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Anyone have a new Gretcsh Electromatic?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:01 am
by Guest

Specifically, a Pro Jet , Double J
et or Special Jet.
Please let me know all about it. I'm thinking I want one but havn't had the chance to demo one yet.
(GC is 2 hrs away)
Lookiing for a good inexpensive axe for rock, country rock, alt country.
Have played a bunch of teles, but none speak to me except a very expensive one(52 Reissue). I like my cheap Roge tele copy about as good as most of the affordable teles I've played, better really, exept for the pickups. I hate to put $200 worth of pus in a $100 guitar, seems dumb.
I like the feel of a Gibson, and would prob get a LP deluxe (mini humbkrs) but wify will never stand for that.. I'm bored with the sound of Epi LPs (Dots too for that matter, same boring pus).
Like the Ibanez semi solids as far as playability but hate the pus.
Thinking the Elecrtomatic Jets might just be the ticket, don't really wanna hassel with mods if I can help it. If I get an Epi or an Ibanez, new pus are a given.
I'm hearing the Electromatic Pro Jets have a nice sound, hubuckers, but with some high end sparkle, and I like the idea of the 24.6 neck. I played a Electromatic Hollowbody that I thought was really nice, but I'm not really wanting a full hollow, would prefer a little more upper neck access.

So please tell me all about your Pro and Double Jets!