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#4656 by AJ6stringsting
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:24 am
I just made some cool discovery and want to share my results. I put (in order) S.Duncan Pick up Booster , a Hush Pedal (noise reduction unit) and a BBE Stomp Sonic in the effects loop of my old trusty Digitech RP-1 . I assigned a MIDI toggle number to activate the needed boost , thus getting rid of the thud when turning on the booster if I had it in the main line of the signal path. The hush unit cleans up any excess hiss or other noise while the BBE sculps the tone. Man, I'm happy that I finally got my dream tone when I solo and found a way to boost with out any sound man's assistance/hinderence!!!! 8) :D :wink: .... if you got any cool tonal discoveries post them and share. :)

#4937 by Blashyrk
Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:23 pm
I had a tough time recording my guitar into my 4 track analog recorder. I was plugging the distortion pedal straight into the recorder, it was horrible. I like my disortion muddy (cause i use Digitech Death metal) and my solos can be heard, but it was too much crunch, like so much crunch to make the speakers crunch.

So I bought a mic about 2 weeks ago to mic my cab up into the recorder, mic cable and a mic stand. I used it that very night, no difference except the horrible crunch was gone which was good. I was playing through a guitar research 10 watt amp and sounded real good through the mic. I was still not pleased with the sound.

I finally found out that my Crate Powerblock has an XLR Lineout. I plugged the mic cable into the head, and into the recorder. CAPTURES MY SOUND PERFECTLY.!

I love the Crate Powerblock so much cause of that!

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