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#252257 by evaldas93364
Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:14 pm
Hi,my name is Evaldas.
I want to raise money for music instruments.
The money will be used to buy my dream guitar and I'll be creating music. Uploading my music to Soundcloud and Youtube. And hopefully even start a band because that's what I want to do the most!
Of course the sooner the funds the better but hey... I'll be glad if even someone donates even 1 euro.
I always wanted to be a musician to play in bands create music etc. I had some experience with that. But now I'm at this point in my life when I can't afford everything that I need. I live with my girlfriend and I got to think for the both of us. I have a job that pays me 350 euros. I pay rent which is 135 euros + tax. So that kind of leave's me with 150 euros. And you have to eat you know. So... Buying what I want is just a dream to me... This is why I'm starting this fund.
I hope that some musicians will read this and understand what it's like to have dreams like this. It's really hard when it comes to music gear.
So... If someone donates I'll be really thankful! I'll maybe make a thanks video on Youtube.
Thanks for the support!!! ... gn=welcome
#252274 by GuitarMikeB
Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:19 pm
You come to a forum where you have never participated and expect strangers to just give you money?

Do you have ANY guitar right now? If so, go out and busk, get gigs, do what you can to earn some money to buy more gear. If not, then go and get a second job. I can guarantee you that no musicians who participate actively in this forum begged for their gear - we went out and did what was necessary to earn money to buy what we have. And we all have 'dream instruments' - ones we'd love but are beyond our monetary reach.
#252275 by schmedidiah
Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:46 pm
Exactly. This could be any Nigerian scammer looking to fund weapons, drugs or slavery. Can you prove you're who or what you say you are? Facebook? Anything?
#252278 by schmedidiah
Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:55 pm
I'm not a Christian. I'm not a beggar, either. I'm just a guy who's been working my ass off since I was 15. I buy my own gear. With money I earned. I've never gone online and begged for anything. I've never stepped into a government office expecting others to pay for anything. I'd rather sell my body on the streets than do what this guy did here. But hey, that's just my opinion. :roll:
#252283 by schmedidiah
Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:41 pm
I'm probably both. What's your PIN #? :lol:
#252285 by schmedidiah
Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:24 pm
Care for a game of one pin? :D
#252286 by RGMixProject
Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:40 pm
Help Help Please I need some dream underwear

I think I just S H I T my pants

Send MONEY Lots and Lots of Money

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