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#4536 by RhythmMan
Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:48 pm
How about creating a new chat room just for bands looking for musicians?
In the General Chat room, sometimes, someone will be looking for an answer to a post.
But then you get bands from kalamazoo, sing-sing, and East Overshoe posting ads for band members.
And, I don't blame them . . .
But all these ads push all the other postings down the page, out of sight, and effectively - out of circulation. . .
But - ads and discussions are two very different things.
Bands are always going to be looking for members - how about giving them a place to do it?
Those that are looking for band members will go to your 'forum central,' where we can choose which forum to go to.
By looking at the bells, they can tell with a glance if there's any new postings for band members, or from musicians looking . . .
. . . just a thought . . .

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