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#295462 by Sal_Lead
Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:27 pm
Back in 2015, I bought THREE TC HELICON voice live 3 vox processors...about four months later I went full digital with racked mixers that have embedded FX systems that do about 90% of what the VL3 does without having to carry an extra road case, extra cables, and extra
They never made it to stage in the first place...By the time I was about done writing the midi to use them, I switched to the digital rack mixers.

I'm into these boxes for $2,400...
If you're really ambitious, and want all three...$1,300
If you want ONE...I"m asking $475 but will listen to offers.
If you're in WA State, on the West side of the mountains..I'll deliver to you.
My email is on my profile somewhere but
grumpops @ comcast . net (just remove spaces of course)

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