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#1051 by RhythmMan
Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:32 am
Anyone got any input on any of these sound recording / editing programs at this site?

The recorder that comes w/Windows XP is stone-age crap.

What I want to do is record a Guitar track, and then lay down a Bass track, and then maybe another guitar track.

I want CLEAN sound.

There's a lot of freeware & shareware out there - is any of any good?

#1150 by Fortified_Drastic
Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:43 pm
Try acid 3.0 or any newer sony music recording program.
Thats best if your just starting out in digital recording.

#1151 by RhythmMan
Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:44 am
Hey, thanks.
EarlierI was looking at all the free stuff, because it was right in front of me.
But, I googled Sony software, and was able to track down
"Acid Music Studio 5." for $70.
Here's the page, by the way:
. ... =learnmore
Yeah, it has a lot of stuff in it . . . looks good.
Here's about 1/2 the features, copied from the Sony site:
Mixing and Editing

Chopper editing tool to edit and clone loops

Beatmapper™ tool for easy remixing

Track-level volume, panning, and effects editing

Master bus track for project-wide volume and pan fades

Studio-quality effects including EQ, Reverb, Delay, and more

Event reverse


Remix your favorite songs and MP3s

Combine MIDI tracks with audio tracks

Preview effects in real-time during playback

Create the ultimate music bed for video scoring

Yeah, looks good. Thanks Fortified D.

#1682 by MatthewsMusic
Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:04 pm
I still use Cakewalk HomeStudio 2004 XL, I have yet to install the new ProTools but i hear its good, and I would definately recommend Cakewalk.

#1888 by Switchblade Groove
Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:19 pm
I recommend Propellerhead Reason for a lot of accompany tracks. I use my Yamaha AW4416 DAW, Cubase, Reason, Acid, and Native Instruments stuff primarily. Makes some good quality recordings... Good mic's go a long ways as well, I like Rode and Audix for the quality and price.

#2332 by Hink
Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:34 am
I use a lot of software (too much to list)...for just audio recording adobe audition 2.0 is great...but for any pratical use it lacks real midi...for audio it's great...FL makes a nice product and with AA2.0 as a companion the world is yours...there is so much more I would suggets checkng out KVR forums you can learn more than you need there :)

#2343 by RhythmMan
Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:46 pm
Thanks, guys.
I had previously decided to hold out for Sony Acid Pro, but my financial situation worsened. Now I'm back to 'Plan A,' and your input helps.
I'm sure a lot of people have been thinking about all you input, too.

#2344 by Hink
Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:50 pm
Samick1-FunkJazBlues wrote:Thanks, guys.
I had previously decided to hold out for Sony Acid Pro, but my financial situation worsened. Now I'm back to 'Plan A,' and your input helps.
I'm sure a lot of people have been thinking about all you input, too.

look at energy's around 50 bux usd and very, very's modular design is great, it's arp is killer...

#2345 by Hink
Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:51 pm
btw it's demo only has one can't save your projects....but you get to explore the features

#2350 by RhythmMan
Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:15 pm
I need to save projects.
I have others interested in collaborating with over the internet.
I need to be able to make, send and recieve studio-quaility songs.

#2355 by Hink
Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:28 pm
Samick1-FunkJazBlues wrote:I need to save projects.
I have others interested in collaborating with over the internet.
I need to be able to make, send and recieve studio-quaility songs.

you can if you buy it, what I was saying is the demo gives you complete functionability for as long as you want to try it...then for 50 bux you buy me, download the demo...what can it hurt? You'll buy it quickly, it's a great host and the forth coming update looks to be 50 bux I've spent on music gear in my life, though I never really use it stand can also be used in another host as an instrument or effect...the not saving is strictly for the full function demo... :)

#2359 by Irminsul
Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:56 pm
Get a good card like an M-Audio (there are a few to choose from, according to your needs), then use something like Cubase. It's always worked the best for me, and I came from using LogicAudio and ProTools.

#2491 by Guest
Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:37 pm
I've just downloaded Audacity. Its free open source recording software.
Gonna try to use it to upload a few clips to this site.
Soon as I get around to it I'll let you know how it goes.

#2493 by RhythmMan
Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:55 pm
Yeah, please do.
I was also considering Cakewalk, but I can be talked out of it . . .
By the way, it's nice to see there are still musicians who play something other than Heavy Metal.

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