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#164757 by joshuatrax
Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:58 am
I frickin love it with every ounce of my soul !

#165592 by AzureProfile
Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:50 am
I have a Hellraiser Diamond Series with the EMG 81/85 combo. It's a really good guitar; solid and well-built. While the tone is wonderful, it's a bit limited in versatility. Contrary to what most people use Shecters for, I don't really like mine for metal. I use the overdriven active pickups to get a really smooth breakup for blues and cleanish songs. I like my metal razor sharp, and the pickups are just too muddy for me for that.
But pickups aside, the guitar itself is a beautiful instrument, nice and heavy!

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