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#249781 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:39 pm
Back when I was playing electric all the time, there were no "pedal boards", I had to set up all my boxes each time wiht cables, power, etc. There were no 'brick' power supplies, every pedal either had its own power cable, or it used a battery.

I'm going to be trying a combo of looper and delay soon (acoustically!) so I know the 9v 300mA supply I have is ok to use for both, but I have read reviews about a lot of wallwart supplies that say they start adding a lot of noise/buzz when you start daisychaining pedals' power together. The $125+ brick supplies are not an option for me!

What do you use?
#249805 by schmedidiah
Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:54 pm
A lot of adapters. I used to use a Boss tuner pedal that powers about 5 other Boss pedals. That worked for about 4 years, but I started having glitches with that setup. I had a Boss delay pedal that wouldn't power up,even with a Boss adapter. The guitar shop guys told me it wasn't enough juice for a delay pedal. They were either all black or red and black back then. The red and black was the more powerful one. I hate 9V batteries, BTW. A true money pit. :x
#249807 by Planetguy
Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:45 pm
my days of using pedal boards, or even more than one or two pedals for that matter are long gone. sooo...

i don't usually use a power supply but when i do..i use a Visual Sound 1Spot. stay thirsty my friends.

#249850 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:03 pm
Some pedals now don't even have the 9v battery option (internal anyway), like my Ditto x2 looper. Batteries are a money pit, too - somtehing like $4 each for the decent coppertops. Biggest PITA is never knowing when they are going to fail, so do you replace them before every gig?

I've read a number of reviews of people saying the '1-spot' got noisy for them when they daisy-chained it's power to multiple pedals.
Right now, I'm only going to power the Ditto and a delay pedal, and the delay actually has a 200mA output jack on it, so should be no problem. But at some point I'd like to add my chorus and tuner pedals to the chain (the tuner has a 9v output jack, too). I've also got a distortion box (but it sounds like ass with an acoustic), and a 120v Morley wah/volume, plus my 15v Radial PZ-Pre preamp/DI box. Just trying to avoid having too many power cables like in the old days.
Last edited by GuitarMikeB on Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#249896 by Lizzy Janes Rescue
Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:23 am
I've got a bunch of pedals on my board and power all but the M108 EQ with two Godlyke Power-All power supplies ($30 each). They are the daisy chain type. I've been using them for years and have never had noise issues. I keep my gain based pedals out front and time based effects in the EFX loop of my modern amps ( Peavey Delta Blues, 6505+ & Egnator Tweaker 15) which I run with this board:


I run a smaller board through the front end of my vintage amps (Silvertone 1482's, Converted Masco & Stromberg Carlson tube PA's, Danelectro DM10). This one is small enough to get by with one. They have 2000mA output so you can power a lot with them.

#249920 by GuitarMikeB
Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:07 pm
Never seen that Godlyke before, for $30 sounds like a good deal - even comes with the daisy chain cables. Of course they don't have it in stock at the local GCs.
#249923 by Lizzy Janes Rescue
Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:25 pm
My first is almost 10 years old and has been completely problem free. When my power needs grew bigger than one unit could handle I started supplementing with a few single power supplies I had laying around. After a while I got tired of dealing with all the extra cables and the layout limitations they brought so I ordered my 2nd on-line from MF. I got it about 3 days later. For $30 complete with daisy chain cable and adapters they really can't be beat. I ordered a few additional adapters for mine to help reach a few hard to get to pedals. It's helped me keep things nicely organized on my board.
#250890 by Cajundaddy
Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:38 pm
I daisy chain all my pedals with a One Spot and it is quiet as a mouse with no hum or buzz. In every case where someone described problems daisy chaining pedals, they either tried to draw too much mA from the power supply or attached a pedal that was not compatible with 9VDC Negative tip devices. Crossing polarity or powering an AC pedal with DC power always goes badly. When in doubt, RTFM.
#250935 by schmedidiah
Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:38 pm
I just like leaving things plugged in. I don't have the space at the moment, not to mention my 4 year old kid thinks brightly colored boxes with knobs on the floor are his toys. Why are they still wired to drain the battery if you don't unplug them? Think about it. I have more computer power in my pocket than the Lunar Landing Module. Things are supposed to evolve. :?
#253367 by mistermikev
Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:51 pm
at one point I had 48 pedals on my board. I have a power conditioner that would sit under the top layer on my pedalboard, and I ran a couple of 1spots into that. I built a few isolation boxes for them that would break out into several jacks. pretty easy build.

Honestly with two or three pedals I wouldn't worry about it too much but running into a power conditioner wouldn't hurt and you can find em used for $20-40.
#253372 by GuitarMikeB
Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:59 pm
mistermikev wrote:at one point I had 48 pedals on my board. I have a power conditioner that would sit under the top layer on my pedalboard, and I ran a couple of 1spots into that. I built a few isolation boxes for them that would break out into several jacks. pretty easy build.

Honestly with two or three pedals I wouldn't worry about it too much but running into a power conditioner wouldn't hurt and you can find em used for $20-40.

48 pedals on one board? :D I've seen a couple of guitarists who use two separate pedalboards, A/B-ing between them, with 12-15 pedals on each. And each board has an A/B/C on it, too. Of course these guys are pros (Jesse Gress, plays with Todd Rundgren; and Carter Gravit, plays with Carbon Leaf).

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