music?

anti-social and outcast mental issues i would say.

6) Could you briefly describe the music-making process? (Does it start on a napkin? Etc…)

Its first a video in my head, I am for Irony like in our song "Abandoned" which implies that you are all alone, but in fact you have fallen victim to the "beast" inside and have killed everyone, meaning you are only alone becuase of your own actions.

7) Are you a cover band or strictly compose original music?

original. We'll take a song and make it ours, but I would never butcher a song.

8) What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Irony, War, Mental instability, The fight to become a better person.

9) What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?

My personal influence or the band?
Personally, Cliff Burton by far, as a bad, Children of Bodom (early work)

10) Do you currently have a website with your bands promotional info? Web address?

Got a myspace...

11) Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs? Do you think these topics will change over time?

I have written most of our songs. As for the theme or topics, they will only briefly change, Irony is a major part of our songs.

12) What are your immediate music career goals? (Next 1 to 3 years.)

We're recording a demo in the fall of 5 tracks. Ill be sure to post some tracks here.

13) Do you have a back stage story you would like to share?

I have a in front of stage story. I got shanked in the back, left a disfiguring scar, the guy was wearing our old band's shirt and I never found him to turn him in.

14) Do you perform locally, regionally or further. Please elaborate…

regionally as of now. Northwest region.

15) What kind of people do you meet in your business?

Smart people, exploiters, druggies, fans, fun people, everyone pretty much.

16) Are groupies a problem? Stories you would like to share on this?

I dont see how fans would be a problem. Our fans arent "maggots" I treat them with respect, and I expect you to do it as well.

17) How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Do you have a website with sample songs or a demo CD?

the myspace page.

18) What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands?

Its a long hard road, you'll change your line up a lot. And it's all expensive.

19) What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

Im military, so being 3K miles away never helps.

20) How would you describe your fan base?

Our fans are our friends. No matter if I've seen them or not, if I know them or if I ever will. fans are the life blood of us, we will honor them like they do us, and even provide free fan shows periodically.

21) What can you tell me about your instruments? (i.e., Are you subject to brand loyalty or will you play with whatever’s available? What made you choose the instruments you have now? Was it cost or was it a style/model/brand/color preference?

I only play Ibanez. Brand loyalty is a subject I subscribe to. I like Ibanez becuase of the fast running thin necks, balance, tone, and playability. I only use horizon cables, becuase I have never had a better cable product, only way I can descibe this to other musicains is like this: My patchcord is 3 years old, SPLIT CHANNELED, and been used in every practice and show I've had. It is still 100% buzz free. I perfer Peavey PA systems for my vocals, but I wouldnt consider myself a professional vocalist.

22) Which songs do you perform most frequently? Do you ever play any covers? Do you have a set play list?

Abandoned, House of Pain, No More Shadows, Wild Ride, and an altenate.

23) Have you recorded any previous CDs or posted any audio files on the Internet?

Not and SOTB songs

24) What’s your ultimate direction for your band? Are you seeking fame and fortune?

Yes I am, but not for selfish reasons, to please who matters most, our fans.

#64307 by fisherman bob
Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:02 pm
Air Viking, thanks for posting your answers to the survey. Not sure if anybody will contact you for an official interview but at least some Bandmixers know a little more about you. Also don't forget that Bandmix has acquired a bad name in the industry. (Boo hoo). :(

#64328 by AirViking
Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:21 pm
bad name? only reason I could see, is taht its not 100% professional, and trying to get a person in the same talent and genre is hard, also who knows what that person is like....

#64395 by fisherman bob
Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:45 am
RhythmMan_JazzBluesRockFo wrote:Kramer stopped short.
I continued.
I found several articles posted by the man, from executive management to psychology.
He probably stopped back, saw the rampant non-professional atmosphere, and went elsewhere.
Band mix has aquired a pretty bad name in the industry.

Air Viking, I was referring to a previous post by Rhythmman. I was being facetious (sarcastic).

#64416 by Kramerguy
Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:23 am
RhythmMan_JazzBluesRockFo wrote:Kramer stopped short.
I continued.
I found several articles posted by the man, from executive management to psychology.
He probably stopped back, saw the rampant non-professional atmosphere, and went elsewhere.
Band mix has aquired a pretty bad name in the industry.

I don't see that. More than anything, Bandmix has a bad reputation as a matching service for musicians... simply because they get tons of people to join and then pay to contact people, but nobody ever responds, simply because Bandmix refuses to disable inactive accounts, and they refuse to put any user ratings on people (ability to give non-responders bad marks) as a system of checks and balances..

The forums? Non-existant to 99% of anyone in the industry. And I like it that way.

Unprofessional?? Heh.. go over to harmony central some time, they are perhaps the biggest musician forum on the internet, and downright toxic at times. Especially the bass forum.

#64505 by RhythmMan
Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:58 pm
I'm not gonna argue for or against Bandmix; I don't give a fart either way.
. . . . just telling you what I've heard from at least 2 dozen people who hate this place. Next time I won't say anything; count on it.
I don't really care one way or the other.

#64515 by fisherman bob
Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:58 pm
Bandmix has a bad name in the industry. Do two dozen people make up the industry? I have a hunch there might be a few more than two dozen people in the industry. I'm in the industry and I like Bandmix. Do the majority of the people in the industry (over 50%) think Bandmix has a bad name? Who are these two dozen people? Bigwigs in the industry? Personal friends who are musicians? Influential people? Is there a Consumer's Guide rating system for musical websites? Is Bandmix on the bottom of that rating system? WHEN YOU MAKE A STATEMENT YOU NEED TO BACK IT UP WITH FACTS OR THERE'S NOT MUCH CREDIBILITY TO THAT STATEMENT. Let's pretend this is Dragnet, JUST THE FACTS M'AAM....

#64633 by Kramerguy
Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:22 pm
RhythmMan_JazzBluesRockFo wrote:I'm not gonna argue for or against Bandmix; I don't give a fart either way.
. . . . just telling you what I've heard from at least 2 dozen people who hate this place. Next time I won't say anything; count on it.
I don't really care one way or the other.

Hey man, I didn't mean to get a rise out of ya.. your post(s) seem bitter or tense. Everything going okay?

#64664 by RhythmMan
Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:32 pm

I have a better idea. Let's pretend I don't give a sh*t - and forget the whole thing.

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