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#207102 by JCP61
Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:51 am
anyone into vintage traynors?

a friend gave me 2 of them

one is a YB1A and the other a YBIA MK II



#207113 by GuitarMikeB
Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:46 pm
Look at those f*ing power caps - be careful!

#207253 by JCP61
Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:13 am
well it's been off for many years,

besides draining filter caps only takes a jumper and a few seconds.

#207329 by Cajundaddy
Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:24 am
A little history on Traynor amps:

They also built Yorkville PA gear which was really good working-musician quality and nearly indestructible. I used some of their monitors for a while and they sounded very smooth and natural.

#207455 by JCP61
Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:21 am
interesting, this guy is obviously a fan.
I heard they had kinda cult following.
maybe I will just restore the circuit and see how it sounds.
shame the case is so filthy.

#222895 by 335 Guy
Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:06 pm
Those are great amps built loosely on the Marshall JTM45. Get 'em cranked up and you're in marshall territory.

#222896 by Paleopete
Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:28 pm
I always like Traynor, they made some very good amps Randall too...the tube ones anyway...actually not sure if Traynor ever made any solid state amps...I know Randall did, they sucked as much as any solid state amp does...

Played at a jam session with some black guys in Louisiana a couple of years ago, one was a good friend and excellent guitar player, I did a lot of work on his guitars. Their other guitar player (also very good) was running a vintage Traynor 2x12 combo, probably 50 watts, sounded as good as my Super Reverb. Had a good time, the whole band was good, killer bass player, they kept the volume in check, played some soul stuff I wasn't familiar with and some gospel, and got me to play some blues and rock stuff too. I kept listening to that Traynor all night just wishing I could find just might trade places with my Super at a gig or three...

#223970 by Will_72908
Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:50 pm
The old Traynors were built like tanks. Quality and durability. the YBA series is a bass amp, but hey... the Fender Bassman is supposed to be a bass amp too, yet the Bassman is the basis of the early Marshalls (JTM's) and are quite popular with regular guitarists.

The new Traynors are more budget/beginner amps and are solid-state from what I've seen.

#224192 by Lizzy Janes Rescue
Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:01 pm
Wow, that is one hell of a good friend!

YBA-1's are excellent amps that sound fantastic and were very solid amps. They have high quality Hammond Transformers in them, not the crap you find in amps today. People used to buy these as a lower cost but every bit as good option to Marshalls back in the day. They have come up in cost some due to the cat being out of the bag but are still very reasonable by comparision. Those will be made better than any modern Marshall. Maybe you can cut a deal with a trustworthy tech to restore one for you for the the other......if it even needs anything. I would just replace those filter caps and let it rip. I doubt it needs any more than that. Whatever you do don't give away any of that vintage glass. They probably have high dollar Mullards in them. GREAT SCORE!!!

This is what you should expect to get straight in and cranked:

#232054 by Soundchaser59
Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:44 pm
Traynor does make some solid state budget amps, and I believe they are made over seas.

However, they still make all tube amps in Canada, and they are fine amps. The YCV20WR is nothing to sneeze at. The YCS100 is a very affordable 3 channel amp with independent controls on all 3 channels, including independent fx loop.

I'm not affiliated, I just have a appreciation for the amps. The best price on a new Traynor is thru, Cy will work with you to get an amp for 60% list + shipping. He used to have the price list on his web site, but I don't see that there any more. If you have money to burn then Andy Fuchs will mod your old Traynor and you will never look back!

Nice find on the old gear there. The demos I found sound great!
#237675 by mattthom
Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:56 am
I run a 1973 traynor ygl mark 3 head through an Orange 2x12 and it is just stunning. I own a Les Paul Standard, SG standard, and an early 80's MIJ telecaster, the Traynor really let's the characteristics of each guitar shine. There are such thick and creamy tones in these amp. I love em! I am looking to pick up a vintage combo and bass amp.

How do you like the amps you scored? I've played guitar through both and just adore them. You've got a good damn friend!

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