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#36792 by caseyxcreeper
Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:49 am
I was wondering if there was any way to get instrumentals for the songs I like.... I know I can go the Karaoke route, but would much rather have the song with no vocals what so ever. I have also heard of software, but I know it can only turn the vocals down. Any ideas?

#36833 by gbheil
Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:58 pm
? Whats the point ? Maybe if I understood what you are after better I could make suggestion. Not being a jerk here, I just dont understand why you would want to instrumentalise music that was intended to support lyrical content.

#36837 by caseyxcreeper
Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:49 pm
Because I have an offer to make a good amount of money singing twice a week at a resturaunt, I don't play an instrument and I need background music. I played with my band there, they said it was to loud, this seems like the only possible way to make it work and I need the $$, So I wanted to know If anyone knew how I could get some instrumentals.

#36854 by gbheil
Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:57 pm
OK. That makes sense. You could filter with Audacity I suppose. But why not find a way to attenuate the sound pressure created by the band?
With an electronic Drum Kit and a simple PA you could control your levels down as softly as you can sing. Of course then you dont get all the $ for just you. Or record your band doing the covers for you.

#37068 by Andragon
Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:36 pm
Either that or go acoustic with a friend or something.
Google is your friend. Try to search for instrumentals n karaoke versions of your songs, but it's pretty difficult from my own experience.

#147376 by drag57
Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:45 pm
a decent keyboard player would fill most all your needs.

#164057 by Ritchie Irock
Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:18 pm
Cassidiaa, try , a site that allows you to mix the trax without the lead vocal in mp3 format. I did a solo act for a while but I gave it up because I was using midi files and the drums just sounded too mechanical. But with mp3 files it just sounds like a cd of your music with your voice on top. You can get free trax or buy custom tracks at this site so I'm using them for my project and it sounds great. Give them a listen and tell me what you think. Good Luck!!! RK

#167127 by Emilyangel
Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:31 am
a decent keyboard player would fill most all your needs.
It's right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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