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#168251 by jw123
Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:27 pm
I have a POD PRO preamp and footpedal.

So yesterday afternoon I ran it into the effects return on my Triple res running thru 2 4x12s and just had a blast trying all the different amp types that are in there and tweaking them.

It seems when I play live I tend to rely on one basic amp tone, so it was cool to page between Fender, Marshal, Mesa, Soldano tones into my amp.

If any of you have preamps with different amp types I would recomend some time when you have time to sit down and experiment with different amps this way.

It was very enlightening, and I may just use this setup next gig so I will ahve some differences in my guitar tones. It kinda gets boring to my ears when I use the same tone all night, and when I see other bands that just have a basic tone, its cool to think on changing it up from song to song.

Just thought I would share, I had that rig set up all day, and I probably played a total of 6 hours yesterday just expirementing with it.

On a side note, for you guys into recording a POD is a great way to get different amp tones in a small rig.

Keep On Rockin

#168277 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:11 pm
Some guitarists don't like the Line 6 amp emulations, but I've been using Gearbox and PodFarm for years and picked up a Spider IV amp last year - the ability to switch sounds (above and beyond changing out guitars) is great!

#168279 by jw123
Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:22 pm
Mike I dont like the base emulations, but if you tweak them some, get rid of that syrupy reverb and delay it really allows you to play with different amp tones.

I basically from my research know that for rocking out I prefer a JCM 800 voicing more than anything, but I got a huge kick out of playing with some clean settings and adding tremelo, chorus, flanging sounds, its cool cause I can put a wet sound and a dry sound side by side in the banks and switch back and forth, the hardest part to me it getting your channels leveled out so they switch seemlessly between each other.

I just think for the price of a effects pedal you can get a preamp to let you know what various amps sound like, I played with a VOX AC30 sounds ala Brian May tones, kinda cool, dont know if I would use those or not.

Ive kinda gotten the idea that I would like to get a Mesa 20:20 stereo power amp and rack mount it and the POD PRO together, then I could run stereo into my 4x12, think it would be a cool deal.

#168282 by J-HALEY
Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:08 pm
John, the only thing I don't like about those modeler's is no feedback! I gots to have me some feedback! You know, at the end of a song when you lean down close to your amp and you get that BEAUTIFUL tube driven feedback. When I get that I grab the whammy bar, shake it YEAH BUDDY! :wink:
Seriously I have a Johnson Marquis modeling type amp. It gets all the cool sounds & effects. I used it for YEARS. No feedback and it sounds a little thin for me. I use it for personal practice at home now. 8)

#168299 by GuitarMikeB
Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:45 pm
It does seem that the reverb is turned up on every model. In the software, I just click the reverb off. On my Spider, I just dial it off if I haven't saved the sound that way. If you play with the delay settings, they can get pretty good. One of the presets on the Spider is Gilmour's Comfortably Numb lead sound, with an excellent delay to it, even playing this tone with my acoustic with Markley pickup sounds awesome!

As for the feedback - the Spider (I've got the 75 with a single 12") does a great job. WIth the right amp tone settings, I get great feedback even from my 72 Tele, which would do nothing but squeal like a stuck pig with my old Fender Bandmaster with 2-12s.

#168356 by Starfish Scott
Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:54 pm
J-HALEY wrote:John, the only thing I don't like about those modeler's is no feedback! I gots to have me some feedback! You know, at the end of a song when you lean down close to your amp and you get that BEAUTIFUL tube driven feedback.

This is exactly why I don't use POD stuff or the GSP 2101 artist or any other modeling equipment.


If she doesn't wail, then there is no wind in my sail.


#168362 by jw123
Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:23 pm
Haley and Capt what I found out with my POD running it thru my amp, I just turn off the noise gate and it rings feedback just like my amp does.

You just have to tweak on these things to make them work the way you want them too.

I see all sorts of people asking what amp to get for what sound. Of course Im partial to Mesa's, but if someone doesnt really know what they want, units like these would be a good starting point to figure out what amp you want without paying for the real thing, plus for simple recording and practicing with headphones, they are cool.

Im still tweaking on mine, Ive just about got all the banks filled, and I think the next gig Im gonna use it, just for different tones on the fly.

My only problem is should I run thru my pedal board into it, so I will have those tones on hand, my main thing is my whammy, the POD does all the other things I use.


ussually Im just wondering weather I should wear leather pants or not

#168365 by Starfish Scott
Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:28 pm
jw123 wrote:Haley and Capt what I found out with my POD running it thru my amp, I just turn off the noise gate and it rings feedback just like my amp does.

OMG reallllly?? Oh shiiiiiiiiit. lol

I was messing with a POD XT 2.0 and I didn't find that at all.

Matter of fact, that's what I tried to do with the GSP 2101.

And you can't turn off the noise gate on that puppy.
(whimper) lol

#168367 by jw123
Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:26 pm
Capt my POD has a button on the front and the noise gate is engaged all the time unless you hit the button, you can get that long drawn out sustain like an amp.

Thru the years I was always a plug in and play kinda guy, but I have been learning to take a little more time with whatever Im using for an amp and get the most out of it.

But I could just set it on that JCM 800 voicing and with the volume on the guitar play anything I want on it!

But its neat to try different amps and A/B them against each other.

Capt the question it too tweak or not to tweak, these days Im a tweaker!

#168374 by Starfish Scott
Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:25 pm
lol rgr that.

I tweak so much, people want to setup my amp for me.

sh*t, if they are going to go to that trouble I just usually let them.
If they think that's advantageous, why delude them with the truth?>

"Give me whatever crayon you want me to color with and gtfo of my way". lol

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